Come funzionano le ricerche su Google Plus - Effettuare delle ricerche su Google Plus non si traduce in trovare qualcosa, quanto piuttosto in passare al setaccio centinaia di contenuti e filtrarli in base a cosa ci interessa davvero. Siamo abituati ad utilizzare Google per trovare vari tipi di informazioni: è in grado di trovare una risposta ad ogni domanda che ci balena per la mente. In qualsiasi forma scriviamo il nostro quesito, che sia una domanda diretta o indiretta o una lista di parole chiave, siamo certi che otterremo in cambio una sfilza di siti e articoli attinenti, in qualche modo. Ci aspettiamo quindi, dal figlio prediletto di Google, un buon motore di ricerca interno che ci permetta di trovare le informazioni che ci interessano. Ma di fatto in molti, quando sono alla ricerca di un contenuto specifico, si limitano a fare uno sforzo mnemonico per ricordare chi e dove abbia pubblicato quelle informazioni, rischiando così di perdere tempo prezioso scrollando quintali di pubblicazioni.
Se sei alla ricerca di conversazioni… 17 Things You Didn't Know Google Chrome Could Do. How to Use Google+ Hangouts for Your Business. Are you using the Google+ video hangout feature? Are you looking for some creative ideas to use hangouts? Keep reading to discover how your business can connect in a personal way with your customers using this face-to-face video conferencing tool. Hangout Features Google+ has been updating the regular Hangout features.
There used to be two distinct types of hangouts—regular and with extras—but recently some of those extra features have been added to the regular type. Here are the current features for regular video hangouts: Instant video conferencing with up to nine other peopleInvitation-only or open to the public optionConnect many cameras to your hangout video, and easily switch between them. Current hangouts with extras give you the ability to: Give the hangout a title or nameCreate a shared whiteboard presentationMake a call from inside the hangout interface The biggest advantage of using the hangouts with extras is to give the hangout a name or title. Hangouts on Air How to Get Started. Google Chrome + YouTube. Intégrer Facebook et Twitter dans Google+ 25 Google+ Tips to Enhance Your Google Plus Experience. Google has finally rolled out Google+ which is not yet another service like Google Wave and Buzz, but is an amazing and power packed social networking website which is deemed to rise very high and compete with today’s biggies ‘Facebook and Twitter’.
I tried out Google+ after getting an invite and found it really interesting, may it be its simple and cool design or the variety of features it offers. One has to accept that Google has done some really good and hard work in bringing out Google+. After all, it was their long time wish to have a Google Social Network that can dominate over the web. # Here are some useful Google+ Tips shared by Matt Cutts and users who responded to Matt’s post at Google+. All these tips are handy and let you experience the actual power of Google+ (PLUS). 1. 2. 3. (*)bold(*): Add * before and after the message. (_)italics(_): Add _ before and after the message. (-)strike-through(-): Add - before and after the message. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Ultimate Google+ Tips and Tricks | Google Plus Hacks. The latest social networking sensation, Google+ , has already gained initial appraisals from early users. Although the service is still being served on invitation basis, Google team has recorded incredible response from people across the world. Just like many other social networking sites, Google+ has its own new options, concepts and features, which may not be known to everyone who uses the internet. So, here’s the ultimate list of tweaks, hacks, tips and tricks for you to enjoy the experience of new social site from Google.
Similar to Facebook, Google+ users can write updates in Stream, which also has options to add photo, video, link and location. Along with these sharing features, you can choose different Circles to share updates with selected group of people, and if a person is not in your Circle, you can send updates through email. A Google+ user, + Frederic Lardinois , found these text formatting options – (*)bold(*), (_)italics(_) and (-)strike-through(-). 1. 2.
Another method : Foto-tutorial. Come creo la mia community su Google +? Torniamo a parlare di community e di Google+. In questo post vi avevo parlato di cosa sia una community e perché aprirne una, ora vi spiegherò come farlo. La barra a sinistra ci aiuta, come sempre Google fa di tutto per essere rapido ed intuitivo; per iniziare basta cliccare su “crea una community”. Come premesso nel post precedente è possibile (…) scegliere tra 4 livelli di visibilità: - Community pubblica in cui tutti possono entrare; - Community pubblica ma previa approvazione; - Community privata che appare nelle ricerche; - Community privata che non appare nelle ricerche. È, quindi, arrivato il momento di decidere il tipo di community che desideriamo creare. Una volta cliccato su Crea Community, è ora di darle un po’ di colore con avatar, motto, descrizione e categorie per le discussioni nelle quali gli utenti potranno cominciare a giocare.
Ma che community potrà mai essere senza utenti? Mi permetto di stilare un paio di geek-consigli:L’avatar. Viola Zaccari. [+]GooglePlus. Google+(Google plus) Google Plus: The Definitive Getting Started Guide - - Social Media Mobile Marketing For Small Businesses. 492 Flares StumbleUpon 0 Twitter 106 Google+ 304 Facebook 18 Pin It Share 33 LinkedIn 17 inShare17 Buffer 14 492 Flares × Why Google+ I am happy to report that Google Plus is now the #2 social network, after Facebook.
No longer is it saddled with the distinction of being the social network you love to hate. “Ghost Town”, “The Dead Zone”, and a host of other less than flattering names are a thing of the past. There are numerous theories abound as to why there are so many G+ haters, but my best guess is that people don’t like change. I challenge the thinking that Google+ is not a priority. 1. To start with, the “either or” mentality is shortsighted Google has known from the start that they do not need to be a replacement for Facebook, they simply need to be an alternative. 2.
The King of Search is fully aware of what people want, what they need. 3. Google understand people and their innate desire to be surrounded by like-minded individuals. 4. 5. Let me put it in simple terms. Conclusion. G+ News, Resources,Tips,Lists & Guides. Google Plus - an overview.