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GPS Coordinate Converter, Maps and Info

GPS Coordinate Converter, Maps and Info
Related:  Flightplans

Create Maps | BatchGeo NOP Network Operations Portal The European AIS Database (EAD) is the world's largest Aeronautical Information System (AIS): it is a centralized reference database of quality-assured aeronautical information and, simultaneously, a fully integrated, state-of-the-art AIS solution.EAD is a single source for aeronautical data needs. It is a safer, faster, more accurate and more cost-effective solution than older, non-harmonized methods of AIS data collection and delivery. Besides, it increases the availability and accessibility of AIS information.EAD offers instant access, no matter where you are, to the most up-to-date digital aeronautical information from the ECAC area, NOTAM (Notices to Airmen), Pre-flight Information Bulletins (PIBs) from around the world.For more info please see on the EAD link.

Geocaching Resources - How to add HTML to your cache page What is HTML? Basic HTML - fonts, links to other pages and sites and inserting images More Advanced HTML - tables, lists and bullets BB code for cache logs What is HTML? HTML or Hypertext Markup Language is a code that web pages are written in and then displayed in your web browser. Adding your own basic HTML code is however quite easy. HTML code is entered using tags. Basic HTML code Below is an example of what the text will look like and on the right the actual code you type in. Horizontal Rule You may have noticed in the above examples they are separated by a dark red line across the page, like this: This is a 'horizontal rule' using the code <hr> You can change the colour and the width across the page using these codes: <hr color="green"> horizontal rule (hr) full width of the page colour green (you can select any suitable colour) <hr color="green" width="50%"> hr width of 50% of the page (you can have any % value)

POI EDITOR RouteFinder (free access area) // 2019-02-17 12:10:00 // Added instant activation for all payment methods // 2018-12-18 20:30:00 // New Experimental Flight Planner is available for subscribers. After so many years the RouteFinder is finally getting a facelift! This is an early version but already works enough for some quick flight planning. // 2006-04-08 06:10:00 // Please note that some airports (more and more of them lately in Europe) have arrival connecting points that cannot be reached from cruising level. // 2003-12-07 18:14:00 //RouteFinder (commercial version) is now operative at: ASA srl - a company based in Italy - offers IT solutions and services for the management and processing of aeronautical information. Disclaimer: Navigation data provided by this program IS *NOT* TO BE USED FOR REAL WORLD NAVIGATION; the author of the program declines the responsibility for any bad consequence caused by the use of a flight plan generated by the program.

GpsDrive - Linux Links - The Linux Portal Site - Nightly (Build 20110507043313) GpsDrive is a vehicle (car, bike, ship, plane) map-based navigation system that displays the current position provided by an NMEA capable GPS receiver on a zoomable map. Maps can be downloaded from different map providers or rendered on-the-fly using the OpenStreetMap dataset. The maps are autoselected for best resolution depending on your position and can be downloaded from the Internet. You can choose the preferred map scale, which the program then tries to match from the available maps. Basic worldwide maps are provided and tools are included to help you add your own localized maps. Speech output is supported via the "speech dispatcher" software. Features include: Return to GPS Tools Home Page

Flightradar24 In order to save data consumption Flightradar24 web page times out after 30 minutes. Please reload the web page to get another 30 minutes. or get a Flightradar24 Premium subscription and will not time-out again! GPSBabel: convert, upload, download data from GPS and Map programs - Minefield Heure dans le monde - Horloge mondiale - l'heure locale - L'heure exacte Voir l’heure locale en temps réel à travers le monde - heure exacte, l'heure locale, heure d'été (avancée) 2016 Fuseau horaire Un fuseau horaire est une zone de la surface terrestre où, à l'origine, l'heure adoptée doit être identique en tout lieu. Ce système a été proposé par l'ingénieur et géographe montréalais Sir Sandford Fleming en 1876, avec le méridien de Greenwich comme origine des temps, la ligne de changement de date au méridien 180° (est et ouest), et en divisant le globe en 24 fuseaux horaires de même taille. La zone couverte par un fuseau, limitée par deux méridiens distants de 15°, s'étend du pôle nord au pôle sud; elle est centrée sur un méridien dont la longitude est multiple de 15°. Temps universel coordonné Le Temps universel coordonné (UTC) est une échelle de temps adoptée comme base du temps civil international par la majorité des pays du globe. Heure d'été Horloge mondiale - Voir l’heure locale en temps réel à travers le monde!

GPSBabel - Linux Links - The Linux Portal Site - Nightly (Build 20110507043313) GPSBabel is open source software for GPS file conversion and transfer to/from GPS units. It has a command-line interface and a graphical interface. GPSBabel converts waypoints, tracks, and routes from one format to another, whether that format is a common mapping format like Delorme, Streets and Trips, or even a serial upload or download to a GPS unit such as those from Garmin and Magellan. It also has powerful manipulation tools for such data. GPSBabel supports dozens of data formats and will be useful for tasks such as geocaching, mapping, and converting from one GPS unit to another. GPSBabel is popular in the Geocaching community because it enables people with incompatible GPS units to share data. Features include: Return to GPS Tools Home Page - Airspace Live Navit - Linux Links - The Linux Portal Site - Nightly (Build 20110507043313) Navit is a car navigation system with routing engine. Its modular design is capable of using vector maps of various formats for routing and rendering of the displayed map. It's even possible to use multiple maps at a time. The GTK+ or SDL user interfaces are designed to work well with touch screen displays. The current vehicle position is either read from gpsd or directly from NMEA GPS sensors. The routing engine not only calculates an optimal route to your destination, but also generates directions and even speaks to you using speech-dispatcher. Features include: Can read the vehicle's current position: directly from a file from gpsd (local or remote) from upd server (friends tracking) Calculates an optimal route to a destination using a Dijkstra algorithm Generates directions Speaks to you using espeak Supports the following map formats: OpenStreetMaps Australian OSM extract European maps Garmin maps US/Tiger maps Other maps Speaks 49 languages Return to GPS Tools Home Page
