§. Dmitri Hvorostovsky Pieta Signore. A. Stradella. Log In or Sign Up. Why Musical Aliens Probably Use the Same Scale We Do. Reliance on universal mathematical principles may mean alien music is similar to our own. by Brian Dunning Filed under Aliens & UFOs, General Science Skeptoid Podcast #513 April 5, 2016 Podcast transcript | Download | Subscribe Listen: Today we're going to take on one aspect of the popular belief that aliens from another world must necessarily be radically different from humans, not only in appearance, but also in art, literature, culture, and behavior. The basic argument is that our chromatic scale of twelve notes is based on the most fundamental fractions. Every tuned musical instrument depends on fractions. Thus, the music most likely to gain widespread acceptance across diverse segments of a population is probably going to be based on fundamental fractions.
How does dividing the day's gathering of berries among three primitive foragers translate to a universal chromatic scale? So how exactly does one turn fractions into music? That's an octave. The twist is that I lied. Burney, C. YouTube to MP3 | Download YouTube | Vixy Freecorder. Bach, Matthäus-Passion / Pasión según Mateo BWV 244. Herreweghe. Glenn Gould talks about J S Bach.
Johann Sebastian Bach: Concertos For Oboe & Oboe D'Amore. Johann Sebastian Bach - Kantaten - (BWV 54), (BWV 55), (BWV 56), (BWV 57) Don McLean - Vincent ( Starry, Sarry Night) Withs Lyrics. Juhlakampaus, joka huomataan: Opettele lettikruunu - Tyyli.com TV. Purring Cat. Pekka Streng - Sisältäni Portin Löysin. Anna mielen levätä rauhoittavissa kuvissa. Hidasta elämää -sivuston ja Evitan yhteinen valokuvakilpailu Paikka, jossa mielesi lepää on saatu päätökseen; voittajat näet tästä. Keräsimme 185 osallistujakuvasta pienen kuvagallerian maistiaisiksi. Laita rauhallista musiikkia soimaan ja palaa kesän rauhoittaviin hetkiin vaikka työpäivän lomassa! Kuva 1. Mirva Kujala: Mieleni lepää metsässä, järven/lammen rannalla, Lapissa!
Kuva 2. Suvi-Tuulia Similä: Sininen hetki mökiltä. Kuva 3. Kuva 4. Kuva 5. Kuva 6. Kuva 7. Kuva 8. Kuva 9. Kuva 10. Kuva 11. Kuva 12. Kuva 13. Kuva 14. Kuva 15. Kuva 16. Kuva 17. Kuva 18. Kuva 19. Kuva 20. Kuva 21. Kuva 22. Kuva 23. Kuva 24. Kuva 25. Winged Insects Made From Old Computer Circuit Boards And Electronics. Our society discards a lot of electronics, as they are rendered obsolete almost every day, but artists like Julie Alice Chappell, based in the UK, are there to pick up the pieces and turn them into beautiful recycled art. In her case, she turns old computer circuit boards and electronics into beautiful winged insects in a series called “Computer Component Bugs.” Show Full Text “With all their tiny components, complex circuitry and bright metallic colours I cannot help but compare them to the detailed patterns we see when we look at nature up close,” Chappell wrote in an article on permaculture.co.uk.
“I view the miniature circuit boards with the same curiosity and amazement as I view the natural world.“ Chappell is an environmentally minded artist as well – she says her work transforms “discarded and often environmentally dangerous materials to create something new and precious, keeping the art sympathetic to current environmental issues whilst developing an original making process. 25 Of The Most Truly Fascinating Photos Around The World. The Earth has so much to offer. Whether you’re in the great white north, the fear-inducing Australia or somewhere deep in the Amazon, the possibilities for greatness are endless.
Between animals, the landscape and the cultures and people we truly do live on one fascinating planet. Here are some of the most breathtaking and fascinating photos of these fascinations from around the world and throughout history. 1. Wheat and lavender. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. German troops gathered in front of the Palace of the Dukes of Burgundy. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Source: reddit/u/CCPearson| National Geographic | Oscar Ruiz 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. (via diply) Scienze Fanpage - Photos du journal. Latvian Artist Creates Elaborate Fairytale Book Covers That Are Simply Magical. May 092015 Aniko Kolesnikova is a Latvia-based designer and artist who specializes in creating fantastic book covers that are nothing short of magical!
Kolesnikova, who works under the name Mandarin Duck, uses polymer to craft book and journal covers inspired by dragons, animals, nature, and fantasy. Check out some of her amazing creations! The details are blowing me away… Enjoy! Owl Mandarin Duck Starry Eyed Indian Elephant Nature’s Footprint Frog Insect Floral Journal Seduction Skull & Roses Blue Dragon The Lighthouse What did I tell you? Mandarin Duck Credit: Mandarin Duck. Sea Stills - Ray Collins. Artist Paints Ocean Stones With Thousands Of Tiny Dots To Create Colorful Mandalas. Elspeth McLean, an Australian artist based in Canada, creates hypnotizing paintings of mandalas on smooth and perfectly round ocean stones that will soothe your soul and fill your wold with color.
She paints her beautiful explosions of color with tiny dots, which makes her works even more symmetrical and soothing. Show Full Text Beautiful stones and other artwork can be found on McLean’s Etsy shop. Tessa Hayward - Photos de la publication de Tessa Hayward... Tuk Tuk - Photos du journal.