Ulkonäköön liittyvät ennakkoluulot kumpuavat aivojen alkukantaisista kerroksista - Rasismi - Elämä Ulkonäköön liittyvät ennakkoluulot kumpuavat aivojen alkukantaisista kerroksista 1. Ennakkoluulojen juuret ovat usein aivojen alkukantaisissa kerroksissa. Ihminen saattaa tiedostamattaan ottaa enemmän etäisyyttä nähdessään erivärisen ihmisen, vaikkei ajattelisikaan rasistisesti. Empatiakaan ei ole tasapuolista: aivot reagoivat vahvemmin samankaltaiseksi koetun ihmisen kipuun. 2. 3. 4.
Trautner-Borland--Academic_Integrity.pdf Healthy News and Information By Jackie Clay-Atkinson Year after year we start seeds, till the ground, plant, weed, harvest, then tear it all out at the end of the season. It’s a lot of work, no doubt. But there are some plants you can plant once that will produce a lifetime of food after they are established. Asparagus Asparagus is perhaps the easiest, most commonly grown permanent crop. When you plant asparagus from seed, it usually takes four years before you get an appreciable harvest of asparagus from your row or bed. Preparing your asparagus beds for planting is quite important because your asparagus will be there for a long, long time. I dig a wide furrow 18 inches deep. As the asparagus sends out spears, gently add more soil and compost to the trench until it is even with the soil level. The next year you’ll be able to widen your harvesting window to about 2-3 weeks, again only picking the fattest spears. Chives Chives are one of the easiest and most useful of all small garden permanent plantings. Horseradish
Dan Ariely on 23andMe and the Burden of Knowledge - Scott Berinato News broke Friday that 23andMe, the provider of genetic testing services built around a $99 kit you can use at home, would cease providing health information to consumers while the product underwent a Food and Drug Administration approval process, because the FDA considers the test a medical device that requires regulatory review. While the FDA reviews the product, 23andMe will continue to provide customers ancestry data and raw data. Coincidentally, right when the news was posted, I was speaking with celebrated behavioral economist Dan Ariely about 23andMe. Ariely saw an ad for the kit and his curiosity prompted him to take the test. When he got the results, he knew he wanted to direct a researcher’s lens on it, because “this was standard, classic, even an exaggerated case of information overload. I wanted to analyze it from the point of view of what we can do with this information, and what should we do. What was the reaction to the kits in the lab? It was more than that. No.
Psykiatri Hannu Lauerma: "Rasismi on pikkuporvarillinen yritys olla aatelinen" | Me Naiset Turvapaikanhakijoiden bussia heitettiin ilotulitteilla, SPR:n työntekijää kivillä (Yle 24.9.2015) Kouvolan polttopulloiskun epäiltyä esitetään vangittavaksi – hätämajoitustilan asukkaat olivat todella peloissaan (HS 25.9.2015) Hallitus tuomitsee jyrkästi Lahden mielenosoituksen – Ilotulitteita kohti turvapaikanhakijoiden bussia, mukana Ku Klux Klan -asuinen mies (HS. 25.9.2015) Nämä ovat torstaina ja perjantain otsikoita. Mitä väkivaltaan sortuvien ihmisten päässä oikein liikkuu? 1. – Yleisesti rasismin ja maahanmuuttovastaisuuden taustat ovat tiedossa. Niinpä pakolaiset koetaan nyt paljon suuremmaksi ongelmaksi kuin 1980-luvulla, jolloin Suomeen saapui venepakolaisia Vietnamista. Tämän tyyppistä väkivaltaa täytyisi tutkia enemmän siitä lähtökohdasta, että kuunneltaisiin tekijöiden motiiveja – selvitettäisiin, miksi he itse pitävät toimintansa oikeutettuna. "Huono itsetunto voi selittää joitakin tekoja." 2. Toki huono itsetunto voi selittää joitakin tekoja. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
