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De la production à la consommation

De la production à la consommation
Related:  Simulaciones

Mission Europe IoT Art: Networked Art | Postscapes You pull out your phone and open a map. A blue dot appears, pinpointing your location. Here you are, the dot says. GPS, the global positioning system, is a bedrock technology of the Internet of Things, one of the earliest ways of representing real-time data about connected devices and objects. But in the parable of the dancing dot, the limitations of GPS are laid bare. Satellite Lamps, a project of design researchers Einar Sneve Martinussen, Jørn Knutsen, and Timo Arnall at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design in Norway (also the group behind the ImmaterialsWiFi and RFID exploration in 2009), illuminates the changeable nature of GPS signals. In time-lapse videos, some lamps shine bright while others flash fitfully between off and dim. As designers, the trio behind Satellite Lamps want to encourage new ways of thinking about a technology that remains largely invisible. “GPS is symbolically underdeveloped,” they write at the end of an essay that accompanies the project.

Un jeu sérieux sur le thème de l'énergie pour les élèves de 4ème et 3ème Je suis enseignant Tester le serious game Editer mes propres missions Créer et suivre mes activités de classe autour du jeu Enrichir et diversifier mes séances plus d'infos Je veux essayer le jeu Parents, presse, collaborateurs... Pour la rentrée 2014, une nouvelle version conçue à partir des retours utilisateurs. Accompagnement du joueur - équilibrage Intégration de tutoriels dans chaque mission Ajout d’écrans d’introduction dans chaque mission Intégration d’un feedback de connexion des centrales au réseau de transport Intégration de feedbacks sous les bâtiments des villes pour mieux comprendre la répartition de la consommation Rééquilibrage de la difficulté des différentes missions Le parcours élève se fait de nouveaux mission après mission : seule la première est accessible dans une nouvelle partie. Éditeur de missions Les enseignants peuvent créer des missions en choisissant les variables et en fixant un objectif aux élèves. Le Serious Game, pour une nouvelle dynamique d’apprentissage.

vrKid - Digital Media Bremen vrKid is a vir­tual re­al­ity head­set de­signed es­pe­cially for ba­bies and tod­dlers up to 3 years old. The head­set has the shape of a hippo and its hel­met de­sign se­cures safe use for chil­dren and will pro­tect them when they move around in their phys­i­cal sur­round­ings while us­ing the de­vice. “It’s closely re­lated to what we do in my com­pany.” “If you buy this you’re the kind of par­ent who would rather sit and watch TV than spend time with your child.” “In 2-5 years this will be com­pletely nor­mal.” “You just can’t use vr for chil­dren that young. The hel­met has a slide-in part for the smart­phone in the front. The size of the hel­met is ad­justable with a turn­ing wheel in the back, tak­ing into ac­count the grow­ing head sizes of ba­bies and tod­dlers. “But do you re­ally think the chil­dren can tell the dif­fer­ence be­tween what they see and the real world?” “I just love hip­pos. All quotes are re­ac­tions to vrKid from the push.con­fer­ence 2016 in Mu­nich.

Construis ta cité médiévale Au Moyen Âge, l'Europe est encore très rurale. Sur les terres du seigneur ou du monastère, de petits villages se regroupent autour d'une église. Pour assurer leur protection, leur seigneur a fait bâtir son château fort. La population se divise en trois groupes où chacun trouve une place et un rôle : les gens du peuple, les nobles et les religieux. Au fil de la période, les villages évolueront pour se transformer en villes. Te voici à la tête d'une simple terre pourvue de forêts et d'un donjon sur une colline. Mots clés : Voir aussi : Vidéo Serious game Dossier

On Speculative Design | Benjamin H. Bratton Benjamin Bratton on Speculative Design, an alternative to mainstream Design that complicates the speculative models that underscore our global economy. He suggests design solutions based on longer and shorter timescales than regular product lifecycles, and geared toward “users” who may or may not be human. This text is based on a transcription of Bratton’s remarks at the launch of the Speculative Design undergraduate major at the University of California, San Diego, February 10, 2016. åyr, Portrait #4, 2016 –> orb 11b Speculative Design (SD) understands itself as progressive alternative perspective to mainstream Design culture (and as an alternative to other alternatives as well).1 It knows that “Design” is not some magic way of thinking (involving stick-up notes, sharpies and colored beanbags) that just makes things better by “building trust,” “understanding the customer” or “getting a seat at the table” or similar. Futurism, Scale Matter, Materialism åyr, Portrait #5, 2016 –> orb 13b 1.

Prototyping: Learn Eight Common Methods and Best Practices There can never be an exhaustive list of prototyping methods, since there is quite literally an endless number of ways you can build prototypes. What we can do, however, is provide a useful list of the eight most common prototyping methods, together with best practice tips that help you maximise your prototyping and testing sessions. By arming yourself with these eight common methods, you can begin your iterative process of building prototypes in order to empathise with your users, to decide on and refine your ideas and to test your solutions. Before we begin looking at the common prototyping methods, let us first briefly examine the prototyping and testing process. You will need to pay attention to these four key components of prototyping and testing, no matter what method you choose to utilise: When you are building your prototypes, as well as when you’re testing them, keep in mind these key components. Sketches and Diagrams Author/Copyright holder: Tom Maiorana. Paper Interfaces

Simulation/ Modeling | Think Design Modeling is defined as creating physical, mathematical, or logical representations of a process, product or service where the implementation of the representations is termed as Simulation. Modeling and Simulation allow designers to test design considerations or specifications with the potential users before the formal process, product or service is launched. The terms modeling and simulation are extensively used in the technological context; however, models in the physical or real world are called prototypes and role-play, informance or role-reversals are different forms of non-virtual simulations. A small part or whole virtual product solution or service offering can be modeled to test the design specifications. In the early stages of design, the researcher spends a lot of time in research to figure the potential solutions to a problem that the target customer segments are facing. Advantages of Simulation/Modeling 01 Number of users 02 Validation of research findings 03 Applications
