If I Were President... - Interactive Feature
Opinion We've heard from the media and from experts — incessantly. What if we entered a pundit-free zone? THERE’S a near-total disconnect between our real, large, urgent problems and the who’s-up-who’s-down cage match that is the daily bread of our pundit class.
Harry T. Burn
Harry Thomas Burn, Sr. (November 12, 1895 – February 19, 1977)[1] was a member of the Tennessee General Assembly for McMinn County, Tennessee. Burn became the youngest member of the state legislature when he was elected at the age of twenty-two. He is best remembered for action taken to ratify the Nineteenth Amendment during his first term in the legislature. Education[edit]
Take Back the Senate, Senators
The current condition of the Senate constitutes a national emergency. Not long ago, Americans looked to the Senate to be, in Walter Mondale’s words, the “national mediator,” reconciling regional and ideological differences through thoughtful legislating, serious debate, hard bargaining and principled compromise. Today, however, after a 20-year downward spiral, the once great Senate is polarized, paralyzed and dysfunctional. Last month, as she announced her decision to retire, Olympia Snowe, Republican of Maine, described a Senate that “routinely jettisons regular order,” “serially legislates by political brinksmanship” and “habitually eschews full debate and an open amendment process in favor of competing, up-or-down, take it or leave it proposals.”
Larry J. Sabato's Crystal Ball
House 2018: Less Than a Year Out, Race for Control Is a Coin Flip 25 ratings changes, mostly in Democrats’ favor Kyle Kondik, Managing Editor, Sabato's Crystal Ball November 30th, 2017 In the aftermath of the 2014 midterm election, when the party that didn’t hold the White House (the Republicans) gained ground in the House for the 36th time in 39 midterms since the Civil War, I wrote the following in the Center for Politics’ postmortem on the election, The Surge: Practically speaking, though, House Democrats might have to root for the other party in the 2016 presidential race. Why?
Congressional Performance
Congressional Performance Incumbents, Beware: Just 29% Think You Deserve Reelection to Congress Email this
Social Studies Resources
On this page you will find links and resources for web based resources related to the Social Studies curriculum. (Updated: 04-15-11) History Resources 1.) For U.S.
Norway’s Greatest Vulnerability Is Also Its Greatest Strength
The unspeakable horror of this weekend’s massacre in Norway is exaggerated exponentially by terrorist Anders Breivik’s abuse of one of civil society’s most distinctive features: the trust that the public places in law enforcement. And Norway may be particularly vulnerable to such a breach, as a country with a particularly deep faith in its the integrity of its institutions. Norway’s best civil qualities, in this case, also made it most vulnerable to the worst impulses of this killer. Like its fellow Scandinavian countries, Norway is near the top of the world’s charts in many enviable ways: high standard of living and productivity, high levels of happiness, impressive longevity, low levels of economic inequality and corruption and in general, extremely low levels of violent and other crimes.
Congress’ Approval Rating Ties Lowest in Gallup Records
PRINCETON, NJ -- Approval of Congress has dipped below 20% for only the fourth time in the 34 years Gallup has asked Americans to rate the job Congress is doing. Today's 18% score, based on a May 8-11 Gallup Poll, matches the record lows Gallup recorded in August 2007 and March 1992. Congressional approval started off the year at a depressed 23%, then dipped to 21% in March and 20% in April, before reaching the current record-tying low. The 76% currently disapproving of Congress is just shy of the record-high 78% in March 1992.