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Artificial Robotic Hand Transmits Feeling To Nerves

Artificial Robotic Hand Transmits Feeling To Nerves
Astro Teller has an unusual way of starting a new project: He tries to kill it. Teller is the head of X, formerly called Google X, the advanced technology lab of Alphabet. At X’s headquarters not far from the Googleplex in Mountain View, Calif., Teller leads a group of engineers, inventors, and designers devoted to futuristic “moonshot” projects like self-driving cars, delivery drones, and Internet-beaming balloons. To turn their wild ideas into reality, Teller and his team have developed a unique approach. The ideas that survive get additional rounds of scrutiny, and only a tiny fraction eventually becomes official projects; the proposals that are found to have an Achilles’ heel are discarded, and Xers quickly move on to their next idea. The moonshots that X has pursued since its founding six years ago are a varied bunch. Related:  The Singularity

Penn study shows why sleep is needed to form memories PHILADELPHIA – If you ever argued with your mother when she told you to get some sleep after studying for an exam instead of pulling an all-nighter, you owe her an apology, because it turns out she's right. And now, scientists are beginning to understand why. In research published this week in Neuron, Marcos Frank, PhD, Assistant Professor of Neuroscience, at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, postdoctoral researcher Sara Aton, PhD, and colleagues describe for the first time how cellular changes in the sleeping brain promote the formation of memories. "This is the first real direct insight into how the brain, on a cellular level, changes the strength of its connections during sleep," Frank says. The findings, says Frank, reveal that the brain during sleep is fundamentally different from the brain during wakefulness. "We find that the biochemical changes are simply not happening in the neurons of animals that are awake," Frank says. A molecular explanation is emerging.

Nanotechnology Basics Home > Introduction > Nanotechnology Basics Nanotechnology Basics Last Updated: Friday, 14-Jun-2013 09:28:04 PDT What is Nanotechnology? Answers differ depending on who you ask, and their background. Broadly speaking however, nanotechnology is the act of purposefully manipulating matter at the atomic scale, otherwise known as the "nanoscale." Coined as "nano-technology" in a 1974 paper by Norio Taniguchi at the University of Tokyo, and encompassing a multitude of rapidly emerging technologies, based upon the scaling down of existing technologies to the next level of precision and miniaturization. Foresight Nanotech Institute Founder K. In the future, "nanotechnology" will likely include building machines and mechanisms with nanoscale dimensions, referred to these days as Molecular Nanotechnology (MNT). Click image for larger version. This image was written using Dip-Pen Nanolithography, and imaged using lateral force microscopy mode of an atomic force microscope. "We know it's possible.

News Today we're happy to announce a new version of Facebook for Business—an updated site that, over the next few months, will grow into the central destination for the news, information and inspiration that marketers can use to drive business results with Facebook. Central to the new Facebook for Business is the News section, which will serve as the primary source of official news regarding major product updates and releases, along with timely tips, trends we're noticing, and stories about our advertisers. Facebook Studio and other resources remain available, but going forward, marketers should look to the new Facebook for Business for the latest news and updates. The changes being implemented through Facebook for Business reflect our larger efforts to simplify our ad products. More Flexibility, Real-time Reach Insights, and Enhanced Audience Demographics As part of our ongoing effort to simplify our ad products, today we’re announcing several updates to Ads Manager Reports. Virality

GetRobo Data, Information, Knowledge, & Wisdom by Gene Bellinger, Durval Castro, Anthony Mills There is probably no segment of activity in the world attracting as much attention at present as that of knowledge management. Yet as I entered this arena of activity I quickly found there didn't seem to be a wealth of sources that seemed to make sense in terms of defining what knowledge actually was, and how was it differentiated from data, information, and wisdom. What follows is the current level of understanding I have been able to piece together regarding data, information, knowledge, and wisdom. I figured to understand one of them I had to understand all of them. According to Russell Ackoff, a systems theorist and professor of organizational change, the content of the human mind can be classified into five categories: Ackoff indicates that the first four categories relate to the past; they deal with what has been or what is known. A further elaboration of Ackoff's definitions follows: Data... data is raw. Ex: It is raining. What is it?

