Apprendre à utiliser GanttProject GanttProject is a free software, to model in the form of Gantt planning of the different tasks that are needed for a project. Each task can be defined by its duration and the resources that can be assigned. You can also obtain documents such as PERT and the critical path. Project management software are typically used to automate backup tasks and time management. Viewing a Gantt chart allows by a simple graphic pattern to know who is doing what by giving the status of the project, each task and subtask to have overall planning and load work teams. The resulting graphs can be printed or saved in various formats (HTML, PDF, or images), you will also have the possibility to export the data to a spreadsheet, allowing you to give different tasks to individuals. It is a cross-platform (Linux, Mac OS and Windows) software. GanttProject. Installation is simple, and I won't detail here: on Windows, simply follow the steps; under Linux, you just get the corresponding package. VII - A. in the menu: Gap
Trello for Product Managers Webinars For Product Managers Learn how to organize teams better with these free on-demand Trello webinars. Trello Agile Series: The Sprint Board Trello Agile Series: Retrospectives And Roadmaps Find more webinars here → Power-Up Your Product Management Simple, adaptable, customizable. Slack Keep clear lines of communication and collaboration by associating a Trello board to that project’s dedicated Slack channel. Google Drive Stop wasting time searching for assets by attaching files and folders directly to Trello cards. GitHub Track the progress of projects by attaching pull requests, commits, and issues to cards. Calendar Visualize due dates in a calendar view to see what needs to get done in the coming weeks. Corrello Create reports for sprints and releases to get the information you need without leaving Trello. Blog Posts To Stay On Task In-depth posts for improving your process with Trello from industry leaders and the Trello team. Read More → Check it out → Work Smarter
Slack 完整教學與上手心得:找到正確的團隊溝通之道 你聽過或用過 Slack 嗎?過去一年, Slack 這一個團隊通訊平台服務不僅在國外爆紅,在台灣我也看過好幾個創業團隊使用 Slack 來做公司內部的訊息管理,到底 Slack 有什麼魅力?它是不是比起 LINE 或 Facebook 或 Email 更能有效率的管理團隊溝通呢? 在 Slack 上溝通可以被管理,並轉化為有效率的工作流程,而「溝通」和「通訊」的不同,在於前者強調深入的理解,後者著重訊息的傳遞。 在電腦玩物中我曾經寫過:「我們真要用 LINE 談論公事嗎? 裡面主要提到的想法是在團隊的即時通訊裡如何可以公私分流? 而且雖然 LINE 與 Slack 同樣可以區分對話群組、搜尋對話內容,但是 Slack 能夠根據一整個團隊裡每一個專案需求開設不同公開頻道、或建立少數人的不同私密討論區,或是一對一的傳遞訊息、檔案、圖片與任何資料, Slack 的搜尋、過濾與回顧歷史訊息的功能更強於一般的通訊軟體。 Slack 是什麼? 就像是一個團隊在運作時,需要一個公開的佈告板,一個閒聊的茶水間,針對一些計劃必須各自開說明會、討論會,而每個專案小組的成員又不時需要閉門開會,這時候,這些溝通分組要怎麼樣才會簡單又有效率? 它讓團隊之間的溝通變得更加有條理,但是同樣簡單即時,而且甚至更有趣。 我從自己這段時間使用 Slack 經驗中,歸納出以下幾點特色: 1. 不過 Slack 突破性的團隊溝通設計,或許對第一次接觸的使用者來說會有點摸不著頭緒,所以下面我也以自己的上手經驗,來分享如何入門 Slack 的重點教學。 延伸閱讀: Slack 可以解決團隊會議、團隊郵件溝通上的許多問題 如何上手 Slack ? 打開「 Slack 網站」,首先我們要為自己的團隊建立獨立的 Slack 溝通平台網址,在「 Company name 」欄位輸入網址名稱後,才是在「 Email Address 」註冊自己的帳號,這樣這個團隊溝通平台就架設完成了。 那麼如果是要加入別人已經架設好的 Slack 團隊平台呢? 我們也可以在 Slack 中隨時切換不同的團隊溝通平台。 2. 但有時候我必須找某個專案的設計、行銷討論一些機密時,我就開設一個私密群組,單獨把他們拉進來討論,這個群組在整個公司裡就只有我們三個人看得到。 或者我想特別針對某個成員做溝通,我就會私訊的方式跟他談話。 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
MindMeister The Best 8 Project Management Apps Project management doesn’t need to be a complicated thing, not if you have apps that make things a whole lot simpler. When you have project management apps, you can take care of your team, tasks and deadlines, without even being in the office. You don’t even have to spend a lot of money to get most of the apps you might need. Here are our top picks. 1. This is a unique app that offers a different way of doing things. 2. This is an awesome app for iPhone and iPad users. This is a great app for medium and large-sized teams working on projects. 4. This app is incredibly user-friendly, and is based on Kanban boards. 5. This is one of the most commonly-used project management apps. 6. If you are looking for something that is not difficult to use, check out Asana. 7. It’s probably the most well-known project management app out there. 8. While this isn’t really a project management app, many people use it as one.
