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Which Word Game - Pick the right word to fit the context

Which Word Game - Pick the right word to fit the context
I * to go to a private school, but I don't any more.!@#$@! "Used to" is the correct phrase. !@#$@! "Stationery" is writing paper. ! "Alot" is not a word. ! "Veins" are what blood flows through, while "vain" is an adjective meaning "conceited." ! In most instances, "effect" is a noun, and "affect" is a verb. ! A "reel" is a part of a fishing rod, while "real" means genuine. ! "Lend" and "borrow" are opposite sides of a transaction; the person who is borrowing receives, while the person who lends is the one who gives. ! "Won" is the past tense of "win," while "one" is a singular number. ! To "shoo" is to tell or motion something or someone to go away, while a "shoe" is a piece of footwear. ! "Lone" means only one, while a "loan" is something (usually money) that has been borrowed. ! Each game consists of ten sentences with a word missing (represented by a blank line in the sentence). This game is similar to Proof It! Click here for more games. Related:  Games and quizzesgames

Proof It! - A Fun Proofreading Game at Portland Proof Begin Game! proof-it The speaker called out, "/Ladys/Ladies/, choose your partner for the next dance!"!@#$@! Every quiz consists of ten sentences, which will appear one at a time on the screen. The mistake might be a misspelled word, an incorrect punctuation mark, an improperly used word, or a capitalization error. The mistake might also be a missing word, or a missing punctuation mark. If your selection is incorrect, the word will turn red, and a message will appear telling you that your selection is incorrect. If your selection is correct, the word will turn green. In the text box, type the correct word or punctuation mark, and then either click "Submit" or press "Enter" on your keyboard. If you are correct, the next sentence will be displayed. Skipping Questions If at any time you cannot figure out the error in a sentence, you may click the "Skip" button. Scoring Your score will be based on two factors: the number of mistakes you make, and the amount of time it takes to solve each problem.

ARIS - Mobile Learning Experiences - Creating educational games on the iPhone Mercosur Argentina, Sede Permanente del Mercosur Cultural - Mercosur/CMC/N° 11/6 VISTO: El tratado de Asunción, el Protocolo de Ouro Preto, las Decesiones N° 2/95 y 11/96 del Consejo del Mercado Común y la Resolución N° 122/96 del Grupo Mercado Común. CONSIDERANDO: Que el nuevo rol de la cultura en la agenda internacional constituye un elemento estratégico en la formulación de las políticas de desarrollo regional, contribuyendo a profundizar la integración; Que el reconocimiento que los bienes y servicios culturales poseen una doble dimensión, por generar riqueza y ser portadores de identidad basándose en la diversidad cultural, contribuyen a afianzar el sentido regional; La importancia de que el MERCOSUR cuente con una instancia permanente de articulación de las políticas culturales de la región. El antecedente: II Reunión de la RECAM, con delegaciones de Argentina, Brasil, Uruguay, Bolivia y Chile, entre los días 13 y 15 de Junio de 2004 PARCUM, Parlamento Cultural del Mercosur ...

Alphabet Soup Game - Build words from missing letters! Begin Game! alphabet-soup con__ve!@#$@!concave;connive$%^%$p_a_t! On the screen you will see a word with two missing letters. In the first round there will be two words which can be created. The amount of time allotted per round gradually increases as you progress through the game. In each round, the game will quickly enter "hint mode," in which letters begin disappearing from the display one at a time. Your score is based on a combination of speed and accuracy. Valid words are words which are found in the Enable2K word list. Click here for more word games.

Environmental & Social Awareness Games | Ecogamer.ORG The following is a list of environmental & social issue games. Most of these green games are suited for people of all ages, but some games contain themes geared toward adult issues. Bacteria Salad - Food safety game where you have to grow tomatoes or spinach without making people sick from e. coli or salmonella. Food Import Folly – Become the FDA and prevent contaminated food goods from entering the USA. Free online flash game about the import security of food goods. Pipe Dreams - Pipe Dreams is an economic prosperity vs. environmental protection game that focuses on land use in agriculture. BBC Climate Change - BBC Climate Challenge is an online environmental game that focuses on policy and sustainable development over a 110 year period. CEO2 - Make successful decisions as the CEO of chemical, solar, insurance and automotive companies while reducing CO2 emissions. Clim’Way - Climate change and green environmental game with highly detailed energy categories. CONSTRUCTION and ENGINEERING GAME

