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Welcome to The Sietch - Projects Build Your Own Solar Thermal Panel

Welcome to The Sietch - Projects Build Your Own Solar Thermal Panel
After our first attempt at a home built proof of concept solar thermal panel, we were a bit disappointed with the results. It took about 4 hours before the thing started work, and was a bit costly (at over 50 dollars) to make. I knew it could be done better and cheaper. My first mistake with the first one was purchasing everything new. Another flaw from the first panel was using pond liner as our collection medium. We solved this problem by using a ready made collector. The last major flaw in our first panel was using plexiglas for the cover. We solved this problem by using good old fashion window glass. Now onto the project. Our local dump has a coolant removal program that has refrigerators and dehumidifiers that they remove old freon from. Make sure that the freon, or other coolant has been removed, and cut the grill off at the base, near the large coolant holder. I found a pane of glass and an old rubber door mat that made the perfect backing and front. Enjoy the hot water. Related:  Permacultura

Make A Cheap & Easy Solar USB Charger With An Altoids Tin Photos by Joshua Zimmerman The craftster behind the very popular $3 solar-powered emergency radio is back with a new awesome project: a cheap solar battery charger with a USB plug. Zimmerman wrote, saying that he saw a lot of small solar powered chargers being talked about over Earth Day, but there was a big problem: "They're all quite nice, but also quite expensive. I don't think I've seen any for less than $60, and I've not seen one that really suits my style." So, he came up with his own, using one of our favorite reusable items -- the ever wonderful Altoids tin. In looking for the cheapest way to accomplish the task, Zimmerman found that he could build a USB solar charger for under $30 (or $10 if be buys parts in bulk, though it's not likely you'll be buying bulk solar cells and DC-to-USB converter circuits). Zimmerman states, "The central brain of our project is a DC to USB converter circuit.

A Practical Zeer Pot (evaporative cooler / non-electrical refrigerator) A zeer pot is an evaporative cooler used in rural Africa and the Middle East to keep vegetables fresh. They consist of two terra cotta pots, one nested inside the other, with the gap between them filled with wet sand. The sand serves as a thermal mass that helps keep the pot cold once it has cooled down, and acts as a wick to spread the moisture up the walls of the pot. Unless the air is very dry and the pot is exposed to a constant breeze, they generally do not become as cold as a refrigerator, but they will keep vegetables fresh for a couple of weeks. Think of it as an open-cycle refrigerator. Zeer pots were re-discovered and popularized in the early 2000s by the Nigerian teacher Mohammed Bah Abba. In the under-developed parts of Africa and the Middle East, zeer pots use custom made pots prepared by local potters. What makes this zeer pot practical? There are other zeer pot instructables out there, but this one is optimized for practicality. Parts list with prices

Panneau Solaire :: Panneau de chauffage solaire fait en canettes Il est en réalité incroyablement simple et économique de construire un chauffage solaire d'appoint pour sa maison. Le plus intéressant est que le système d'accumulation de la chaleur est construit a partir de canettes en aluminium vides! Plusieurs facteurs font qu'entre les énergies renouvelables (et écologiques), et les énergies conventionnelles (non renouvelables et non écologiques), le choix qui s'impose est d'abord celui de l'énergie conventionnelle avec pour argument principal le prix. Le chauffage solaire est construit a l'intérieur d'un cadre en bois (contre-plaqué 15mm), d'une plaque de Plexiglas / polycarbonate de 3mm. Le panneau solaire est fabriqué a partir de canettes de bière et de soda et couvertes d'une peinture noire résistante aux hautes températures. Pour commencer, il faut récupérer des canettes vides qui seront le coeur de notre système. Sur le fond de chaque canette, on fait 3 trous avec un pointeau (Photo 2 et 3). ATTENTION! N'enlevez pas les débris a main nues!

Wine Bottle Design | Recycled Wine Bottle Torch | Package Design Firm | Sustainable Packaging 08.09.09 | by Erik Anderson Whether it’s product branding, package design or projects for ourselves, we’re pleased when we find a solution that’s very effective and creative, while keeping resources to a minimum. This idea is very inexpensive idea and it’s a great way to recycle a wine bottle. See how this simple idea inspired this brand and wine bottle design. It’s been a record year for mosquitoes here in Indianapolis, Indiana and I’d been wanting to add some Tiki-esque torches to the patio to combat the little buggers, and add a little ambiance. Here’s what you’ll need. Empty Wine Bottle (Use any bottle as long as it’s glass and the neck is 1” in diameter. Helpful Tools: Channellocks, adjustable wrench, hacksaw, power screwdriver, and a funnel. Safety Note: This is for outdoor use only. Building Instructions The Hanger Decide where you want to mount your Recycled Bottle Torch. The Bottle Carefully and tightly wrap the 1/2-inch end of the Coupling with your Teflon Tape. Good Luck! -Erik

