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Welcome to The Sietch - Projects Build Your Own Solar Thermal Panel

Welcome to The Sietch - Projects Build Your Own Solar Thermal Panel
After our first attempt at a home built proof of concept solar thermal panel, we were a bit disappointed with the results. It took about 4 hours before the thing started work, and was a bit costly (at over 50 dollars) to make. I knew it could be done better and cheaper. My first mistake with the first one was purchasing everything new. Another flaw from the first panel was using pond liner as our collection medium. We solved this problem by using a ready made collector. The last major flaw in our first panel was using plexiglas for the cover. We solved this problem by using good old fashion window glass. Now onto the project. Our local dump has a coolant removal program that has refrigerators and dehumidifiers that they remove old freon from. Make sure that the freon, or other coolant has been removed, and cut the grill off at the base, near the large coolant holder. I found a pane of glass and an old rubber door mat that made the perfect backing and front. Enjoy the hot water. Related:  Permacultura

A Practical Zeer Pot (evaporative cooler / non-electrical refrigerator) A zeer pot is an evaporative cooler used in rural Africa and the Middle East to keep vegetables fresh. They consist of two terra cotta pots, one nested inside the other, with the gap between them filled with wet sand. The sand serves as a thermal mass that helps keep the pot cold once it has cooled down, and acts as a wick to spread the moisture up the walls of the pot. Unless the air is very dry and the pot is exposed to a constant breeze, they generally do not become as cold as a refrigerator, but they will keep vegetables fresh for a couple of weeks. Think of it as an open-cycle refrigerator. Zeer pots were re-discovered and popularized in the early 2000s by the Nigerian teacher Mohammed Bah Abba. In the under-developed parts of Africa and the Middle East, zeer pots use custom made pots prepared by local potters. What makes this zeer pot practical? There are other zeer pot instructables out there, but this one is optimized for practicality. Parts list with prices

50 Things You Should Stop Buying & Start Making Promoted Content From The Web:Promoted Content From The Web:Promoted Content From The Web:Promoted Content From The Web:Promoted Content From The Web: You might be realizing that most of the products out there that aren’t made organically or naturally contain a lot of toxic chemicals. Not only that, many of these products can be harmful to our environment in a number of ways. Making things yourself not only saves you money and helps the environment, but it lets you know where your products are coming from and exactly what’s in it. You can make anything from food items to personal care and cleaning products all in very simple ways. Remember: whenever you can, use organic foods and ingredients in recipes. 50 Things You Can Start Making Homemade Ketchup – This ketchup won’t break the bank, tastes better than the real deal and contains no added sugar – so it’s nutritionally good for the whole family. Peanut Butter – It is so simple to make this pantry staple it would be silly to buy it. Share:

The Quest for Sustainable Living How to Build a Top Bar Beehive - Part 1 with Design Plans - Art and Home by Jon PetersArt and Home by Jon Peters Here’s a how to video on building a new top bar beehive using thermally treated poplar. You can also print the complete design plans, and parts list which is posted below to build your own hive. The 2 new top bar hives, side by side How the bars fit in the body of the hive Attaching the sides to the hive JON PETERS ART & HOME – helpful links: Facebook Youtube Instagram Ebay Store Cómo iniciar tu Jardín de Permacultura La mayoría de gente apasionada por vivir de manera sostenible y en armonía con la naturaleza, eventualmente se topará con el sistema de permacultura, es difícil no hacerlo, ¡es un fenómeno mundial y está creciendo! Para más información sobre qué es la Permacultura ve a este enlace: Qué es la permacultura y cómo podemos aplicarla. Si estás leyendo esto, entonces eres una de esas personas. Algunos de ustedes eventualmente estudian permacultura, y luego, se gradúan, van a través de lo que denominamos el “efecto de permacultura”, un sentido de cambio interno profundo y realización, y una pasión que sigue a partir de ahí, salir y hacer una diferencia, para dejar de ser parte del problema y ¡ser parte de la solución! Cómo iniciar tu jardín de Permacultura La respuesta simple es, en tu propio patio trasero (si tienes uno). Una de las cosas importantes que se aprenden en permacultura es el diseño, porque permacultura es en última instancia, un sistema de diseño multidisciplinar. 1. 2. Efecto bordes