Definición de globalización La globalización es un fenómeno moderno que puede ser analizado desde diversos ángulos. El término proviene del inglés globalization, donde global equivale a mundial. Por eso, hay quienes creen que el concepto más adecuado en castellano sería mundialización, derivado del vocablo francés mondialisation. A grandes rasgos, podría decirse que la globalización consiste en integración de las diversas sociedades internacionales en un único mercado capitalista mundial. Por eso, el fenómeno es defendido desde teorías económicas como el neoliberalismo y por entidades como el Fondo Monetario Internacional y el Banco Mundial. Los defensores de este fenómeno mundial exponen multitud de razones para estar a favor del mismo. Existen numerosas corrientes de pensamiento que creen que la globalización trasciende la cuestión económica y abarca a la cultura, por ejemplo. Los escritores norteamericanos Susan George y John Zerzan son igualmente figuras claves dentro de la mencionada postura opositora.

Horse race dictation It is enjoyable because students are asked to predict the first word, in the same way people try to guess which horse will come first in a race, giving a strong motivation for the short but very intensive listening activity, in the form of a horse race commentary, which gives the solution. PreparationChoose a sentence and write words in random order on the left of the board, as in the example below. You also need to prepare a commentary, which should be challenging enough to make it interesting but not too difficult. In the example below there is only one major change in order, when, and other minor changes during the race. finallywaso’clockelevenhomewhenIitgot Example commentaryThey’re off! Example answer: When I finally got home it was eleven o’clock. Procedure By Simon Mumford

ESL Interactive Fun Games for Classroom Practice ESL Powerpoint (PPT) Games If you are the type of person who prefers to have games on powerpoint or as printable handouts, we have been thinking of you. We offer board games, powerpoint games and more for the classroom and one to one teaching. It is total fun and highly engaging fun lessons with these resources. Printable ESL Board and Card Games We offer a variety of printable ESL board games and card games to help give your students lots of communicative practice. ESL Board & Powerpoint Games Templates ESL Game Templates - Powerpoint and Word Game Templates On ESL Games World we do not only aim at providing you with games for your classrooms. Classroom Tools - Click Here! Get some cool tools for use in your classroom.

Mercosur debate cómo lograr el regreso de Paraguay al bloque AnteriorSiguiente La cumbre del Mercosur que se realizará este viernes en la ciudad de Montevideo se centrará sobre el reclamo de Paraguay, que establece como condición para reintegrarse al bloque asumir la presidencia pro témpore en lugar de Venezuela. Se espera que los presidentes de Argentina, Cristina Kirchner; Brasil, Dilma Rousseff; Uruguay, José Mujica; y Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, envíen un mensaje político exhortando a Paraguay para regresar al bloque. A ellos, se sumará Evo Morales, mandatario de Bolivia, en proceso de adhesión al bloque y con la expectiva de que se haga un repudio a los episodios vividos la semana pasada en Europa. Paraguay se encuentra suspendido desde el año pasado, en represalia por la destitución de Fernando Lugo. Eso será en agosto, con la asunción de Horacio Cartes. Maduro dijo este martes que cedería el mando, si eso ayudaba a la reincorporación de Paraguay, pero el ofrecimiento despertó sospechas entre los políticos de ese país. Embed

Epic Fail or Win? Gamifying Learning in My Classroom Every week for 17 years, I've heard my students ask, "What do I need to do to get an A?" Historically, many have focused on their grade rather than on fundamental skills. My attempt to change this mindset started two years ago when I gamified learning in my classes. After researching gamification and its potential to help students master skills and processes, I used the 3DGameLab and then Gradecraft to develop and implement game-based learning. In each class, students could choose "quests" that, if completed successfully, earned them badges and experience points. Steps to Gamify Learning 1. Using gamification software alleviates the time it takes to build quests, award points, and track progress. 2. Using a gamifying management system, I modified traditional assignments into quests -- short learning activities that take 10-25 minutes to complete. 3. Associate each quest with a certain number of points relative to its level of difficulty. 4. Build choice into the gaming structure. 5. 6.

Game Word Generator - The Game Gal When I was putting together this site of games, I discovered that my printable word lists became very popular. I had word lists for pictionary, charades, and other games, and visitors seemed to really like them! So I got to thinking, what’s one step better than a printable list of words for playing pictionary? Here’s how it works: First, select a Game (the game menu also includes a Holiday option). My amazing husband also made an iPhone app with all the same content. Finally, I love feedback!
