Crafty Bitch
> Thejoeylulu
DIY Hand Stamped Swaddle Blankets. I can't believe I only have a month (or less) left before our bitty baby girl arrives! I've been trying to do my best to prepare for her arrival amidst all the many things going on here - back-to-school, illustration work, blogging and more! Little by little things are starting to look like a baby just might be coming to stay in our home soon.
Last week I decided to create a few hand stamped swaddle blankets made out of a gauzy muslin fabric. I like how simple they were to do and how graphic they turned out. To make these I cut up large squares of muslin fabric. The trick for me was to apply the paint to the stamp with a paint brush before stamping onto the muslin.
After hand stamping the blanket to my liking, I hemmed the edges of the muslin. I then created another one from a pretty salmon pink fabric found on my LA Fabric District shopping spree (I think it's the same fabric as Dana used in her tutorial! Rain drops? Now to find a crib...and perhaps a rocking chair...and...
DIY – Map Wallet. This beautiful wallet is made out of a map. I made it for my boyfriend for valentines day. Of course you could make it with any paper you really like. It’s really easy to make, so let’s get started! The full instruction continues after the jump . . .
What you need - a map or some other pretty paper - transparent self-adhesive foil (contact paper) - a ruler - a pencil - a sewingmachine How you make it Start with drawing the following rectangles on your paper: - 20 cm x 10 cm - 3 cm x 5 cm - 12 cm x 10 cm - two times 8 cm x 10 cm - 6 cm x 10 cm - 4 cm x 10 cm Take the self-adhesive foil and put it on the front and the back of your paper. The 20×10 is the base of your wallet.
Shop women's t-shirts, hoodies, pullovers, and tanks | Threadless Girly. Truebluemeandyou.tumblr. 43 DIY Ways To Add Some Much-Needed Sparkle To Your Life.
Makeup Tips, Beauty Reviews, Tutorials | Miss Natty's Beauty Diary Blog: Step by Step Smokey Taupe Eyeshadow Tutorial!
One of my favorite eyeshadows is MAC Satin Taupe. It's a really pretty frosty taupe (gray brown) that looks great with a variety of looks. It looks amazing paired with brown and burgundy - One of my favorite ways of wearing it is by applying a dark brown base to my lids and layering Satin Taupe over top, to intensify and slightly deepen the color, then apply a soft golden brown through the crease, and a reddened brown through the outer-v. The burgundy mixed with the taupe almost gives off a slightly mauve/plum tone that really brings out the green in my eyes. I'll be doing just that in this tutorial, but I'm making the look a bit more dramatic by adding black eyeshadow and liner. To make this look more daytime appropriate: The black shadow, liner and faux lashes are what really intensify this look, so for something a little lighter and more wearable during the day, skip step 7, 9, 10 and 12.
Misc:MAC Quite Natural Paint Pot was used to fill in my brows I hope you enjoyed this tutorial!
Ballet Boot Camp: Barre Fitness. Happy Halloween! + DIY Skull Cookie Cutters. Are you getting excited for Halloween? We are! We had so much fun creating our DIY Sidewalk Skulls, we couldn't help but recreate them into edible cookie pops. First we made DIY skull cookie cutters. All you need is a circular cookie cutter (about 4" in diameter) and pliers (optional). Simply pinch the sides with your fingers, or use pliers to create a more defined bend. Using this recipe from Sweetapolita, our sugar cookies were perfectly prepared and held our cookie pops with pride.
Bake a batch and bring these to work or to Halloween parties! For more fabulous DIY ideas, visit our website here!
Bleach Drawing Fabric DIY. I have been wanting to try bleach painting on fabric for a while now, and I finally had the time ( and dress) to do it. I bought this simple black dress for only 4 euros and wanted to spice it up a bit and the cheapest way to do that is by painting with bleach. It's incredibly easy and fun to do. Here's the tutorial: Before you begin: Be careful with what you're wearing, unless you want to bleach your entire outfit ;) And apologies for all the cat hairs, white cat's and a black dress just don't match... 1. 2. 3. 4.
