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Europe Code Week 2015 - Resources and guides

Europe Code Week 2015 - Resources and guides
EU Code Week is a grass-root movement run by volunteers who promote coding in their countries as Code Week Ambassadors. Anyone – schools, teachers, libraries, code clubs, businesses, public authorities – can organise a #CodeEU event and add it to the map. To make organising and running coding events easier, we have prepared different toolkits and selected some of the best lesson plans, guides and other resources. Presentations and toolkits Local resources in your language Coding lessons for beginners of all ages Scratch ode to code: Multilingual Scratch tutorial for Europe Code Week Codecademy: Learn to code interactively, for free, on the web. Coding for younger beginners Scratch: With Scratch, you can program your own interactive stories, games, and animations — and share your creations with others in the online community. Full online courses for advanced learners edX: EdX offers interactive online classes and MOOCs from the world’s best universities. Related:  Create, How to...`test 1016`test 1016

A Wonderful Free Tool for Creating Interactive eBooks for Your Class August 2, 2015Kindle Textbook Creator is a free software application that allows you to easily convert your educational content saved in PDF format into Kindle books.These include textbooks, course notes, study guides and many more. Using Kindle Textbook Creator, you will be able to enhance the readability of your content with features such as audio, video, and image pop-ups. Once your eBook is ready, you can publish it through Kindle direct publishing and make it available for readers on different devices including fire tablets, iPad, Android tables and Mac and PC computers. Kindle Textbook Creator also includes a preview mode that shows authors which interactive features are supported on different devices.

Basic PDF Tips Every Teacher Using Mac Should Know about July 29, 2015 In an earlier post entitled ‘10 Mac Tips Every Teacher Should Know about’ we fleetingly touched on a quick hack on how to annotate your PDFs. We subsequently received few questions from teachers inquiring about PDF tips for Mac users so we decided to feature some of the basic yet overlooked things you can do with your PDFs on Mac. For any of these tips to work, make sure you open your PDF then click on ‘View’ in Mac’s menu bar and select ’Show markup toolbar’. 1 Add signature to PDFs You can easily sign PDFs using the sign feature in the mark-up toolbar. 2- Add notes and sketches to PDFs To add a note to a PDF document, click on the note icon as shown in the screenshot below and start typing in the displayed text box. The same with sketches, click on the pen icon to start sketching . 3- Add text to PDFs Similar to the notes feature mentioned above, you can add your own text to a PDF document by simply clicking on text icon.

eQuizShow - Free Online Quiz Show Templates Coding Unplugged | Next Learning Introdurre ai concetti fondamentali dell’informatica senza l’utilizzo del computer Quando si parla di coding unplugged si intendono quelle attività che utilizzano strumenti non digitali per la realizzazione di attività che introducono ai concetti fondamentali dell’informatica e alle logiche della programmazione. Sono sempre più numerose le esperienze didattiche che vedono coinvolti bambini e ragazzi nella realizzazione di attività analogiche che affiancano l’utilizzo degli strumenti digitali. Di cosa si può far esperienza con le attività di unplugged? Attraverso il coding senza dispositivi digitali è possibile fare esperienza delle logiche e dei concetti base della programmazione e quindi praticare attività che concorrono allo sviluppo del pensiero computazionale. Quali attività? Come abbiamo evidenziato, l’elemento comune che caratterizza le attività unplugged è il fatto di non usare computer, tablet né altri dispositivi digitali: è il mondo dell’analogico, della carta e dei colori.

CODEWEEK 2017 - DetalleAgenda La Semana del Código en Europa es una iniciativa popular que pretende acercar la codificación y la alfabetización digital a todo el mundo de una manera divertida y atractiva. Se celebrará del 7 al 22 de octubre de 2017. ¿Por qué aprender a codificar? Hoy en día vivimos en un mundo que se ha visto afectada por los rápidos avances en la tecnología. La forma de trabajar, comunicarse, comprar y pensar ha cambiado rapidamente. Aprender a codificar nos ayuda a dar sentido a cómo funcionan las cosas, explorar ideas y hacer las cosas, tanto para el trabajo y el juego. Para más información consultar la web de CODEWEEK.UE

Microsoft Released A New Website to Help Teachers Use Minecraft in Their Classes July 10, 2015 Minecraft is an immersive learning environment that has started as a game about creating, exploring and managing resources before it becomes one of the leading educational learning platforms for students. A few days ago, Microsoft, Minecraft’s parent company, announced the release of a new website, Minecraft for Education, geared towards providing teachers with a forum where they can share their ideas about how they use Minecraft in their teaching. ‘Minecraft in education is a way to teach, learn and inspire. It’s students visiting ancient civilizations to create and play out their own stories. It’s exploring mathematical concepts like perimeter, area, and volume by breaking and placing Minecraft blocks. Here are some examples of how some teachers are using Minecraft in their classes: Elementary students in Seattle are learning foundational math skills by calculating perimeter, area and volume in Minecraft during a Saturday math program.

Quizalize - A Fun Quiz Platform Quizalize is a newer quiz game platform that reminds me of Kahoot. Like Kahoot, students play your quiz games on their laptops or tablets by going to the Quizalize website then entering their names and a class code. Students are awarded points for correctly answering questions quickly. Creating quizzes on Quizalize is a simple process. Quizalize offers a marketplace in which you can find quizzes created by other users. An overview of Quizalize is provided in the video embedded below. Applications for Education One of the better aspects of Quizalize is found in the results page that you see as a teacher.

Embroidery Designs at Urban Threads - Projects Now it's time to grab that other sock, provided it hasn't disappeared. Don't laugh -- I have about a half dozen socks whose partners have mysteriously vanished. It can happen. Turn the sock inside out and flatten it the other way, so the heel is folded in half. The long front half of the sock is the tail. Before cutting anything, I'll give you a bit of advice I learned the hard way: You'll notice the tail and the arms are the uppermost section.

CodyRoby – il kit fai da te Italiano – English – Español I giochi di programmazione fai da te sono il regalo perfetto: puoi scaricarli subito, sono gratis, garantiscono il divertimento, sviluppano la creatività. CodyRoby è il nuovo metodo per divertirsi con la programmazione a qualsiasi età anche senza computer. Usa l’hashtag #CodyRoby per seguire gli aggiornamenti, per dire la tua o per condividere le tue esperienze di gioco.
