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Small groups and Stations

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Station Rotation Model: Student Designed & Led Stations. One of the benefits of the Station Rotation Model is how easy it is to design activities at different levels to meet the diverse needs of a group of students.

Station Rotation Model: Student Designed & Led Stations

I spend a lot of time tailoring activities to support students who need additional scaffolds, but it’s important to challenge the strong students in our classrooms as well. One strategy I use to capitalize on my students’ strengths is to have them design and lead stations. I have some students who are extremely strong readers or gifted writers and other students who are incredibly tech savvy. These students are valuable resources in the class community, so I will ask them to design and run a station to share their expertise with their peers. Ideas for planning Small Group Instruction.

Ideas for planning Small Group Instruction Small Group Instruction At this point in the year, many of us have gotten a sense of our students as writers, and we can begin to see common strengths and growth opportunities.

Ideas for planning Small Group Instruction

It’s a time when small group instruction becomes an effective tool for maximizing instruction since minutes are precious. Small group instruction is highly effective when a group of students will all benefit from instruction on a specific skill.