Disaster Preparedness All Text, Graphics, Animations, Video, and Commentary on this website was created by, and is the intellectual property of All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is punishable by up to a $500,000 fine or 5 years imprisonment for a first offense, and up to a $1,000,000 fine or up to 10 years imprisonment for subsequent offenses under the Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA). Requests for use of this material should be forwarded to Why did I add this disclaimer? SEE WHY. ParaCord Survival/Rescue Belt The project described on this page is relatively easy, yet produces a usable and effective survival/rescue belt. My Paracord Survival/Rescue Belt concept is based on extremely fast cord removal if needed. If you ever find yourself in need of a rescue line, you can get about 50 feet of line within seconds from this belt. Note: My pictures show the belt very short so it'll fit on your screen! This belt is very simple to make.

About - Emily Cummins When I was four, my Grandad gave me a hammer and began to teach me how to make toys from scraps of materials found in his garden shed. I loved the fact that we could make something out of seemingly random bits, and my interest in sustainable design was born. As I got older I learnt about the properties of different materials and became more experienced in using a range of tools. Now I'm 27 and my latest innovation is a sustainable fridge which is 'powered' by dirty water but keeps medicines or small food items clean, dry and cool. I refined my fridge during a gap year in Namibia and then decided to give away the design plans in townships across southern Africa because I wanted to enable as many people as possible to build their own fridges. My design philosophy involves a back-to-basics approach which keeps an eye on the past as well as the future and combines the best of both.

50 Things You Should Stop Buying & Start Making Promoted Content From The Web:Promoted Content From The Web:Promoted Content From The Web:Promoted Content From The Web:Promoted Content From The Web: You might be realizing that most of the products out there that aren’t made organically or naturally contain a lot of toxic chemicals. Not only that, many of these products can be harmful to our environment in a number of ways. Making things yourself not only saves you money and helps the environment, but it lets you know where your products are coming from and exactly what’s in it. You can make anything from food items to personal care and cleaning products all in very simple ways. Remember: whenever you can, use organic foods and ingredients in recipes. 50 Things You Can Start Making Homemade Ketchup – This ketchup won’t break the bank, tastes better than the real deal and contains no added sugar – so it’s nutritionally good for the whole family. Peanut Butter – It is so simple to make this pantry staple it would be silly to buy it. Share:

Fabriquer un panneau solaire thermique pour moins de 5 euros | energies2demain Ball Jar Lights I’ve been wanting to do this for a year. It’s one of those things I’ve just been putting off. I love ball canning jars, especially the blue ones. So I took the hammer and busted up the seal to get it out. Once the seal was out, I marked the center of the lid. And used the drill bit and a hammer to poke a hole where the mark was. Then we started drilling. It only took a few seconds since the lid is so thin. I bought 2 recessed light converters years ago from Lowe’s (I think). This is what the shade originally looked like. I thought these little round bulbs would look the best with the ball jar lights. Then I just screwed the jar onto the lid. I love how it looks. I made one for over the sink too. I know these have been done all over the place, but it’s something I’ve been wanting to do forever and I’m glad I finally did. And a side note: I’ve always wondered how high lights should be hung over an island. Oh, and Mom, it only took me a year, but I finally made them.

Super Trio Topical Anesthetic is the Most Powerful Pre-Procedure anesthetic This pre-procedure topical anesthetic is effective in the deadening of the epidermis PRIOR TO A SENSITIVE PROCEDURE. This topical anesthetic is effective for the initial outlining of a tattoo or the first pass on a permanent makeup procedure or for pre-laser procedures or piercing. Pre-procedure topical anesthetics are perfect for numbing the skin prior to any painful procedure. Professionals require effective ways to desensitize or "numb" the skin. Price is subject to change without notice BRICOLAGES SOLAIRES (et autres...) - Le monde de Brazihou Four solaire et parabole solaire : Fabriquer une parabole solaire à partir d'une antenne parabolique de récup. Impressionnant. Un cuiseur solaire ultra-simple : Fabriquer un four solaire en carton : Un autre modèle de barbecue solaire bricolé : Construction d'un four solaire Le four solaire à entonnoir L'auteur prétend que ce modèle a le meilleur rapport rendement / sécurité. Il explique aussi comment s'en servir de FRIGO (voire même fabriquer des glaçons) pendant la nuit. Un four solaire à entonnoir gros modèle (1400 W, 200 °C) Four solaire grand luxe. Construire des fours solaires (fiches techniques de nombreux modèles) Site sur les cuiseurs solaires Barbecue solaire de camping transportable : Le cuiseur thermos (ou marmite norvégienne) : On peut tout bêtement utiliser une glacière... Le cuiseur à bois économe : utilisez 10 fois moins de bois pour cuire au feu de bois Explications en photos sur le cuiseur à bois économe (document PDF) Séchoir solaire Séchoir solaire Construction d'un séchoir solaire

The Quest for Sustainable Living
