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Skeptic Tantrika. Being european, and lacking a TV set, I have to admit that, until now, I hardly noticed the deplorable attack against a sikh temple in Wisconsin.

Skeptic Tantrika

Let me first express my empathy with the victims and my deep conviction that violence is never the solution, regardless of the conflict. A friend pointed me to that recording of you making a few sad and regrettable, but most of all, simply incorrect claims about atheists. I would like to take the opportunity to urge you to take into account and acknowledge the following facts: I am an atheist.I do not hate god. God does not exist. Thanks for listening.

While you meditate on those facts, this might give you the opportunity to also reflect on the fact that you have blamed a whole group of people, made huge assumptions about how they feel and think, and massively contributed to hate and violence against a religious minority. Summum Phase III. 787. Dal Tantra “ai” Tantra di Diego Manzi. Society: Sexuality: Sacred Sexuality. Tantrisme. Daniel Odier - Accueil. Vijnana-Bhairava-Tantra. Lorin Roche, Ph.D. An introduction to Tantra. Mark Steinmetz.

An introduction to Tantra

Tantra Is The Opposite Of Porn – Learning How To Actually Be Intimate. We're creating a positive news network.

Tantra Is The Opposite Of Porn – Learning How To Actually Be Intimate

We need your help. What if studying tantra could heal our addiction to Porn? What if tapping into our natural abilities to experience ecstasy changes everything? Porn vs Tantra – Disturbing Facts About Modern Day Sex We Should All Consider. *Photo is called “Shiva and Shakti” and was done by AlicePopkorn Admittedly, this is a touchy subject for most people, with opinions ranging vastly in degree and ferocity.

Porn vs Tantra – Disturbing Facts About Modern Day Sex We Should All Consider

Not everyone is going to like the theory that porn may be psychologically detrimental, but is important to consider the notion nevertheless. For instance, some studies have found associations between watching pornography and a decrease in the volume of grey matter in certain regions of the brain. Living with a Tantric Mongoose - Shantam Nityama: Shiva Shakti Mandalam: Tantrik Home Page. Article : Sacred Sex. Know God.

Article : Sacred Sex

Use God. Be God “Sexual relations are a regrettable necessity, even when children are desired” - stated the Episcopal Bishops at the Lambeth Conference. Many associate sex with shame and guilt and impurity. Something to be tolerated. There is another stream of belief where sex is neither impure, nor merely a physical function. SEX AND SPIRITUALITY. Healing With Sexual Energy By Walter Last Sexuality is closely related to spirituality in several ways.


In its negative aspects of lust, sexual excess, degradation and rape, it appears as the antithesis of spirituality, and in this light it has been seen in the Christian tradition. However, in its positive aspects our sexuality can open our heart to love, and enable us to have experiences similar to meditative states and mystical bliss during or instead of an orgasm and its afterglow. In a less obvious way, sexual energies can be channeled upward to develop our energy centers or chakra system and higher energy bodies. The Return of the Alchemists Part Six: Of Tantric Bliss and Levitating Taoists - Applied Inner Alchemy by Raoul Tollmann.

In part five of this series of articles, we’ve taken a closer look at the laboratory-made Philosopher’s Stone and its ingredients.

The Return of the Alchemists Part Six: Of Tantric Bliss and Levitating Taoists - Applied Inner Alchemy by Raoul Tollmann

In what was a global premiere, I have discussed openly that radio-nuclides and mercury form the basis of this concoction, thus showing that laboratory alchemy aims at transforming some of the most dangerous toxins we know of into the fabled end-product of this art, with all its remarkable properties. The last article produced the widest spectrum of human reaction so far: Fellow alchemists were angry at me for revealing the secret that has never been published before. Friends feared for my safety. Two readers suspected I had walked off the deep end – university-chemists-turned-alchemists making artificial gold by the hundreds of pounds in Seattle, this must be pure, unadulterated nonsense, they pronounced.

Yantra. À propos des Yantra : Les Yantra sont des dessins géométriques capables de reproduire les noeuds d'énergie ou plexus qui se forment au sein de la conscience.


Ces formes géométriques sont des archétypes fondamentaux qui sont à la base de toutes formes manifestées et particulières. Elles constituent un véritable filet énergétique, fait de noeuds et de trous, qui tissent et maillent la conscience. Yantra et Yoga. Yantra: Diagrammes Mystiques, Figures Fascinantes Et Envoûtantes, Une Plongée Dans Le Mystère Du Tantrisme Indien. Cet article s’inscrit en continuation de l’article sur la Navaratri, paru à la mi-octobre sur YogaNova .

Yantra: Diagrammes Mystiques, Figures Fascinantes Et Envoûtantes, Une Plongée Dans Le Mystère Du Tantrisme Indien.

Il constitue une occasion de s’immerger un peu plus en profondeur dans la pratique tantrique indienne et dans le monde fascinant et mystérieux des Yantras. Il est bien entendu que l’on trouve des figures centrées similaires aux Yantras et aux Mandalas dans la plupart des traditions spirituelles avec divers usages : support de rituel, de méditation, de prière, élément décoratif, etc.

Cet article va se baser plutôt sur la pratique tantrique indienne, car c’est celle avec laquelle je suis le plus familiarisé. Le Yantra de la déesse Kali En guise d’avertissement, il est important de noter que l’on peut trouver dans la littérature tantrique indienne une multitude de yantras, avec des usages fort différents.

Yantra – Les Portes du Sidh. Yantra.

Yantra – Les Portes du Sidh

Par Maria Strutz, traduction & adaptation Lune. Basé sur une discussion au Treadwells bookshop, Londres 2004. Extrait du site de Phil Hine. L’auteur de ce texte possède un site web : Maria Strutz. J’ai commencé à m’intéresser aux Yantras il y a quelques années lorsqu’un ami m’a demandé de réaliser une peinture des shaktis liées au triangle central du Sri Yantra – Jnanna, Iccha et Kriya. La racine du mot yantra signifie « sustenter ». Il fait référence à la Devi (ou Déesse) sous sa forme linéaire et géométrique. Le shri yantra, l'un des yantra les plus célèbres. Mahalakshmi Laxmi Mantra & Shri Yantra Wealth Giving.