Robotics Developer Studio
<a id="b7777d05-f9ee-bedd-c9b9-9572b26f11d1" target="_self" class="mscom-link download-button dl" href="confirmation.aspx?id=29081" bi:track="false"><span class="loc" locid="46b21a80-a483-c4a8-33c6-eb40c48bcd9d" srcid="46b21a80-a483-c4a8-33c6-eb40c48bcd9d">Download</span></a> Microsoft® Robotics Developer Studio 4 is a freely available .NET-based programming environment for building robotics applications. It can be used by both professional and non-professional developers as well as hobbyists. DetailsMicrosoft Robotics Developer Studio 4.exe Microsoft® Robotics Developer Studio 4 enables hobbyists and professional or non-professional developers to create robotics applications targeting a wide range of scenarios.
20 Cloud Platforms (IaaS software)
Following the launch of our cloud server map two months ago, covering IaaS offerings from service providers, it has been interesting to track which software the various providers are using for managing their clouds, what hypervisors they are running, what kind of storage they use, which features they support etc. While many are using custom platforms, where they have written their own code to manage their virtual servers, a lot are using already available frameworks or turnkey solutions to power their cloud offerings. If you are looking to start offering cloud services there is a jungle of different platforms available, both commercial and open source, that can either help you get started or deliver you a complete solution tailored to fit your exact needs.
Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. H-inventory est un logiciel sous licence GNU GPL permettant d'inventorier les machines (quelles soient sous windows, linux ou FreeBSD) d'un parc informatique. Il possède divers modules qui permettent de gérer les incidents (HelpDesk), de faire un audit réseau (scan nmap), de déployer automatiquement des applications windows et linux (Hideploy). Le logiciel semble avoir un développement arrêté depuis 2007 et le site Internet n'existe plus.
1 Command, 15 Minute Install: Hadoop + In Memory Data Grid + SQL Analytic Data Warehouse
With one command and a 15 minute install time, anyone with a decent development sandbox can deploy and log into their own Pivotal HD environment with Apache Hadoop®, a SQL-on-HDFS analytic data warehouse (HAWQ), and an in-memory data grid (GemFire XD) integrated with HDFS. Since the single-command install process below also includes GraphLab’s machine learning toolkit, data scientists, architects, statisticians, and analysts can have an industry-leading set of big data technologies at their fingertips before they finish their turkey sandwich at lunch. Why Apache Hadoop® Alone Doesn’t Cut It—Three Data Services vs. One For many companies, Apache Hadoop® alone doesn’t provide the complete big data solution needed to turn data into business value.
Clark Freshman - Emotional Skills and Lie Detection for Negotiators and Lawyers
WAPT - Un outil de déploiement de logiciels sous Windows
Si vous gérez un parc de machines sous Windows, voici un soft qui devrait vous intéresser. Il s'agit de WAPT (j’imagine que ça se prononce Wapity), qui s'inspire du gestionnaire de paquets APT et qui permet d'installer, de désinstaller et de mettre à jour tous les softs présents sur les machines de votre parc. Le client local WAPT peut aller piocher les logiciels dans le dépôt public wapt tranquil mais vous pouvez créer aussi vos propres paquets et les déployer via votre propre serveur WAPT.
(R)?ex - A simple framework to simplify systemadministration and datacenter automation
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