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Rufus - Create bootable USB drives the easy way

Related:  LINUX – A lighweight distribution for children and kids Install Windows 7 From USB This guide works 100% for Windows 7 and Windows 8 unlike most of the guides out there. I have seen many sites/blogs that have “Install Vista from USB guide” but either with incomplete steps or not working guide. I have also seen some guides that don’t’ use proper commands. I just did this method on one of my friends machine and installed Windows 7. The method is very simple and you can use without any hassles. How to install Windows 10 from USB drive guide might also interest you. Requirements: USB Flash Drive (Minimum 4GB)Windows 7 or Windows 8 installation files. Follow the below steps to create bootable Windows 7/Windows 8 USB drive using which you can install Windows 7 or Windows 8 easily. Procedure: Step 1: Plug-in your USB flash drive to USB port and move all the contents from USB drive to a safe location on your system. Step 2: Open Command Prompt with admin rights. *Type cmd in Start menu search box and hit Ctrl+ Shift+ Enter. Or Step 4: Next type all the below commands one by one.

ITLA. International Toy Library Association UNetbootin - Homepage and Downloads How to Switch to OpenDNS or Google DNS to Speed Up Web Browsing Your local internet service provider probably doesn’t have the fastest DNS servers. That can slow you down, since your browser needs to look up the IP address of every web site you try to view. Here is how to switch to either OpenDNS or Google DNS for faster browsing times. RELATED: What Is DNS, and Should I Use Another DNS Server? DNS servers work by matching the domain names you type into apps—like web browsers—to their associated IP address. Note: The techniques in this article work in Windows 7, 8, and 10. Right-click the network status icon in your system tray, and then click “Open the Network and Sharing Center” on the context menu. In the “Network and Sharing Center” window, click the “Change adapter settings” link at the upper left. In the “Network Connections” window, right-click the connection for which you want to change the DNS settings, and then click “Properties” on the context menu. Google DNS Preferred: OpenDNS

PrAACtical AAC If you’ve been following our blog, you know that we have mixed feelings about the AAC app revolution. More specifically, we’ve had concerns about the decision-making process around app selection, the paucity of apps that allow for children to learn true generative language, and a few other things. We continue to advocate for AAC app selection to occur within the context of a feature match process that gives appropriate attention to the full range of AAC options. In this mega-post we’ve included our most recent update of free and lite versions of AAC apps for iOS and Android plus a variety of additional resources related to AAC app selection. Tools to Use In Making Decisions About AAC Apps Places to Go to Find AAC Apps and Reviews Training Material on AAC Apps, News, Suggestions, etc. Because this list sometimes gets circulated without the context in which it was originally developed, we decided to include some excerpts from our original post in early 2012. First, a few caveats: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Choisir une distribution Linux Choisir sa distribution GNU/Linux est loin d'être évident ! Surtout quand on débute sur la banquise ;-) Ceci n'a pas la prétention de promouvoir une distribution au détriment des autres. C'est plutôt une liste de solutions classées par approche. Sommaire Distributions à installer Distributions à installer faciles d'emploi Elles comportent un centre de configuration (comme le panneau de configuration de Windows). > Mageia Mageia est un système d'exploitation libre, basé sur GNU/Linux. En moins de 2 ans d'existence, elle est maintenant présente dans le top 10 des distributions linux sur le site Distrowatch > ManjaroCette distribution est basée sur Arch en version 32 et 64 bits et tourne sous divers environnement de bureau. Un wiki disponible en français une communauté francophone réactive Distribution rapide , efficace et légère Les plus connues Moins connues Attention !

10 Quick Ways to Speed Up a Slow Windows PC Windows PCs don’t have to slow down over time. Whether your PC has gradually become slower or it suddenly ground to a halt a few minutes ago, there could be quite a few reasons for that slowness. As with all PC issues, don’t be afraid to give your computer a reboot if something’s not working properly. Find Resource-Hungry Programs Your PC is running slow because something is using up those resources. To find out, open the Task Manager. Close System Tray Programs Many applications tend to run in the system tray, or notification area. Disable Startup Programs RELATED: How to Make Your Windows 10 PC Boot Faster Better yet, prevent those applications from launching at startup to save memory and CPU cycles, as well as speed up the login process. On Windows 8, 8.1, and 10, there’s now a startup manager in the Task Manager you can use to manage your startup programs. Reduce Animations RELATED: Speed Up Any PC, Smartphone, or Tablet By Disabling Animations Lighten Your Web Browser Free Up Disk Space