AVID Sociology Instruction I Created A Mirrored Ziggurat To Connect The Earth And Sky In Sydney In this installation I have been inspired by the pyramidal structure of Ziggurat, a common form of temple in ancient Mesopotamia, attempting to connect earth and sky, so humans could be nearer to god. The Mirrored Ziggurat acts as a staircase, which seeks to connect nature with human beings and to create a union of ancient history and today’s world. This installation offers a transformative view of the self. The Mirrored Ziggurat has seven levels that represent seven heavens. For me, mirrors amplify this paradise, giving light; an important mystical concept in Persian Culture, and a medium creating an optical illusion. More info: shirinabedinirad.com Continued below. A machine for jumping to conclusions To Daniel Kahneman, PhD, the human mind is a marvel, but a fallible one. Kahneman, who is best known as the only psychologist to win a Nobel Prize (in economics), has spent decades investigating people's automatic thought processes. He has found that what he calls our "System 1"—our automatic, intuitive mind—usually lets us navigate the world easily and successfully. But, when unchecked by "System 2"—our controlled, deliberative, analytical mind—System 1 also leads us to make regular, predictable errors in judgment. Considering those errors in the 1970s led Kahneman and his longtime collaborator Amos Tversky, PhD, who died in 1996, to develop the Nobel-prize-winning theory that explains why human beings often make economic decisions that aren't perfectly rational—in contrast to what economists had long believed. Kahneman spoke to the Monitor about his new book, "Thinking, Fast and Slow," which sums up his life's research on human judgments, decision-making and, most recently, happiness.
hs: Lauermaa: Kuka tahansa pystyisi pahaan Olet paha ja tekopyhä. Toivon, että läheisesi pahoinpideltäisiin ja raiskattaisiin, jotta oppisit. Sellainen viesti saapui Hannu Lauerman sähköpostiin hiljattain erään lehtihaastattelun jälkeen. Lauerma on Psykiatrisen vankisairaalan vastaava ylilääkäri, ja häntä haastatellaan tämän tästä, kun kaivataan asiantuntijan näkemystä rikollisuudesta ja mielisairauksista. Vesa-Matti Väärä Psykiatri Hannu Lauerma siteeraa ranskalaista kirjailijaa Voltairea."' Sillä kertaa haastattelu sivusi maahanmuuttajia. "Minulla oli ilo huomauttaa hänelle, että jutun alussa totesin, kuinka eräät rikostyypit ovat tietyissä maahanmuuttajaryhmissä huomattavasti yleisempiä kuin muissa väestöryhmissä", Lauerma kertoo. Nainen oli luultavasti lukenut sen. Viestin lähettänyt nainen oli tyyppiesimerkki ihmisestä, joka tunsi niin voimakasta vihaa, että se kapeutti näkökentän. Lauerma on sellaisesta huolissaan. Hannu Lauerma Kuka? Mistä tunnetaan? Luennoi alastaan ja osallistuu aktiivisesti sitä koskevaan keskusteluun.
