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Multiple Correct Answers - Welcome to Flubaroo

Multiple Correct Answers - Welcome to Flubaroo
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Zaption – Zanslöst bra! I tisdags var jag i Ronneby och föreläste för gymnasie/komvux-lärare om flippat klassrum med förmågor i fokus. Under föreläsningen hade jag inslag av interaktion, bl.a. fick pedagogerna möjlighet att själva, med hjälp av den digitala anslagstavlan Padlet, synliggöra olika metoder och verktyg som de använder i sitt klassrum. Ett av namnen som kom upp på vår padlet var Zaption, en av deltagarna berättade att Zaption är ett fantastiskt verktyg när man arbetar med flippat klassrum. Zaption ger användarna en möjlighet att dela flippar, men även en möjlighet att lägga in frågeställningar inne i flippen, vilket gör eleverna mer aktiva under tiden de tittar. Jag blev nyfiken och ville ta reda på mer. Nu blev jag givetvis så nyfiken att jag var tvungen att skapa ett konto på Zaption. Du får en rundtur i form av en flipp när du loggar in, här får du en kort överblick över de funktioner som finns och hur du ska göra för att använda verktyget. Då får jag fram några olika alternativ. Ps.

Skapa QR-kod enkelt här! | Mind Hacks Urban legend An urban legend, popular legend, urban myth, urban tale or contemporary legend is a form of modern folklore consisting of fictional stories with macabre elements deeply rooted in local popular culture. These legends can be used for entertainment purposes, as well as for semi-serious explanations for random events such as disappearances and strange objects. Despite its name, an urban legend does not necessarily originate in an urban area. Rather, the term is used to differentiate modern legend from traditional folklore of pre-industrial times. Some urban legends have passed through the years with only minor changes to suit regional variations. Origins and structure[edit] The term "urban legend," as used by folklorists, has appeared in print since at least 1968.[2] Jan Harold Brunvand, professor of English at the University of Utah, introduced the term to the general public in a series of popular books published beginning in 1981. Propagation and belief[edit] Other terminology[edit]

Google Calendar Vissa av våra elever har svårare att strukturera sin vardag än andra. Den gemensamma klasskalendern kan vara till mycket hjälp i att strukturera sitt arbete men ibland krävs det ännu mer hjälp. Då kan en schemakalender med påminnelser vara praktisk för eleven. Påminnelserna kommer att komma varje gång eleven är inloggad på sitt googlekonto i Chrome men också på mobilen om man lägger till kalendern där (vilket kanske är den bästa lösningen). Förhoppningsvis kommer schemakalendrar genereras automatiskt sen men tyvärr är vi inte där ännu, så vi kan göra det manuellt. 1. 2.

Top Three QR Code Reader Apps for Teachers March, 2015 Looking for some good iPad apps for scanning and reading QR codes? Here are the three titles we recommend the most. Of course, there are several other good QR reader apps out but the ones we are featuring today are especially helpful in that they allow you to scan and take you directly to the linked website.The first app in this list has an added feature which is that of creating PDF files from scanned materials. 1- QR Reader QR Reader allows you to scan QR codes, barcodes, and word and easily share your scanned files. 2- Quick Scan “Quick Scan helps you scan and decode all the QR codes around you, including contact, detail, plain text, website URL, telephone number, SMS message, email address, email message, calendar event, locations and more. 3- QR Code Reader and Scanner This app allows you to scan both QR codes and barcodes quickly and in real time.

Microsoft Released A New Website to Help Teachers Use Minecraft in Their Classes July 10, 2015 Minecraft is an immersive learning environment that has started as a game about creating, exploring and managing resources before it becomes one of the leading educational learning platforms for students. A few days ago, Microsoft, Minecraft’s parent company, announced the release of a new website, Minecraft for Education, geared towards providing teachers with a forum where they can share their ideas about how they use Minecraft in their teaching. ‘Minecraft in education is a way to teach, learn and inspire. Here are some examples of how some teachers are using Minecraft in their classes: Elementary students in Seattle are learning foundational math skills by calculating perimeter, area and volume in Minecraft during a Saturday math program.