All done! Images by Jasmijn. Harry Potter Mixology: Fred, George, Luna, Neville, Draco Cocktail Concoctions | Little Pink Blog. Day Spa Apple Cinnamon Water- 0 calories | Lose Weight by Eating!
Did you know both apples and cinnamon raise your metabolism? This is the ORIGINAL Day Spa Apple Cinnamon Water Recipe which I first published in April of 2012! It has now become an internet sensation and millions of people have tried and loved it.
Try this now famous drink and any day can feel like fall. Fuji and Honey Crisp apples work best as they are the sweetest. Lose weight with fruit infused water! This recipe has helped 1000′s of people lose weight! Makes 2 liters, re-fill water 3-4 times before replacing apples and cinnamon. Ingredients: Get started: Drop apple slices in the bottom of the pitcher (save a few to drop in your glass later) and then the cinnamon stick. Cover with ice about 1/2 way through then with water. Nutrition information: Each serving (approximately 1 glass) has: Calories: 0Fat: 0Fiber: 0Protein: 0Carbs: 0 I made this for the FOOD NETWORK!! Click the above picture for a Step By Step Video on how to make this delicious Metabolism Boosting Drink. Like this: Related. The Sasse Life: Glitter Wine Glasses.
When I saw this on Something Turquoise, I had to make these as soon as possible. Instead of using the Martha Stewart Glitter Paint, I used Mod Podge and Martha Stewart glitter. Excuse the terrible pictures, I used my iPhone. I'm ordering a new camera this weekend. After applying the glitter, I let it dry alittle. I then added some Mod Podge to seal the glitter. I have had some emails about how they wash, so I thought I would do an update.
Beach Heya Craft Supplies items - Get great deals on 11mm, 12mm, 9mm, 10mm items on eBay Stores!
DIY | T Strap Bra. Who doesn't love all those sheer tops, blouses and loose transparent knits? Well. When I have run to catch my train with the knowledge that my fashionable bra has no straps all that love kind of disappears for a moment. But there is no need to hate anymore though, a few beautifully placed black lines give endless layering possibilities and practicality.
I'm even thinking about wearing this one over a tee. This DIY is a simple one: Attach a some broad elastics to your strapless bra.I chose to do a simplistic T shape for my straps.
DIY Heart Shape Elbow Sweater | My Little Secrets | A Canadian DIY and Fashion Blog. Lightweight sweaters are my staples during the fall season. The weather during this time of the year in Toronto is very unpredictable, lightweight sweaters are great for layering and perfect on its own.
After seeing this ASOS version and inspired by this DIY version from HonestlyWTF, I decided to tackle a version of my own with this season’s favourite burgundy plum color. I opted for a super easy and super inexpensive version and opted for felt fabric we’re all accustomed to from our childhood craft projects. Here is what you will need: a lightweight sweater (I got mine from Joe Fresh in black)Jewel-It glue (I got mine from Michael’s)a piece of felt fabric in your favorite color (I got mine from The Dollar Store, 3 for $1)tapescissorspena piece of paper Start by folding a piece of paper in half then tracing half a heart shape onto the paper. Open up your heart shape and see if you’re happy with it. Open up your hearts and see if you’re happy with the shape. Start with the marked sleeve.
SPLIT DECISION. Post + photos by amy nadine, graphic design by eunice chun This lovely look is an homage to Raquel Welch from the 1960’s and is actually easier than it seems if you just break it down.
