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ASEAN. Altri ‘fondamentalismi’: il caso dello Sri Lanka - Ce.S.I. - Centro Studi Internazionali. Il Governo ha proclamato lo stato d'emergenza dopo le violenze di questi giorni.

Altri ‘fondamentalismi’: il caso dello Sri Lanka - Ce.S.I. - Centro Studi Internazionali

Lo scontro religioso tra buddisti e musulmani: un quadro con Francesca Manenti, analista desk Asia del CeSI In Sri Lanka è nuovamente emergenza: si è riacceso il conflitto religioso tra la comunità buddista e quella musulmana. Cambodia's curbs on media, freedom of expression reach alarming levels. Cambodia’s media outlets have come under relentless attack from the government and the worst may be yet to come.

Cambodia's curbs on media, freedom of expression reach alarming levels

By Umair Jamal Press freedom in Cambodia has steadily declined over the last few years, with local journalists and international media groups targeted or shut down over alleged attempts to criticize the ruling party’s policies and corruption in the government. In a statement on November 2, 57 civil society groups in the country issued a statement calling for the government to repeal or amend laws that repress the free press and to drop politically-motivated charges against journalists. Meanwhile, pro-government media outlets reportedly remain under extreme editorial pressure and must ensure everything is tacitly or explicitly approved. The current government has clamped down hard on media groups for allegedly spreading false information, calling the media’s role in the country largely “unprofessional” and saying they need to be improved.

Related. Le Cambodge ne veut plus être la "poubelle" des Etats-Unis et du Canada. AFP, publié le mercredi 17 juillet 2019 à 13h59 Le Cambodge a annoncé mercredi le renvoi de 1.600 tonnes de déchets plastiques illégaux vers les Etats-Unis et le Canada, dernier exemple de fronde des pays "poubelles" d'Asie contre les puissances occidentales.

Le Cambodge ne veut plus être la "poubelle" des Etats-Unis et du Canada

"Le Cambodge n'est pas une poubelle", a commenté Neth Pheaktra, porte-parole du ministère de l'Environnement, "les autorités sont en train de vérifier les procédures pour renvoyer ces produits là d'où ils viennent". Les déchets ont été découverts mardi lors d'une opération de contrôle de conteneurs sur le port de Sihanoukville, dans le sud du pays. Sur un total de 83 conteneurs abritant les 1.600 tonnes de déchets, 70 étaient en provenance des Etats-Unis et 13 du Canada. En mai, la Malaisie a annoncé retourner à l'envoyeur des centaines de tonnes de déchets plastique, affirmant ne plus vouloir servir de décharge pour le monde entier. How Thatcher gave Pol Pot a hand. On 17 April, it is 25 years since Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge entered Phnom Penh.

How Thatcher gave Pol Pot a hand

In the calendar of fanaticism, this was Year Zero; as many as two million people, a fifth of Cambodia's population, were to die as a consequence. To mark the anniversary, the evil of Pol Pot will be recalled, almost as a ritual act for voyeurs of the politically dark and inexplicable. For the managers of western power, no true lessons will be drawn, because no connections will be made to them and to their predecessors, who were Pol Pot's Faustian partners.

Yet, without the complicity of the west, Year Zero might never have happened, nor the threat of its return maintained for so long. Declassified United States government documents leave little doubt that the secret and illegal bombing of then neutral Cambodia by President Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger between 1969 and 1973 caused such widespread death and devastation that it was critical in Pol Pot's drive for power. I witnessed this. Ieng Thirith il passato scomodo della Cambogia. Ieng Thirith - foto La morte di Ieng Thirith, avvenuta pochi giorni orsono, riporta d’attualità un tema che forse interessa poco al grande pubblico e che molti, in Cambogia ma non solo, non amano venga approfondito.

Ieng Thirith il passato scomodo della Cambogia

Stiamo parlando del regime comunista che governò il paese del sud-est asiatico tra il 1975 ed il 1979, pochi anni ma sicuramente intensi. Le vicende dei khmer rossi permettono varie riflessioni, sia sulla Cambogia che sulla Storia più in generale. Molti sono in punti riscontrabili anche nelle vicende di casa nostra. Ma andiamo con ordine. Chi era Ieng Tirith? Tirith aveva studiato all’estero, come molti nella dirigenza dei khmer rossi. Cremazione di Ieng Thirith - Foto the Phnom Penh Post La storia del tribunale per giudicare i crimini dei khmer rossi è altamente istruttiva. Burma's Bizarre Capital: A Super-Sized Slice of Post-Apocalypse Suburbia. Driving through Naypyidaw, the purpose-built capital of Burma, it could be easy to forget that you’re in the middle of one of south-east Asia’s poorest countries.

Burma's Bizarre Capital: A Super-Sized Slice of Post-Apocalypse Suburbia

On either side of the street, a seemingly endless series of giant detached buildings, villa-style hotels and shopping malls look like they have fallen from the sky, all painted in soft pastel colours: light pink, baby blue, beige. The roads are newly paved and lined with flowers and carefully pruned shrubbery. Meticulously landscaped roundabouts boast large sculptures of flowers. The scale of this surreal city is difficult to describe: it extends an estimated 4,800 square kilometres, six times the size of New York City. Everything looks super-sized. The only thing Naypyidaw doesn’t have, it seems, is people. Welcome to one of the world’s most peculiar capital cities. In recent years, the city’s bizarre urban plan and strange emptiness has become something of an international curiousity.