EWAO If there’s anything you read – or share – let this be it. The content of this article has potential to radically shift the world in a variety of positive ways. And as Monsanto would love for this article to not go viral, all we can ask is that you share, share, share the information being presented so that it can reach as many people as possible. In 2006, a patent was granted to a man named Paul Stamets. Though Paul is the world’s leading mycologist, his patent has received very little attention and exposure. Why is that? What has Paul discovered? Paul does this by taking entomopathogenic Fungi (fungi that destroys insects) and morphs it so it does not produce spores. This patent has potential to revolutionize the way humans grow crops – if it can be allowed to reach mass exposure. To tolerate the use of pesticides in modern agriculture is to deny evidence proving its detrimental effects against the environment. [mashshare]

Él hizo el proyecto más genial y posiblemente ilegal que he visto. El resultado es lo mejor Este es el mejor proyecto “hazlo tú mismo” que verás hoy. ¡Yo ya quiero hacerlo en casa! No estoy de acuerdo con aquellos que rayan ilegalmente las paredes o portones de casas, edificios y monumentos con firmas y frases hechas con aerosoles –otra cosa son los graffitis hechos por profesionales–, pero este arte callejero me pareció genial. Fuente Cuando vi lo que él estaba haciendo por primera vez, no comprendí de qué se trataba. Para empezar sólo necesitarás: Fuente 3 tazas de musgo (lavado, libre de partículas del suelo) 2 tazas de suero de leche o 2 tazas de yoghurt (debe ser yoghurt natural) 2 tazas de agua o cerveza Media cucharadita de azúcar jarabe de maíz (opcional) una licuadora (que es probable que no quieras utilizar para otra cosa) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Jaime Rojo Edina Tokodi 8. 9. 10. ¿Te gustó lo que viste?

15 Interiors 15 Personalized Designs Built To Surroundings Vessel | Suspended hammock bath tub Struck by the synergy between the shapes of two compelling symbols of relaxation, a hammock and a bath tub, Splinter Works were inspired to develop a piece that would provide the ultimate vehicle for total escapism. The peaceful experience of kicking-back in a hammock has been further enhanced by combining it with the immersive comfort of soaking in a hot bath. By literally elevating the experience of bathing into a suspended sculpture the bathroom has been reinvented as a contemplative sanctuary for artful relaxation. Designed for use in a wet room, Vessel is suspended from the walls and does not touch the floor. It is fixed with stainless steel brackets that can be covered over, or left revealed. The bath is filled using a floor standing tap and the waste water released through the base into a floor drain.

GROW YOUR VEGETABLES ORGANICALLY (With Companion Chart) If you have ever wanted to grow your Vegetables Organically, this information will help you. One of the things you need to do is to select plants for your garden that will help control insect pests. Certain plants contain properties that either invite beneficial insects or repel harmful insects. Using plants for Pest Control not only cuts down on your workload, but it also reduces or eliminates the amount of insecticides that you use in your garden. ARTEMISIA - This plant produces a strong antiseptic, although not unpleasant aroma that repels most insects.

Simple Yet Amazing Rustic Furniture And DIY Video Other Great Stories From Curso Gratis - Video 1 y Manual de Apoyo En CEMAER te ayudamos a aprovechar las oportunidades que presentan las energías renovables, de una manera fácil, didáctica, a tu propio ritmo y sin salir de casa. Video 1 - Curso Energía Solar Gratis Da" Me Gusta " y déjame un comentario: Intro y Manual Conceptos Básicos Construcción Panel Solar Infografía Generación Armado del Sistema FV Conclusiones