Hi-Res Images of Hydrogen Nonmetal, mass: 1.008 u, 2 stable isotopes (1, 2), abundance rank (earth/space): 9/1 Click image to magnify. Vial of glowing ultrapure hydrogen, H2. Original size in cm: 1 x 5. How to make gases glow. Hydrogen is the lightest and simplest element and, with a ratio of 80%, is the main ingredient of the visible universe. 20% consist of helium, the ratio of the heavier elements is below 1%. Right: The Great Orion Nebula, 80% hydrogen. The images are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License, unless otherwise noted. Why are past, present, and future our only options? But things get awkward if you have a friend. (Use your imagination if necessary.) Low blow, Dr. Dave. Low blow... But seriously, I always figured if there was more than one dimension of time, that moving "left" or "right" would be the equivalent of moving to a parallel universe where things were slightly different. That is to say, maybe time really is 2 dimensional, but for all the reasons you mention, we're normally only aware of one of them—and for the most part, the same one that most of the people we meet are aware of. But take, say, a schizophrenic person—maybe they're tuned in differently; moving sideways through time instead of forward... or maybe moving through (and aware of) both simultaneously. They can't form coherent thoughts because they're constantly confronted with overlapping and shifting realities. I dunno... that's all just speculation, of course, but I find that thought fascinating.

Interview mit Fredmund F. Malik: „Der Kapitalismus ist gescheitert“ - Börse + Märkte - Finanzen Soziale Netzwerke dauerhaft einschalten Herr Malik, die Banken suchen erneut das Risiko, selbst dicke Boni werden wieder gezahlt. Haben Banker ein kurzes Gedächtnis und nichts aus der Finanzkrise gelernt? Ja, aber nicht nur wegen des kurzen Gedächtnisses, sondern weil weiterhin mit althergebrachten Methoden gearbeitet wird, die ungeeignet sind, die Komplexität der Krise zu beherrschen. Es ist, als würden Sie ein Schiff weiter mit Hilfe eines Sextanten steuern, statt moderne Satelliten-Navigation zu verwenden. Täuscht der Eindruck, dass auch den Staatschefs wenig Neues einfällt? Wahrscheinlich ist, dass der Gipfel von der allgemeinen Hilflosigkeit ablenken sollte. Was läuft denn schief? Ich denke zum Beispiel an die Frage nach der Haftung von Managern, aber auch an finanzielle Maßnahmen. Rund um den Globus investieren die Staaten kräftig in Hilfsprogramme. Wir wiederholen genau jene Fehler, die die Japaner in den 90er-Jahren gemacht haben. Und heute? Sie halten wohl nicht viel von der Börse.

NODE 科学、技術、サブカル ニュース シンガポール初の等身大ヒューマノイド「NASH」動画 Nanyang Technological University (NTU) による「 NASH (NTU Advanced Smart Humanoid)」だそうです。 まだヨタヨタですが、今後。 ソニー、電力を機器ごとに管理できる「認証型コンセント」を発表 電力を利用者や機器ごとに管理、利用する提案 「認証型コンセント」を開発 ~非接触ICカード技術と新開発「電力線重畳通信技術」により実現~ 具体的には、非接触ICカード技術NFC/FeliCaを応用して電気機器認証を行う「認証型コンセント: FeliCaタイプ」と、新技術「電力線重畳通信技術」により、電源ケーブルを介して電気機器認証を行う 「認証型コンセント:電力線重畳通信タイプ」を開発しました。 制限したい方にとってはいいでしょうが、これまで誰でも使えたコンセントが使える人/機器が制限されるようになるわけで、不便に感じる状況も生じてしまうかもなとちょっと思いました。 ひざの上にPCを載せて使えるクッション付きテーブル 上海問屋から。 似たような商品を僕も使ってますが、ソファーでくつろぎながらノートPCを使うときには、この手の商品があると便利というか、ラクチンです。 花粉予報をプッシュで通知してくれるアプリ「花粉アラーム」 今年も花粉の季節が到来したようです。 「花粉アラーム」は、花粉予報をプッシュで通知してくれるiPhoneアプリ。 花粉アラーム カテゴリ: 天気 価格: ¥85 未来の「ガラス」 さしづめ「ガラス2.0」といったところでしょうか。 解説付きのムービーもこちらにあります。 銅板レリーフを彫る過程をバーチャル体験できるアプリ「Carve the Copper Relief」 「Carve the Copper Relief」彫る 銅板レリーフは、iPhoneやiPadで銅板レリーフを下書きからバーチャル体験できるアプリ。 フェルトペンで下書き、ボールペンでなぞって転写して、へらや釘で打って、いぶし液で着色。 彫る 銅板レリーフ カテゴリ: エンターテインメント 価格: 無料 ネズミみたいなヒゲで周囲の環境をセンシングする移動ロボット動画 University of the West of Englandのジャコウネズミ(Etruscan Shrew)にインスパイアされたロボット。