Your friends will be so impressed! Here’s all you need to do: TOOLS: You’ll need a flesh-toned shadow, a brown or grey kohl pencil for the crease, a Q-tip, a black kohl pencil for the lash line, an angled liner brush, a black liquid liner, a black eyeshadow, a white longwear pencil, concealer, concealer brush, pressed face powder, mascara, Winks faux lashes and eco-friendly lash glue. Yes that’s a lot! But hopefully most of them you already have! STEPS: 1. Then pair it with a nude lip for a Sixties feel! Related posts:
Truebluemeandyou.tumblr. DIY Audrey Inspired Cape. I admit, that capes are a very intimidating thing. You know what else is intimidating? A sewing machine. Well I am on a roll today friends of kicking intimidation in the face. You know what inspired me? Mind you, I agree that nothing can beat fur and organza.....or Audrey. Materials: 1 yard fabric (Tweed is great because you don't need to sew a lining.) 4 yards Velvet Ribbon - 1 inch width (Find at Hobby Lobby or MJTrim) 2 Buttons 2 Hook and Latch Clasps Fabric Scissors All instructions included on the infographic:) If you want to print or email, download it here.
I have let you all off easy so far with super simple DIY's. Have a happy weekend ahead! Love, Anna In case you missed it on IHOD: P.S.
DIY hanging jewelry holder. When I moved out here….there were a few crucial things I forgot to bring, just under Oli’s birth certificate and Beck’s passport, I forgot almost all of my jewelry. The first thing that ran through my mind was….I’ll just buy some then I will be fine…no worries. Well, now that I’ve finally got a few pieces here, I desperately needed a place to put them and a pretty way to hang them (away from the babies). Poshlocket has recently made me one of their tastemakers and has asked me to do a tutorial on how to hang their pretty jewelry in a pretty way – so I came up with an inexpensive hanging jewelry holder made from a mesh strainer, yes a strainer.
Your jewelry can now not only make you pretty, but make your room pretty too! Supplies: metal mesh strainer (i bought mine at the dollar store) fishing wire or chain (mine holds up to 30lbs) 3/4″ or 1″ S hooks (buy as many as you have necklaces and plus some) scissors needle nose pliers and/or wire cutters screw-in hook Instructions: 1. and 2. 3. 4. 5.
DIY Anthropologie-Inspired Photo Transfer Polaroid Shirt with Mod Podge. It's no secret on this blog that I am a huge fan of good old Mod Podge, so when I got the chance to review some of Plaid's new products in the Mod Podge line, I was really excited. Those Mod Podge scientists have been concocting some really cool new formulas. :) Some of the new ones: There's now Outdoor Mod Podge, Antique Mod Podge, "Dimensional Magic" Mod Podge that behaves a lot like resin for jewelry-making, Hard Coat Mod Podge, Super Gloss Mod Podge, and so many more.
For this project, I used the incredible Photo Transfer Mod Podge, and I was seriously blown away by the results. If only I had known this stuff existed earlier. Le sigh. Here is my inspiration: My version: I bought my shirt at Goodwill, and I chose to go with a chambray shirt instead of a white one because white shirts tend to be short-lived in my closet. ;) -Shirt -Photo Transfer Mod Podge -Fabric Mod Podge (Optional. First you need to cut out the photo and lay your shirt out flat. And now to the magic part.
And voila!
Wrap Skirt made from a Circle Skirt. Cotton & Curls —
11mm, 12mm, 9mm, 10mm items in Beach Heya Craft Supplies store on eBay!
How to make an embroidered pincushion (funny sugar skull).
Today is a good day to try to make some funny sugar skull pincushions or ornaments. It's The Day of the Dead! Dia de los Muertos. Don't be scared! I had a lot of good time making them, I flew away with my imagination. I don't use a pattern for the decoration just follow my own instinct. You will be surprised with the result. Let me show you my easy way to make them. Materials: -Craft recycled felt ( little pieces ) -Embroidery Thread -Stuffing -A piece of paper to draw your skull pattern -Some beads, ribbon, for extra decoration.
First you have to draw your own skull design in a piece of paper. After you cut the first side of the skull start making the decoration. I start first making the eyes and then the teeth. Then the flowers in the eyes. and more decoration till I feel happy with it. After you finished your embroidery put the other piece of felt at the back of the head. Cut the second piece of felt following the shape of your skull. Voila! Orange beauty! Black Sexy! Hot Baby!
