the social/situational orientation to learning @ the informal education homepage
The social/situational orientation to learning. It is not so much that learners acquire structures or models to understand the world, but they participate in frameworks that that have structure. Learning involves participation in a community of practice. Social learning theory ‘posits that people learn from observing other people. Learning would be exceedingly laborious, not to mention hazardous, if people ha d to rely solely on the effects of their own actions to inform them what to do. Attending to a behaviour; remembering it as a possible model or paradigm; and playing out how it may work for them in different situations (rehearsal) are key aspects of observational learning. Symbols retained from a modelling experience act as a template with which one’s actions are compared. In this model behaviour results from the interaction of the individual with the environment. A more radical model – situated learning – has been put forward by Lave and Wenger (1991). References Murphy, P.
Enseñanza de las ciencias, basada en indagación
Por María Isabel Rivas Marín “En un mundo donde los desarrollos tecnológicos y la globalización son protagonistas, se hace pertinente una nueva valoración de la educación básica que permita la apropiación de una cultura científica para un desarroll o adecuado en la sociedad actual” María Isabel Rivas M. Pequeños Científicos es un programa de origen Francés que busca generar cambios en la enseñanza – aprendizaje de las Ciencias. En él, los niños aprenden por medio de indagación guiada [1]; adquieren conocimientos y competencias científicas mediante la realización de experiencias que los llevan a observar fenómenos de la vida cotidiana, sobre los cuales argumentan, formulan preguntas, manipulan objetos, plantean hipótesis, analizan resultados y sacan conclusiones. En este proceso, el docente desarrolla una nueva relación con el niño al orientar la indagación para que éste construya conocimiento (Pequeños Científicos, 2002). Por su parte, el docente debe: Imagen 1. Imagen 2. Tabla 1.
Editor’s Note: Learning objects make it unnecessary to have thousands of iterations of the same teaching point. Metadata makes it possible to select and integrate relevant learning experiences from a relatively small library of learning objects. Reusable learning objects permit lessons to be generated and customized for specific groups or even for individuals. Extensive research and development has led to a vocabulary of specialized terms to define learning objects. Rory McGreal provides a rationale to relate variations in terminology into a single practical definition of Learning Objects. Rory McGreal Learning objects (LOs) enable and facilitate the use of educational content online. Learning Object Repositories (LORs) that are being created house the LOs providing seamless access to a vast store of learning resources such as animations, videos, simulations, educational games, and multimedia texts in the same way that Napster and IPod users have access to music files. Anything digital
Instructional System Design
This short guide (less than a 10 minute read) provides a framework that is composed of four models: While you can click any part of the above map (to include the Complex/Complicated Environments) to learn more about the topic, it is suggested you read the following first to see how the various models tie together. Instructional System Design — This guide to ISD uses the ADDIE model (analysis, design, develop, implement or delivery, & evaluation). Note that ISD is considered a plug and play model in that it allows other model and frameworks to be plugged into it so that it can adapt to almost any learning situation or environment. While the model above shows that the ADDIE version of the ISD model is quite dynamic, the model below shows the various steps within each of the five phases: Here is a slightly different version of ADDIE: Agile Design Extending Instructional System Design — ISD was built for simple to complicated environments.
Learning Materials
A collection of simulations and virtual labs focusing on first-year college physics. An interview with the award winning... see more A collection of simulations and virtual labs focusing on first-year college physics. An interview with the award winning author can be found in About us at Phet VideoPhET provides fun, interactive, research-based simulations of physical phenomena for free. We believe that our research-based approach- incorporating findings from prior research and our own testing- enables students to make connections between real-life phenomena and the underlying science, deepening their understanding and appreciation of the physical world. To help students visually comprehend concepts, PhET simulations animate what is invisible to the eye through the use of graphics and intuitive controls such as click-and-drag manipulation, sliders and radio buttons. Peer Review for material titled "PhET - Physics Education Technology at the University of Colorado" About this material: | Make eBooks. Really simple.
IJET Articles (November, 2002) - v3,n1 [ISSN 1327-7308]
- Cheryl J. Hamel, University of Central Florida - David Ryan-Jones, Joint ADL Co-Laboratory A new trend is shaping the future of educational technology. Software standards for digital media and instruction are intended to ensure that courseware will be developed, organized, and distributed in a uniform manner. One concept underlying the evolving courseware standards is that the same instructional content may be usable in different instructional contexts. The vision of object-oriented instruction is that an educational object economy will be created. What Are Learning Objects? Learning objects have been described in the open literature in many different ways, depending upon the background of the author and the context of the description. The IEEE definition of learning objects includes a wide range of content and applications that only have to be object-oriented pieces of a course to be considered to be learning objects. Learning Object Design Guidelines Conclusions
Wayne Hodgins
Wayne Hodgins was the strategic futurist at Autodesk Inc. for over 20 years and now an Autodesk Fellow. Wayne brings keen foresight and thought-provoking perspectives on human performance improvement, knowledge management, learning, and the general nature of design to a broad range of corporations and organizations worldwide. His exceptional vision, versatility, and ability to discern trends and complex patterns make him a trusted advisor to senior management at Autodesk, as well as clients at Fortune 500 companies, national governments, NGO’s, military, academic, and other institutions. A highly sought-after speaker, Wayne uses his unique ability to put together eclectic combinations of existing elements into new models that are easily understood so that others become inspired and enabled to use this new information to design their own future. Wayne’s passion for effecting change has made him a leader in initiating and developing international standards.