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Clim'city Online - Accueil
Pourquoi le réchauffement de la planète s’accélère-t-il ? Pourquoi les activités humaines perturbent-elles le climat ? Comment réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre ?
Birding News and Features — New Jersey
January Field Trips with All Things Birds January Field Trips with All Things Birds Kick off your year list, get out to see snazzy Harlequin Ducks and eiders, and perhaps even a Snowy Owl, or attend an indoor workshop to brush up on your bird ID skills on a variety of winter field trips with NJ Audubon’s All Things Birds! Below is [...] November & December Field Trips with NJ Audubon’s All Things Birds
Christian the Lion
About Christian the Lion is a phenomenally popular video clip from the 1971 Australian documentary Christian, The Lion at World’s End featuring a domesticated lion recognizing his owners a year after being successfully integrated into the wild. The video is usually accompanied by a happy-sad song and is most notorious in chain-mails. Origin
Dans Ton Chat
eBird: Engaging Birders in Science and Conservation
Figures Citation: Wood C, Sullivan B, Iliff M, Fink D, Kelling S (2011) eBird: Engaging Birders in Science and Conservation. PLoS Biol 9(12): e1001220. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1001220
Artistas como Almodóvar, Bardem o Verdú prestan su voz a 15 víctimas del franquismo
"No tuve juicio, ni abogado, ni sentencia, mi familia me sigue buscando". Así acaban las 15 historias de víctimas del franquismo que narran en un documental actores, cineastas y escritores como Pedro Almodóvar, Javier Bardem, Maribel Verdú, Aitana Sánchez-Gijón, Hugo Silva, Juan José Millás, Almudena Grandes o Miguel Ríos. Todos ellos prestan su voz y su imagen en un vídeo a 15 víctimas del franquismo para reivindicar "justicia" y una "autentica política pública en materia de memoria". En apoyo a las 113.000 familias de desaparecidos, cada una de los personajes públicos que participan en este vídeo, cuentan en primera persona y mirando a cámara, los casos reales de 15 víctimas del franquismo. Familiares de las víctimas, muchos de ellos emocionados, asistieron a la proyección de este vídeo, que ha sido dirigido por Azucena Rodríguez. Para el actor Juan Diego, este acto ha sido uno de los más "emotivos" de su carrera, que se ha llenado de "silencios, sollozos y humanidad".
Orchard Oriole, Identification, All About Birds - Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Orioles have a very distinctive shape: longer and lankier than warblers and finches, with a narrow, sharply pointed bill. Orchard Orioles are smaller than Baltimore Orioles and Bullock’s Orioles, with a slightly downcurved bill. Adult male Orchard Orioles are hard to mistake with their rich chestnut-red color. Female Baltimore and Bullock’s Orioles are more orange on the breast and tail, and less greenish-yellow than female Orchard Orioles.
Agroglyphes.fr - Liens... - Daniel HARRAN
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Channel Islands Odyssey - Summer 2009 Living Bird, All About Birds, Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Page 1 of 4 by Chuck Graham Photographs by Chuck Graham Stranded on Santa Barbara Island, more than 40 miles off the Southern California coast, I lost count of how many times I kayaked around the tiny, one-square-mile islet. Howling northwest winds thwarted my scheduled boat transportation to the mainland, extending my four-day trip into a wind-whipped ten. But I was grateful to be here and made the most of the pelagic birding opportunities in this remote, lonely place.
Itay Talgam : Du chaos émerge la musique
La question posée par Itay Talgam est : comment une harmonie au sein d'un ensemble de musiciens se crée-t-elle ? Il refuse d'attribuer l'ensemble du mérite au travail de direction et se propose d'analyser en vidéo les façons de faire de quelques chefs d'orchestre pour comprendre le rôle que ceux-ci peuvent avoir dans la magie qui s'opère. Riccardo Muti exerce un contrôle absolu sur les musiciens : ils sont des instruments au service de sa version de la partition. Sa direction ne leur laisse aucun espace de liberté. Il est l'homme-orchestre : les musiciens sont le prolongement de lui-même. Herbert von Karajan, au contraire, est très peu directif.
Strange, Beautiful and Unexpected: Planned Cities Seen From Space
Most planned cities probably aren't designed with the view from space in mind, but some of them create incredible patterns on the landscape that can only be truly appreciated from above. Planned cities are laid out all at once and built from scratch. They are designed with a purpose in mind: to optimize traffic flow, or to maximize access to green space or to keep everyone in their proper place. They are born from many different inspirations. Some are a compromise between two cities vying to be their country's capitol, built in between in neutral territory on previously undeveloped land. Some are built to keep workers near a nuclear power plant or copper mine in the middle of nowhere.
Compagnie Rasposo, Cirque - Théatre