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Search | Creator Portal | TikTok Whether you’re scrolling through your For You feed, exploring recipes from a Playlist, or keeping up with fellow creators in your Following feed, there’s no shortage of ways to dive into what you love or find something new on TikTok. Search is an important part of discovery on TikTok. To help provide transparency into how TikTok works, we’re sharing how you can use Search to find what you’re looking for and how to discover more content on TikTok. Search: The Basics The Search experience allows you to explore videos, other creators, sounds, and more from all over TikTok. Search results: Search results are separated into a series of categories, such as Top, Videos, Users, Sounds, LIVE, and Hashtags. Personalize Your Search Experience There are many ways you can control your Search experience and use Search to enhance your viewing experiences on TikTok, as well as find new content inspiration for your profile. Safety by Design Safety is built into the Search experience by design.

The next FinTech: Global “Open Finance” Infrastructure Technology disrupting finance is a narrative that’s existed for a long time. The dream has always been for tech to digitize financial services, increase competition/access, reduce concentration risks, and improve customer experience. Many sales-pitches have tried to achieve this: from FinTechs, TechFins, API / Open Banking, to Permissioned Blockchains. While this decade-long lineage of innovation was transformative, it has not been disruptive. This article proposes that the more interesting innovation of the past decade has actually been developing right under our noses — hidden in plain sight. A wise person once said: “Insanity Is Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Again and Expecting Different Results”. For this reason, it shouldn’t be surprising that previous digitization narratives have resulted in incremental but not disruptive changes. The article is split into three sections: Evolution of Banking and Liquidity in Open Finance How does the money transmission mechanism work today?

#sm Engagement. In the world of social marketing, there is no word you’ll hear more often. But as social marketing matures, you need to understand which metrics matter to your business — and the answer may not be simply measuring engagement. Here are the critical social media metrics you’re ignoring — and how they map to your larger business goals. Awareness (Impressions + Reach + Engagement) If your goal on social is to create awareness, engagement isn’t the best metric. For example, engagement on Twitter includes every public interaction a user can have with a brand — Likes, Retweets, Replies, and Mentions — but the only actions that really matter to awareness are Retweets and Mentions, since they increase awareness of the brand with users who might not have noticed them before. Impressions and Reach are a great way to measure your awareness efforts. Reach allows you to quantify not only the users you engaged with, but the followers of those users, who may have seen your @handle or Tweet.

10 logiciels gratuits de capture d'écran vidéo - Presse Citron Voici une liste très utile de logiciels de capture d’écran vidéo. Des applications qui permettent donc d’enregistrer en flux vidéo ce qui se passe sur l’écran d’un PC, afin de produire par exemple des vidéos de formation ou de support. Longtemps payants (et souvent assez chers), ces logiciels n’ont pas échappé à la vague du gratuit, et ce sont pas moins de 10 applications qui sont aujourd’hui disponibles. Les logiciels présentés dans cette liste ont tous été testés (au moins rapidement pour vérifier qu’ils fonctionnent toujours), même si certains présentent une interface d’un autre âge. Cela étant nous vous conseillons les plus récents ou les programmes connus et éprouvés, dont la réputation n’est plus à faire. Dans notre Top 3 : OBS, Snagit et Movavi. [Tuto du mardi] Faire un tutoriel avec capture d’écran vidéo sur Facebook Live (article original publié le 11 juin 2009, dernière mise à jour : 22/05/2018) 1. Mise à jour du 22/05/2018. 2. O.S.: Windows, Mac OS X 3. O.S.: Windows 4. 5. 6. 7.

Social Searcher - Free Social Media Search Engine Search for people on LinkedIn | LinkedIn Help Towards 2050: Megatrends In Industry, Politics And The Global Economy, 2018 Edition Globalisation, Demographic Shifts, Urbanisation, Climate Change, and Internet Proliferation are the macroeconomic megatrends that will shape the 21st century. They are global, seemingly irreversible forces that have already made an incredible mark on economies and societies, and will continue to do so for the next few decades. But how will these megatrends manifest themselves on an industry level? How will they affect and shape the future of sectors such as pharmaceuticals, energy, automotives, and agribusiness over the coming three decades? In this special report, we look at some of BMI Research’s core industries and outline at a more micro level how forces like demographic shifts, urbanisation, and climate change are giving birth to new, industry-specific megatrends which will in turn have a tangible impact on business, society, and our daily lives. In the series of analysis in this special report, we examine among other things:

Klipfolio. Tous vos tableaux de bord à portée de main Klipfolio est un service en ligne qui se propose de vous aider à avoir une vision globale et centralisée des performances de votre entreprise ou de votre marque. Pour cela Klipfolio va réunir en un espace central mis à jour en temps réel tous les indicateurs des dizaines de services en ligne que vous utilisez chaque jour. Un tableau de bord pour les rassembler tous. Un tableau de bord unique qui se mer à jour automatiquement. Finies ces longues heures en fin de mois pour rassembler dans un rapport tous les indicateurs se rapportant à vos pubs, à vos efforts marketing ou encore à vos ventes. Klipfolio permet de vous bâtir une vision sur mesure à l’aide de briques indépendantes qui vont se relier à vos services habituels. Vous pouvez en ajouter autant que vous voulez et les organiser comme bon vous semble sur la page. Klipfolio propose aussi des fonctions pour le travail collaboratif avec entre autres la possibilité d’insérer des commentaires partagés sur tel ou tel tableau de bord.