Physics Flash Animations We have been increasingly using Flash animations for illustrating Physics content. This page provides access to those animations which may be of general interest. The animations will appear in a separate window. The animations are sorted by category, and the file size of each animation is included in the listing. In addition, I have prepared a small tutorial in using Flash to do Physics animations. LInks to versions of these animations in other languages, other links, and license information appear towards the bottom of this page. The Animations There are 99 animations listed below. Other Languages and Links These animations have been translated into Catalan, Spanish and Basque: En aquest enllaç podeu trobar la versió al català de les animacions Flash de Física. Many animations have been translated into Greek by Vangelis Koltsakis. Most animations have been translated into Hungarian by Sandor Nagy, Eötvös Loránd University.

Artificial Intelligence - Volume 1: Chatbot NetLogo Model Produced for the book series "Artificial Intelligence"; Author: W. J. Teahan; Publisher: Ventus Publishing Aps, Denmark. powered by NetLogo view/download model file: Chatbot.nlogo This model implements two basic chatbots - Liza and Harry. The model makes use of an extension to NetLogo called "re" for regular expressions. First press the setup button in the Interface - this will load the rules for each chatbot. The Interface buttons are defined as follows:- setup: This loads the rules for each chatbots.- chat: This starts or continues the conversation with the chatbot that was selected using the bot chooser. The Interface chooser and switch is defined as follows:- bot: This sets the chatbot to the Liza chatbot, the Harry chatbot or Both.- debug-conversation: If this is set to On, debug information is also printed showing which rules matched. Harry seems to do a bit better at being paranoid than Liza does at being a Rogerian psychotherapist. Try adding your own rules to the chatbots.

Interview mit Fredmund F. Malik: „Der Kapitalismus ist gescheitert“ - Börse + Märkte - Finanzen Ja, aber nicht nur wegen des kurzen Gedächtnisses, sondern weil weiterhin mit althergebrachten Methoden gearbeitet wird, die ungeeignet sind, die Komplexität der Krise zu beherrschen. Es ist, als würden Sie ein Schiff weiter mit Hilfe eines Sextanten steuern, statt moderne Satelliten-Navigation zu verwenden. Täuscht der Eindruck, dass auch den Staatschefs wenig Neues einfällt? Auf dem G8-Gipfel hielten sie sich erstaunlich bedeckt ... Wahrscheinlich ist, dass der Gipfel von der allgemeinen Hilflosigkeit ablenken sollte. Was läuft denn schief? Ich denke zum Beispiel an die Frage nach der Haftung von Managern, aber auch an finanzielle Maßnahmen. Rund um den Globus investieren die Staaten kräftig in Hilfsprogramme. Wir wiederholen genau jene Fehler, die die Japaner in den 90er-Jahren gemacht haben. Es gibt aber bereits Anzeichen für eine Erholung der Wirtschaft. Wer jetzt Entwarnung gibt, hat anscheinend nicht die Krise der 30er-Jahre studiert.

robots hacks [Thomas Kølbæk Jespersen] and his classmates at Aalborg University’s Robot Vision course used MATLAB code and URscript to program a Universal Robots UR5 to stack up Duplo bricks. The Duplo bricks are stacked into low-fi Simpsons characters — yellow for Homer’s head, white for his shirt, and blue for his pants, for example. The bricks are scattered randomly on a nearby table, while a camera mounted above the table scans the bricks and assists in determining the location, color, and orientation of the elements. This involves blob analysis which helps the computer decide what pixel is part of a brick and what isn’t. To determine the orientation (the bricks are all assumed to be stud-side up and not overlapping) the blob is divided into quadrants and within each quadrant, the distance between the center of the blob and its farthest pixel is measured. Looking for more UR5 projects? Continue reading “Universal Robots Vision-Based LEGO Stacker” There isn’t much hard information on Toio yet.