Answering exam questions - University of Reading This guide offers advice on effective strategies for the day of your exams. It includes: Printable version of this guide (this is designed to be printed double-sided on A4 paper, then folded to make an A5 leaflet). The stress of working under time constraints in the exam room can make all your good study intentions disappear. Try this quick exam day quiz from Chris Doye at the University of Edinburgh to see what good (and bad) habits you already have. The night before Be prepared – Make sure you know exactly where your exam will be – the venues may be different for each exam. The Chaplaincy offer regular sessions open to all students to teach relaxation techniques. back to top In the exam room Read the instructions carefully – Before looking at the actual questions, read the rubric (instructions). Work out the timing – Divide your time according to the number of questions to be answered. Read the questions carefully. Decide on question order. See our Video Tutorial on Exam room strategies.

Quizalize - A Fun Quiz Platform Quizalize is a newer quiz game platform that reminds me of Kahoot. Like Kahoot, students play your quiz games on their laptops or tablets by going to the Quizalize website then entering their names and a class code. Students are awarded points for correctly answering questions quickly. Students are given feedback instantly on every quiz question that they answer. A total score is presented to students at the end of every quiz. Creating quizzes on Quizalize is a simple process. Quizalize offers a marketplace in which you can find quizzes created by other users. An overview of Quizalize is provided in the video embedded below. Applications for Education One of the better aspects of Quizalize is found in the results page that you see as a teacher.

5 Best Free Video Editing Software for Chromebook [Updated 2019] Chromebooks are awesome machines, which can perform many of the same tasks as Windows and macOS. However, Chromebook users always feel head spin when they need to complete some content creation projects like edit videos on Chromebook. Therefore, today I'd like to introduce 5 free video editing software for Chromebook. You can compare them and decide which one is better according to your own needs. There are 4 video editing apps for Chromebook and 1 online video editor for your reference. Part 1. 5 Free Video Editing Software for Chromebook 1. For those who have already heard about WeVideo is a video editing tool, you'll probably agree that it's one of the most popular online video editor available for free. Pros: The file to be used for your video can be uploaded from several sources, such as OneDrive, Instagram, Facebook, Flickr, Dropbox, Box, Picasa, and so on.It has 5GB of space and there are no file size restrictions. Cons: There's no option to drag and drop the media files. 2. 3. 4.

Mathematics and graphic organisers Doris Lessing once said, “Any human anywhere will blossom in a hundred unexpected talents and capacities simply by being given the opportunity to do so.” My wife and I experienced what Lessing described through a process with our third-grade girls as they were struggling with a multiplication math standard (3.OA.4). The girls were getting stuck in a couple of areas regarding the standard, and were developing negative feelings about math and about themselves as mathematicians. We felt some urgency to try something new, and the new thing we tried had to be engaging and fun, and provide ways for the girls to again see themselves as mathematicians. Lesson 1: A Numberless Word Problem Although the girls weren’t interested in learning the standard, I knew that if I found the right problem, I could pique their interest. Molly the zookeeper has 24 bananas to feed the monkeys. Molly is a zookeeper. Once the girls had written their questions, I asked them to share with each other.

Lektionstips Engelska: An American in Sweden För ett antal år sedan sprang jag på en blogg av den roligare sorten. Det var en amerikan som bodde i Sverige och bloggade om sina upplevelser. Språket är verkligen autentiskt och väldigt informellt, vilket gör texten väldigt lätt att ta till sig.Jag kontaktade bloggaren och bad att få använda hans texter i undervisningen, vilket han gärna lät mig göra. Jag valde ut de avsnitt där han beskrev möten med svensk mat, som nyponsoppa, flädersaft, blodpudding och Djungelvrål. Jag skapade frågor till texterna som syftar till att både förstå innehållet och förstå vissa språkliga finurligheter. Jag har använt de här övningarna i många grupper och de lockar alltid fram skratt. Enjoy!
