eternal network Créée en 1999 à Tours, l’association Eternal Network instruit et accompagne des projets de production et de diffusion en matière d’art contemporain depuis leur définition jusqu’à leur réalisation et transmission. La structure est organisée en deux établissements : Eternal Network / SUD pour les régions PACA, Languedoc-Roussillon et le bassin méditerrannéen référente : Anastassia Makridou-Bretonneau adresse de correspondance : 3 rue Nationale, 13001 Marseille - 06 60 93 66 97 Eternal Network / CENTRE-OUEST pour les régions Centre, Bretagne, Poitou-Charente et Pays-de-Loire
- STREET ART UTOPIA More info. Let us begin with this words that come as a response to the photo above: “There´s tools and colours for all of us, to lend from nature to make the world more understandable and beautiful”. Map your moves Data This map distills more than 4000 moves from over 1700 people, collected in an informal survey by WNYC, a New York based public radio station. For generating the geo–coordinates from the entered ZIP codes, I used the free bulk geocoder at I did not check every single data row in detail, so a few of the moves might be misrepresented. Mapping As most moves occurred from, to or within the New York area, this area displayed enlarged in the white circle at the center of the graphic.
GoodGym The story so far GoodGym arose out of a frustration with normal gyms being a waste of energy and human potential. After a year or so of thinking, testing and developing ideas the project was submitted to Social Innovation Camp in December 2008. Les étapes sur le GR20 en Corse A raison d'une étape par jour, vous mettrez 16 jours pour parcourir le GR20. Ce sentier de randonnée entre Conca et Calenzana vous fera découvrir la montagne Corse sous différents aspects: les terrains rocailleux (arides et très techniques sur le GR20 nord) mais également des parties plus vertes et plus roulantes, sur le GR20 Sud. Découvrez toutes les étapes du GR20 ! Il est difficile de déterminer la meilleure saison pour faire le GR20. Comme il s'agit d'un sentier de haute montagne, vous devrez peut être faire face à la rudesse d'une journée de marche en plein soleil, aux orages et à la brume ou encore à la fraicheur d'une douche à l'eau de source.
Accueil (arT errOriste) World Art Treasures Home 100,000 Pictures Europe Inspirational Quotes / Motivational Quotes / Quotes to live by This site is not suppose to look like this, it's suppose to be a little more fun. You are probably using an old browser like Internet Explorer (Shame on you). Use the latest versions of Firefox, Safari or Chrome instead.
CasAnus - Joep Van Lieshout's human bowel in Verbeke Sculpture park The Verbeke Foundation, founded by art collectors Geert and Carla Verbeke-Lens, is a private art site which first opened doors to the general public on June 1st of 2007. As a ‘refuge of arts’ the domain offers chances to young / less renowned artists and holds an impressive collection of modern and contemporary art. Culture, nature and ecology go hand in hand in the Verbeke Foundation. With 12 hectares (29.7 acres) of scenic area and 20,000 m² (4,9 acres) covered spaces, the Foundation is one of the largest private initiatives for contemporary art throughout Europe. Candy Chang Designers checklist advices — Project by Adrien Heury 10/10Be proud of your work Anton RepponenCreative director • Fantasy interactive • NYC I know so many designers who aren't happy with their work at the end of a project. “It might have been so much cooler,” they say. "If only I'd known that this would be the final result”.
Accueil - Site officiel de la ville d'Etretat (76) NOTCOT.ORG
street art over the world with street view by agnesdelmotte Mar 8