PrAACtical AAC DSL information Q&A: Niet meer om een wachtwoord vragen bij het ontwaken uit de slaapstand Marjan vraagt: "Als ik stop met werken op de computer moet ik steeds mijn wachtwoord typen bij hervatting. Ik wil mijn wachtwoord eigenlijk alleen intypen als ik de computer start." Antwoord: Er zijn inderdaad twee momenten waarop een wachtwoord wordt gevraagd: voorafgaande aan het opstarten van een gebruikersaccount en bij het hervatten van de sessie na het ontwaken uit de slaapstand. In beide gevallen kan het vragen om het wachtwoord worden uitgeschakeld. Het automatisch aanmelden bij het opstarten van Windows kan worden uitgeschakeld door in het zoekvenster de zoekterm netplwiz te gebruiken (hiermee kan tevens het welkomstscherm worden overgeslagen wanneer er meerdere gebruikersaccounts zijn ingesteld). Met de gratis nieuwsbrief blijf je op de hoogte van veranderingen in Windows 10. Menno Schoone

DEBATE, una nuova disciplina scolastica per rafforzare le competenze – Education 2.0 Il DEBATE è una disciplina scolastica, sviluppatasi nel mondo anglosassone, basata sull’esercizio al dibattito, facendo leva su alcune competenze specifiche (linguistiche, logiche, comportamentali, di interazione costruttiva, ecc.). In Italia il progetto è stato sperimentato dall’Istituto tecnico “Pacioli” di Crema e sono stati ottenuti risultati sorprendenti per l’accrescimento delle competenze didattiche ed educative. All’Istituto Tecnico Pacioli di Crema, da quattro anni è nata una nuova disciplina: il DEBATE, inserita nel curricolo scolastico con tanto di criteri di valutazione e di voti. Cos’è il DEBATE? Cos’è un Classroom DEBATE? Da quattro anni, durante il mese di gennaio, la scuola organizza sia le attività di formazione sia le attività didattiche. Il percorso si sviluppa in 30/35 ore annuali di “classroom debating” suddivise tra le diverse discipline coinvolte e prevede un’acquisizione graduale delle competenze. Carolina Donzelli

Reprenez le contrôle à l'aide de Linux ! "Linux c'est trop compliqué, c'est pour les pros" (Dire qu'il y a des gens qui croient ça !) ... Comment ça... c'est ce que vous croyez vous aussi ? o_O Halte-là, malheureux ! Linux n'est pas compliqué, et je vais vous le prouver. A qui s'adresse ce cours ? Aux utilisateurs de Windows qui veulent découvrir LinuxAux linuxiens débutants qui cherchent à mieux maîtriser leur OSAux webmasters qui doivent administrer un serveur dédié sous LinuxAux curieux comme vous qui se demandent juste comment Linux fonctionne ;) Grâce à Linux, vous avez la possibilité aujourd'hui de reprendre le contrôle de votre ordinateur et de découvrir tout un nouveau monde passionnant, le tout sans dépenser un sou ! "Linux c'est trop compliqué, c'est pour les pros" (Dire qu'il y a des gens qui croient ça !) ... Linux n'est pas compliqué, et je vais vous le prouver. A qui s'adresse ce cours ?

Advisor - Free Personal PC Audit, for software, hardware and security configuration information on your computer. Software license management, IT asset management, cyber security audits, and more. Q: Will the Belarc Advisor send my PC profile information up to a web server? No. The Belarc Advisor creates a local Web page, keeping your PC profile on your PC and does not send it to a web server, including Belarc’s server. Belarc is able to personalize a web page to show you details of your computer without a web server by using technologies included in the Belarc Advisor. Please let us know if you have any questions or how you feel about this issue by sending mail to Q: Must any previously installed Belarc Advisor be removed before installing a newer version? No. Q: When checking for new security definitions the Advisor gets an error. This is usually caused by a software firewall installed on your computer. Q: The Advisor has installed and finished a discovery of my PC’s hardware and software, but I do not see any results. This usually happens when the Windows file association, for the HTML file extension, is misconfigured on your computer. Here's how you can fix that.