Trello for Sales Teams Webinars For Sales Teams Learn how your sales team can make more money with these free on-demand Trello webinars. Organizing Your Sales Pipeline With Trello Better Boards For Team Collaboration Find more webinars here → Power-Up Your Sales Simple, adaptable, customizable. Salesforce Create a sales pipeline that works the way your team works best. Google Drive Securely attach files and folders to cards to keep documents accessible in one centralized location. Custom Fields Formalize your process to manage incoming information with custom fields for text, numbers, dates, drop down lists, and checkboxes. Slack Celebrate sales wins, share insights, and get feedback with a dedicated Slack channel associated with your Trello board. Calendar See what the entire Sales Department is doing over times in calendar view. Blog Posts To Up Your Game In-depth posts for improving your sales process with Trello from industry leaders and the Trello team. Tips For Using Trello To Manage A Sales Team — Kristen Habacht
Gestion de projet How & Why to Build a Basic Gantt Chart for Almost Any Project [Estimated read time: 13 minutes] I had planned on writing about losslessness, about accurate reproduction. I’ve always found it strange that at just about the same time that true losslessness became widely available cheaply, we suddenly seemed to care less about fidelity than ever before. So I had wanted to discuss the Internet’s imminent future, almost undoubtedly VR-based and highly resolution-dependent, and how that vision is slightly at odds with its history of relegating virtually everything to simple, low-resolution, compressed formats. With the path to writing such a post research and time-intensive, deadline-bound, and rife with potential rabbit holes that could very well result in me unintentionally plumbing the depths of the Internet, I began framing it as though it were typical proposed work — which, for me, means organizing a basic Gantt chart. It’s something I do to frame the projects included in client engagements, beginning even during the proposal stage.
Le chef de projet efficace : la méthode et les 12 bonnes pratiques pour manager le projet La conduite de projet : Une question de "Bon Sens" Ce guide en ligne est destiné à tous les managers qui ont déjà testé les limites des méthodes et procédures pour résoudre l'équation de la complexité des projets de l'entreprise. Ils ont bien compris que la réponse se niche dans la qualité du management des femmes et des hommes. C'est là le thème central de ce site. Consultants, enseignants et étudiants trouveront aussi ici des pistes de choix pour élargir le champ de leur réflexion. Réussir un projet, c'est maîtriser l'art de la subtile symbiose entre les hommes, les techniques et les enjeux économico-stratégiques. L'ouvrage de référence du site Méthode, relationnel et pragmatisme Si la réussite des projets était uniquement dépendante du choix de la méthode et des outils utilisés, la question du management serait résolue depuis longtemps, et la dramatique statistique comptabilisant les projets en échec n'angoisserait plus les chefs de projet, commanditaires et prestataires ! Définition
The GTD Approach To Maximizing Productivity With Trello A tutorial on adapting David Allen's Getting Things Done using a Trello board, by the CEO of Greenhouse. Every once in awhile, you stumble on a combination of things that go so well together, you wonder how you ever had one without the other, like peanut butter and chocolate. Trello and Getting Things Done are like that—two great ideas that complement each other perfectly! Learn how you can use Trello to implement Getting Things Done, and clarify and process all the “stuff” that you are trying to accomplish in your work and personal life. Tweet this What Is The ‘Getting Things Done’ Framework? “Getting Things Done” (often abbreviated as GTD) is a popular and effective method for work and time management. If you aren’t already familiar with Getting Things Done I recommend reading Allen’s book. Implementing GTD In Trello GTD on its own is simply a set of ideas laid out in a book. Then, one day, along came Trello! My Trello GTD Board Collecting Information In The “Inbox” Processing Information
RACI | Outils RACI est une méthode qui permet d’identifier les rôles et responsabilités dans un processus. Ce processus peut être un processus opérationnel ou un processus lié à un projet, mais il doit être défini préalablement. La méthode RACI consiste à construire une grille. Dans un premier temps, on définit toutes les tâches du processus, qui seront listées verticalement dans la grille. Horizontalement, on retrouvera toutes les entités (ou personnes) qui interviennent. RACI est un acronyme qui signifie en anglais :• Responsible• Accountable• Consulted• Informed Si l’on traduit littéralement, Responsible et Accountable ont des sens fort voisins. Pour chaque rôle et responsabilité, on doit indiquer soit des personnes soit des équipes ou des fonctions génériques. Par exemple, Pierre Durand est consulté, Jacques Mercier est informé. Pour une tâche donnée, il faut que quelqu’un l’ait approuvé.
Say Hello To Card Dependencies With The Hello Epics Power-Up Sometimes plans and projects get big. So big, in fact, that you start to lose perspective on all of the moving parts and how they relate to each other. Another important aspect that gets lost in the mix as projects scale is which Trello cards depend on other cards before they can move forward. The team at Substantial, a digital product studio in Seattle, was feeling this exact pinch and thank goodness they did, because their new Hello Epics Power-Up tackles this card dependency problem with gusto. The Hello Epics Power-Up uses dependencies to help you develop new product features, plan events, or drill down into more specific areas of a project. With the Hello Epics Power-Up you can create and attach children cards to parent cards, see the status of each child card from within a parent card at a glance, visually track the completion of children cards, and quickly navigate to any related card on a board in a snap. Growing The Family Tree Let’s say you are planning a conference.