Il libro di stile di Internazionale. Riferimenti Per l’ortografia italiana si usano le versioni più recenti di dizionari come il De Mauro.
Per i dubbi grammaticali e sintattici, la Grammatica italiana di Luca Serianni. Sarà bene, comunque, sfruttare quando è possibile le competenze specifiche dei redattori. Abbreviazioni, sigle e acronimi Evitare le abbreviazioni.dottor, non dott. Spesso le abbreviazioni sostituiscono parole che possono essere semplicemente tolte, con grande vantaggio.Mr.
Attenzione: niente spazio tra le iniziali dei nomi.J.F. Nelle sigle, in maiuscolo va solo l’iniziale. L’articolo che precede una sigla va scelto a seconda del modo in cui viene pronunciata nell’uso corrente italiano: un criterio evidentemente ricco di Pdla Spd, ma l’Msil’Mit Accenti Non vanno mai confusi con gli apostrofi, neppure per le maiuscole.città, non citta’È bello, non E’ bello I francesi a volte li tolgono, a volte li aggiungono. In spagnolo l’accento è sempre acuto.El País, non El Paìs Articolo Corsivo D eufonica Numeri cento; Figure retoriche. Ambiguous Sentences. I came across this headline in the Wall Street Journal: Republicans Grill IRS Chief Over Lost Emails This type of sentence has great possibilities because of its two different interpretations: Republicans harshly question the chief about the emailsRepublicans cook the chief using email as the fuel It’s a perfect tool to: demonstrate careful reading, showcase the need for editing, and encourage creativity and divergent thinking.
Even More Meanings The ambiguous headline took me back to my college days, when a professor shared this sentence: I saw a man on a hill with a telescope. It seems like a simple statement, until you begin to unpack the many alternate meanings: There’s a man on a hill, and I’m watching him with my telescope. Untitled. Literature & Latte.
Scrivener Tips. Tell better stories. The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows. The Phrontistery: Obscure Words and Vocabulary Resources. Glossary of Literary Terms. Dizy - dizionario pratico con curiosità e informazioni utili. Thinkmap Visual Thesaurus - An online thesaurus and dictionary of over 145,000 words that you explore using an interactive map.
Miss Turbiville's Guide to Editing. Correctionsymbols. This Sentence Has Five Words.
Storytelling. How To. Writing and Journaling. About Writing. Bacheche Pinterest. Risorse e siti utili. Parole, parole, parole. Narrare. Lyll-Écriture. Contes et Ecriture. La littérature.
Publishing. Copywriting. Poesia. Atelier écriture. Scrivener. Fundamentals of Fiction, Part III: Critique Groups and Writers' Groups. Fundamentals of Fiction, Part III: Critique Groups and Writers' Groups by Marg Gilks Return to Fiction Tips & Techniques · Print-Friendly Version "You must want to enough.
Enough to take all the rejections, enough to pay the price of disappointment and discouragement while you are learning. Like any other artist you must learn your craft -- then you can add all the genius you like. " -- Phyllis A. Whitney, former Mystery Writers of America Grand Master While practice is the best way to improve your fiction-writing skills, you won't know whether you're on the right track -- what you're doing right and what you're doing wrong -- unless you get feedback. At first, while you're still feeling your way, you'll probably show your story to friends and family, who will likely offer you more in the way of encouragement than perceptive observations of the story's strengths and weaknesses. So where can you get constructive feedback? Critique groups are usually strictly business. Be brave. Bekindrewrite – write unto others as you would have them write unto you.
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Writing. Writing. Writing Skills. Writing. Writing. Writing. Writing. Writing Resources. Writing - Tips and tricks. Writing Tools. Wordsmithing. Libérer sa créativité. Writing. WRITING. Writing. Literature. Writing Quality. Write. Write. Writing. Being a Writer. WRITING. Conseil pour écrire. Raconter une histoire. Writing. Writing. Ecrire. Writing and Books. Collaboratif. Ecriture collaborative. Writing/reading. Writing and reading. Writing and Reading. WRITING. Références. Write. Writing. Writing with Ease. Writing With Ease #2. Writing With Ease #3. Writing with Ease 4...more gems. Writing /communication.
WRITING. Writing. Writing. Lyll-Écriture. Writing. Writing Stuffs. Writing. Writing. Article Écriture d'un Roman. Writing.