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Paranormal Zone X
Amityville: The True Story In December 1975, George and Kathleen Lutz and their three children moved into 112 Ocean Avenue, a large Dutch Colonial house in Amityville. This was a suburban neighborhood which was located on the south shore of Long Island, New York. Thirteen months before the Lutzes moved in, Ronald DeFeo, Jr. had shot and killed six members of his own family at the house. After 28 days, the Lutzes left the house, claiming to have been terrorized by paranormal spirits and poltergeist activity while living there.
Cleansing crystals using herbs is a lovely way. Two herbs spring to mind straight away, Cedar and Sage both being powerful aromatic healing herbs. The best way to do this is to buy a smudging pack which consists of a block of the herb all tied up together so that it can be picked up easily in one go. Then light the ends of the block and allow to smoulder.
Paranormal, UFOs, Cryptids and Unexplained Phenomena
This is a follow up to the Possible Bigfoot Detected - Yadkin River, Davie County, NC post from Thursday, July 28th. I received two emails, one on Friday and the other this morning, that referenced 'something' stalking the same general area. Both witnesses requested to remain anonymous at this time:
Researchers Make a SHOCKING Claim That Humans Did NOT Evolve On Earth!
This year, other scientists have argued that life originated on Mars, due to a mineral found in Martian meteorites, thought to be crucial to the genesis of life. BUT, a new book by American ecologist Dr. Ellis Silver offers arguments, based on human physiology, that humans as species may not have evolved alongside other life on Earth – but arrived from elsewhere, brought here by aliens as recently as a few tens of thousands of years ago. This is a BIG claim, however, the facts that Silver puts on the table will make you say “how did I not realized this sooner!!”
History's Most Overlooked Mysteries
Tuan C. Nguyen | July 25, 2007 10:23am ET Credit: Photographed by Aurel Stein, circa 1910 Although many of life's great mysteries remain unsolved, there are some lesser known ones that also have stumped researchers for centuries.
Ghosts, spirits, and paranormal activity in a haunted house
My desire to pursue psychic development evolved from my initial curiosity in ghosts which began when I was a teenager growing up in a home where paranormal phenomenon occurred. Since then I have become more knowledgeable and respectful of spirits and abandoned the word ghosts. Our family home was built by my great-great-grandfather in 1910 in Wilkes-Barre, a small industrial city in northeastern Pennsylvania. Generations of my family inhabited the double block home which saw its share of good times and bad, being the place of birth and death. My grandmother and her siblings were all born in an upstairs bedroom, ironically the same room where their father died of blood poisoning just a few years later.
6 Real Islands Way More Terrifying Than The One On 'Lost'
Summer's right around the corner, and it's time to pick your next vacation spot. Now, we know the problem you're facing: You want a nice island paradise, but you also want to experience horrors beyond comprehension, and maybe you even want to die on your trip. Well, we've got some great islands for you...
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Auras and energy, energy healing and energy stones & crystals
The common phrase is “I see your true colors,” which is a reference to someone’s true intentions…their true self. Auras are someone’s true colors, these shades of energy that surround us tell our story to readers who are able to see them. The hues that hover or float around us reveal our personalities, emotional state, physical health, and much more. Humans are not the only beings that possess auras since animals and plants also have energy that radiates.
VTS-Connect Expert Advisor Builder Overview - iExpertAdvisor
Visual Traders Studio© is a Drag and Drop Visual Expert Advisor Builder (EA Builder) I covered most of the topics below. Unrestricted, free-range drawing Programming knowledge Not required Strategy Templates (Start with a working strategy and build on it.) Create your own Strategy Templates.
Scientist Photographs The Soul Leaving The Body
Source: The timing of astral disembodiment in which the spirit leaves the body has been captured by Russian scientist Konstantin Korotkov, who photographed a person at the moment of his death with a bioelectrographic camera. The image taken using the gas discharge visualization method, an advanced technique of Kirlian photography, shows in blue the life force of the person leaving the body gradually.
Everytime scientists ask Nature a question, Nature answers with a paradox. by dcoda Feb 12
There's just so much we still cannot explain. by robster Feb 11