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Everything you wanted to know about JavaScript scope. Regular Expressions. By Sam Hughes Regular expressions ("regexes") are supercharged Find/Replace string operations.

Regular Expressions

Regular expressions are used when editing text in a text editor, to: check whether the text contains a certain pattern find those pattern matches, if there are any pull information (i.e. substrings) out of the text make modifications to the text. As well as text editors, almost every high-level programming language includes support for regular expressions. In this context "the text" is just a string variable, but the operations available are the same. But what are they? A regular expression is just a string. I had a \S+ day today [A-Za-z0-9\-_]{3,16} \d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d v(\d+)(\. The string is actually an extremely tiny computer program, and regular expression syntax is a small, terse, domain-specific programming language. Every regular expression can be broken down into a sequence of instructions. There are also significant variations in implementation. Mattdesl/promise-cookbook.


jQuery UI Events Cheatsheet. While creating the accessible multi-level dropdown navigation, I had to think a lot about which jQuery events were applicable for desktop vs mobile and mouse vs keyboard.

jQuery UI Events Cheatsheet

I created a little cheatsheet for myself to reference, which turned out to be quite useful and so I thought I would share it. The UI Events The "UI" events I was looking to were events which invole the user interacting with an element. Here is an overview of the events - Responding User Interactions The way these events are organised in the jQuery documentation can be a bit confusing. Here is a list of the UI events and which types of user interaction each can be triggered by - Screen Tap Interactions Screen taps are treated very similarly to clicks. As a test, I chained all the events which can be triggered by a screen tap. $('.test').on('click mousedown mouseup mouseenter mouseleave mousemove mouseout mouseover', function(event) { $('#output').append('<li>'+event.type+'</li>'); return false; }) Keyboard Interactions.

Online regex tester and debugger: JavaScript, Python, PHP, and PCRE. JS Comparison Table.

JS Tools

Top 10 ES6 Features Every Busy JavaScript Developer Must Know. I recently went to HTML5 Dev conference in San Francisco.

Top 10 ES6 Features Every Busy JavaScript Developer Must Know

Half of the talks I went to were about ES6 or, as it’s now called officially, ECMAScript2015. I prefer the more succinct ES6 though. Top 10 ES6 Features Every Busy JavaScript Developer Must Know. Understanding JavaScript OOP - Quils in Space. Now that we're able to inherit properties from other objects and extend the specialised objects to define their own behaviours, we have a little problem: what if we actually wanted to access the parent behaviours that we just overwrote?

Understanding JavaScript OOP - Quils in Space

JavaScript provides the Object.getPrototypeOf function, that returns the [⁣[Prototype]⁣] of an object. This way, we have access to all properties defined within the prototype chain of an object. So, accessing a property in the parent of an object is quite simple: So, a naïve solution for applying a method stored in the [⁣[Prototype]⁣] of an object to the current one, would then follow, quite naturally, by looking the property on the [⁣[Prototype]⁣] of this: This looks all good and well, but there's a little catch: it will enter in endless recursion if you try to apply this approach to more than one parent.

So, the last example becomes: Still, this has quite some short-commings. Likewise, we can't just apply the function to any object. Free Code Camp's Learn to Code Blog: 25 Free Resources for New JavaScript Developers. We asked our campers to share their favorite free resources for new JavaScript developers on Camper News.

Free Code Camp's Learn to Code Blog: 25 Free Resources for New JavaScript Developers

The list includes some time-tested books as well as podcasts and videos you may not have heard of yet. Books Speaking JavaScript by Axel Rauschmayer was written to help programmers learn JavaScript quickly and properly, and also to deepen your existing skills and/or look up specific topics. Exploring ES6 covers ECMAScript 6 in great detail, but is structured so that you can also quickly get an overview if you want to. What is Code? Podcasts JavaScript Jabber is a weekly podcast about JavaScript, including Node.js, Front-End Technologies, Careers, Teams and more. This Developer's Life delves into different aspects of the life of developers. The CodeNewbie Podcast is podcast with stories from people on their coding journey. Videos Level Up Tuts born out of the need for better instructional documentation.

How to Learn JavaScript Properly. Learn JavaScript Properly (For Beginners and Experienced Programmers) This study guide, which I also refer to as a course outline and a road map, gives you a structured and instructive outline for learning JavaScript properly.

How to Learn JavaScript Properly

In fact, you will find two study guides below, one for absolute beginners and the other for experienced programmers and web developers. Understanding “Prototypes” in JavaScript. For the purposes of this post, I will be talking about JavaScript objects using syntax defined in ECMAScript 5.1.

Understanding “Prototypes” in JavaScript

The basic semantics existed in Edition 3, but they were not well exposed. In JavaScript, objects are pairs of keys and values (in Ruby, this structure is called a Hash; in Python, it's called a dictionary). A Map to Learn to Code and Become a Software Engineer. Through Free Code Camp, I built a robust and highly functional web app for a nonprofit.

A Map to Learn to Code and Become a Software Engineer

This led me to getting a fantastic job. - Meta Hirschl Free Code Camp's a great way for disabled veterans like me to retrain. I'm receiving engineering job offers, and I haven't even finished yet. - Brian Grant I started Free Code Camp with zero knowledge of web development. 6 months later, I landed my first job as a back end engineer. Eloquent JavaScript — The Annotated Version. This is an annotated version of the second edition of Eloquent JavaScript by Marijn Haverbeke, which is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution-noncommercial license.

Eloquent JavaScript — The Annotated Version

First a big thank you to Marijn Haverbeke for writing Eloquent JavaScript and distributing it for free. Like so many others, this was one of the first books that I used to learn programming and JavaScript. Why we need this: I've heard from too many people that the first few chapters have been smooth and then the middle to later chapters have been a struggle.

Free Code Camp's Learn to Code Blog: 25 Free Resources for New JavaScript Developers. Table of Contents. Page last changed today.

Table of Contents