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Cross cultural communication

Cross cultural communication

Related:  Intercultural CommunicationInterculturelCross-Cultural Collaboration

My favorite TED talks on self-perception, culture, and identity I am a bit of a sucker for TED talks (TED= Technology Education Design). These less than 20 minute videos are excellent ways to satisfy my need to learn something new in bite-sized formats. Ready to consume and full of new ideas, I am always amazed by the fascinating, funny, courageous talks that are shared across the globe. Jeux de mains, jeux de vilains Le langage des mains Les mains ne sont pas des outils équipant nos bras, elles ne sont pas non plus une simple partie du corps, au même titre que les pieds par exemple. Les mains sont bien plus que cela, elles font signe, elles produisent du sens, elles expriment la personnalité, au-delà de la parole.

Council Post: Five Steps To Creating Collaboration Across Cultures And Continents In a globalized modern world, it's key for organizations -- nonprofits, especially -- to create collaboration and share their message across cultures. At the recent Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, Chinese President Xi Jinping announced a $60 billion package of aid, investment and loans for Africa. However, in order to unlock the potential of this, the Chinese and African people must be able to work together effectively and communicate fluidly across deep cultural divides.

7 Ted Videos about Cultural Differences — Vorkspace Blog With the growing trend of globalization, we are bound to meet with many people of different backgrounds and cultures. Instead of being afraid of these differences, we need to learn to embrace it and appreciate it. Here are some short talks that describe these differences, emphasize the need for these differences, and how we can utilize these differences to our advantage.

Culture Matters Culture Matters Summer 2015 Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 6:28 — 5.9MB) Subscribe: iTunes | | La communication verbale et non-verbale Dire et ne pas dire. Comme au Québec, lors de premières présentations entre deux individus, il est bien de créer un lien en parlant de la température ou des conditions routières par exemple. Lorsqu’il s’agit de présentations plus amicales, il est bien vu de s’informer des enfants de son interlocuteur chinois en demandant par exemple leurs âges, leurs passes temps, etc. Study finds evidence of racial and gender bias in online education Many proponents of online education have speculated that the digital learning environment might be a meritocracy, where students are judged not on their race or gender, but on the comments they post. A study being released today by the Center for Education Policy Analysis at Stanford University, however, finds that bias appears to be strong in online course discussions. The study found that instructors are 94 percent more likely to respond to discussion forum posts by white male students than by other students.

3 Entertaining TED talks on culture Cross cultural communication Pellegrino Riccardi Great to listen to, Pellegrino (an Italian/Brit living in Norway) explores how culture is shaped by preconceived perceptions and people see what they want to see. Low-Context Culture: Definition & Overview Low-context culture is a term used by anthropologist Edward T. Hall in 1976 to describe a communication style that relies heavily on explicit and direct language. Learn more about low-context cultures from examples and test your knowledge with a quiz. Explore our library of over 10,000 lessons Click "next lesson" whenever you finish a lesson and quiz.