Poverty Games, Part 5: Inequality Monopoly | Active Learning in Political Science © Some of my sociologist friends turned me onto a common game they use in their field to teach about social class and inequality: Inequality Monopoly (also called Modified Monopoly, Development Monopoly, or Stratified Monopoly). The basic idea is to have students play a classic game of Monopoly (8 students to a board, multiple boards as needed) but with a twist: starting resources, salary, jail, and other effects of the game change based on which ‘social class’ you are randomly assigned at the beginning. So the upper class player may start with $2500 and a couple of hotels they can place on the first property they land on, while the middle class starts with $1500 and a house, the working class $1000 and lower class $500. Salaries change too; only the upper class gets the full $200 for passing Go. You can also speed up the game by simply distributing property in advance; some of the rule sets below have ideas on ways to do this. Resources to Play the Game: Poverty Games Pt 3: Free Rice
UK Is Testing Roads That Charge Electric Cars As They Drive Imagine never having to pull over to fuel your car. This is exactly what Highways England is planning to implement for drivers of electric vehicles. Automobiles would be fitted with wireless technology and then driven on roads with special electromagnetic field generating equipment buried underneath. Trials will run for 18 months before a decision is made to move the project to public roads. This is not the first time such technology sees the light of day: in 2013, the South Korean town of Gumi switched on a 12km (7.5 miles) route that allows special buses to be charged with similar technology. “Vehicle technologies are advancing at an ever increasing pace and we’re committed to supporting the growth of ultra-low emissions vehicles on England’s motorways and major A roads,” wrote Highways England chief highways engineer, Mike Wilson. More info: www.gov.uk (h/t: bbc) Highways England plans to test this technology over 18 months before a decision is made to move the project to public roads
The secrets of the world's happiest cities | Society Two bodyguards trotted behind Enrique Peñalosa, their pistols jostling in holsters. There was nothing remarkable about that, given his profession – and his locale. Peñalosa was a politician on yet another campaign, and this was Bogotá, a city with a reputation for kidnapping and assassination. What was unusual was this: Peñalosa didn't climb into the armoured SUV. Instead, he hopped on a mountain bike. His bodyguards and I pedalled madly behind, like a throng of teenagers in the wake of a rock star. A few years earlier, this ride would have been a radical and – in the opinion of many Bogotáns – suicidal act. I first saw the Mayor of Happiness work his rhetorical magic back in the spring of 2006. Peñalosa insisted that, like most cities, Bogotá had been left deeply wounded by the 20th century's dual urban legacy: first, the city had been gradually reoriented around cars. In the third year of his term, Peñalosa challenged Bogotáns to participate in an experiment.
Moni mies kokee homouden uhkana – vieroksuja yrittää puolustaa asemaansa - Homoseksuaalisuus - Tiede Moni mies kokee homouden uhkana – vieroksuja yrittää puolustaa asemaansa Parikymmentä vuotta sitten tutkijat tekivät Yhdysvalloissa suorasukaisen kokeen, jolla he testasivat tunnettua teoriaa homofobiasta. Sen mukaan homoja karsastavat miehet tuntevat tiedostamatonta seksuaalista kiinnostusta omaan sukupuoleensa, mutta torjuvat kielletyn halunsa ja siksi kammoksuvat sitä myös muissa. Ajatus on peräisin psykoanalyysin luojalta Sigmund Freudilta. Georgian yliopiston tutkija Henry Adams ja hänen työtoverinsa testasivat teoriaa ryhmällä opiskelijamiehiä. Ensin tutkijat selvittivät opiskelijoiden asennetta homoihin. Freud olisi ollut tyytyväinen tulokseen. Paisuvaiskudoksen pullistuminen voi kuitenkin kertoa myös muusta kuin kiihottumisesta. Homovastaiset opiskelijat ehkä pelkäsivät kiihottumista ja sen näkymistä tutkijoiden mittareissa, ja juuri se pisti liikettä nivusiin. Toiset tutkimukset viittaavat siihen, että homoseksuaalisuuden torjunta on sitä miltä se näyttää: vieroksuntaa.
You Need Sociology to Understand Ferguson | SociologyInFocus Students often wonder why sociology 101 is a required course. In this piece, Nathan Palmer argues that without sociology we cannot fully understand events like the tragic killing of Mike Brown by officer Darren Wilson. Over the next few weeks thousands of students across the country will start a sociology 101 class. Most will not be sociology majors and many will walk into class wondering, “why on earth am I required to take this class?” The answer is, at least in part, so you can understand the world around you instead of merely making sense of it. All of us make sense of the world around us, but that doesn’t mean that we understand why people behave the way they do or why things happen day-to-day. One year ago yesterday Mike Brown, an unarmed African American teenager, was shot and killed by Darren Wilson, a white police officer, in Ferguson Missouri. Expanding U.S. The boom ended and starting around 1978 economic inequality began to rise. The Expanding Role of Police in Society