5 extensions pour télécharger des vidéos depuis le Web • Les Outils Tice Article mis à jour le 9 août 2019 par Fidel Navamuel Comment récupérer et télécharger une vidéo repérée sur une page web, depuis YouTube ou sur un réseau social tel que Facebook ? Comment télécharger des vidéos depuis le web simplement en un seul clic pour pouvoir les réutiliser ensuite dans un cours ou une présentation ? Vous pouvez utiliser des logiciels complets qui vous assurent des résultats de qualité et des téléchargements sans encombres et sans publicités intempestives. Si vous avez des besoins moins fréquents vous pouvez alors vous tourner vers des extensions pour votre navigateur. Flash Video Downloader C’est une des extensions les plus populaires. Video Downloader Plus Cette extension pour Chrome a concentré ses efforts sur le réseau social Facebook. Savieo Savieo que j’ai eu l’occasion de présenter sur le site permet de récupérer une vidéo présente en ligne. SaveFromNet Comme son nom l’indique, Savefromnet permet de sauvegarder des éléments multimédias présents sur le net.

How to get more Twitter followers Organically growing your followers on Twitter has become a bit more difficult over the years, but it’s still the easiest social media platform to market yourself or your brand. Why has it more difficult? Well, because during the early days of Twitter you could follow an unlimited amount of people and a certain percentage of those would follow you back (This strategy is called churning or churn). These days, Twitter now limits you to 400 follows per day and will temporarily stop you well before you hit the 400 daily cap. However, this same strategy still works and combined with the other tips I’m going to provide you’ll be Twitter famous in no time. Churning More Twitter Followers As I mentioned above, you can gain more followers easily by simply following a bunch of people because some of them will follow you back despite having any idea of what you’re Twitter content is all about. Growing followers with your particular interests Remember to be interactive and tweet frequently

What is Social Listening, Why it Matters + 14 Tools to Help If you don’t have a social listening strategy, you’re missing out on some of the most valuable data available to help build your business. In fact, nearly two-thirds of marketers agree that social listening has increased in value in the last year. Social media listening tools allow you to build a solid understanding of exactly how customers and potential customers think about you by analyzing what they say on social channels. Watch Hootsuite’s own social media expert, Nick Martin, explain the three steps of social listening in the video below: Bonus: Download a free guide to learn how to use social media listening to boost sales and conversions today. What is social listening? Social listening is the practice of monitoring social media channels for mentions of your brand, competitor brands, and related keywords. Through social listening, you can track every mention of your brand on social media in real-time. But social listening isn’t just about tracking mentions of your brand. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Globalization in transition: The future of trade and global value chains Global value chains are being reshaped by rising demand and new industry capabilities in the developing world as well as a wave of new technologies. Even with trade tensions and tariffs dominating the headlines, important structural changes in the nature of globalization have gone largely unnoticed. In Globalization in transition: The future of trade and value chains (PDF–3.7MB), the McKinsey Global Institute analyzes the dynamics of global value chains and finds structural shifts that have been hiding in plain sight. Although output and trade continue to increase in absolute terms, trade intensity (that is, the share of output that is traded) is declining within almost every goods-producing value chain. Flows of services and data now play a much bigger role in tying the global economy together. Not only is trade in services growing faster than trade in goods, but services are creating value far beyond what national accounts measure. Globalization is in the midst of a transformation. 1.

SumAll. Toutes les statistiques liées à vos réseaux sociaux SumAll est un service en ligne qui va vous faciliter la tâche pour suivre les performances de vos différents comptes sur les réseaux sociaux. Un service simple et pratique qui, une fois configuré, va suivre pour vous l’évolution et la portée de vos publications sur les principaux réseaux et vous tenir informé par un mail en forme de synthèse globale. Pratique. SumAll est très simple à utiliser. SumAll propose deux services en parallèle. Le second service proposé par SumAll est lui beaucoup plus intéressant. SumAll est au final un petit utilitaire bien pratique qui vous permettra d’avoir un œil sur les performances de vos comptes sur les réseaux sociaux sans grand effort. Lien: SumAll

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