Hideous! Dreadful! Stinky!: Shrink Plastic Geometric Pendants Tutorial!
I recently became obsessed with the idea of layered, geometric necklaces. I wanted to make some for myself, but I don’t have the supplies and equipment to make metal or wooden jewelry.
And then it hit me – Shrinky Dinks! Of course! Here’s how I did it… Get the full tute after the jump. The Fine Print: Please remember that all tutorials, patterns and projects on Hideous! MATERIALS & SUPPLIESPendant Templates PDFRuff N’ Ready Shrinky DinksCraft paints in choice of colors and finishes (matte, glossy, etc.)Metallic craft paint (I used this one)Metal chainSplit ringsPaper bagCookie sheetScissors or Xacto knifeStandard hole punchJewelry wire cuttersFlat needle nose pliersNecklace clasps (optional-for shorter necklaces) The first thing you’ll need to do is print out the template I made of different geometric shapes. So, cut out your templates out and use them to cut out your Ruff N’ Ready Shrinky Dink sheets. Follow the instructions on your shrink plastic packaging to shrink the pendants.
Kindle cover. Toy-A-Day. Ruffled Black and White Drum Shade.
Beaded heart necklace. Ruffled Black and White Drum Shade. Beaded heart necklace. Freezer paper stencil tutorial. What I Wish I Could Do…
String Art for a Beachy Room. The Monster Factory « StitchPunk. Guest Post: Inspired by Valerie Boy. Love/Magic. KNOW AND TELL CRAFTS: PAINTING WITH LIGHT!
Paper Bag Skirt…….{{and hidden mistake}}
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Sarah’s snowflake panels + light. How to Red Riding Hood. Unique Handmade Stocking Stuffer Ideas. How to Make a Cape. Faux sushi birthday cake . how to-sday. Free Pattern – Grumpasaurus. Special Stars. A geometric kind of love. DIY – Painted leather bag. Tie Dye Instructions. Hack Attack: Build your own DVR. Red Riding Hood Cape Pattern. Make a Devil Costume. Carry on...Carry on...: DIY Lace Applique Pumps. KNOW AND TELL CRAFTS: MAKE YOUR OWN T-SHIRTS!
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Grandma's Garden- Crayon Art. From panka with love: Glowing jar project - varázslat a lakásban (EN/HU)
How to Make Cherry Blossom Lights. Smokey Eye Bridal Tutorial. Cut Out + Keep | Make and share step-by-step craft tutorials - StumbleUpon. DIY: Necklace Holder. Tutorial: Valentine's Day Sequin Heart Pin. DIY Kimono Jacket + Hood. Triple Word Score! 5 Ways to Reuse Scrabble Tiles. Nail Art: Glam Rock Nails. Fourth of July Star Jars. Make: Cup Flowers. Mason Jar Strand with Lights Half Pint Jars par sweetteaclothingco. How to Make a Paper Chandelier. DIY : Workout T-Shirt.
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2 Ways to Turn a Men’s Shirt into a Chic Shirt Dress. Galaxy Converse | The Sparkle Collective. Free Long Cape Pattern. How to create a mixed media journal cover. 5 Ways to Turn Old Hoodies into Hip New Threads.
DIY Halloween Sidewalk Skulls. Dolce and Gabbana inspired thrift store blazer. Painted Tights DIY. Lace Crowns -- Quick Microwave Method. Two Tone Chunky Chain Necklace |
Handmade Costume Series: DIY Baby Hedgehog Costume Tutorial. Googly Eyes Halloween Wreath. Chain Bracelet (Part 2)
Bullion Crest Tuxedo Flats |
Craft Pond » Blog Archive » Chevron Beaded Necklace Tutorial. 2 Ways to Turn a Men’s Shirt into a Chic Shirt Dress. How to Make 3 Super Simple Wrap Bracelets.