Are You Aware Of Big Pharma’s Impressive Records? Catherine J. Frompovich, GuestWaking Times Everyone probably is familiar with the world population growth clock. Such a clock would not tick off Big Pharma’s earnings or profits, though. How much reality has to sink into human consciousness about the actuality of Big Pharma’s “medico-economics” harms—all done in the name of allopathic medicine championed by its super-duper trade unions like the American Medical Association? Consider just a few of the stunning (‘collateral damage?’) However, what are not included are all the HRSA vaccine damage claims that have been paid by Vaccine Court Masters to vaccine-damaged vaccinees or their parents in the case of deaths. Are you ready for the data and also the fact that Big Pharma is NOT liable for vaccine damages caused? This represents cumulative payouts for fiscal years 1989 to 2015 for the following categories:[1] A grand total of vaccine-damage-related expenses of close to 3.2 BILLION DOLLARS! How about a few other questions? Reference:
Is The ‘Saudi’ Royal Family Jewish? The Saudi Dynasty: Where Do They Come From and Who Is their Real Ancestor? by Muhammad Salaam Part IExtracted From Saudhouse.com, Research and Presentation of:Mohammad Sakher, who was ordered, killed by the Saudi Regime for the following findings: 1. 2. 3. The following facts will blot out all the allegations of the Saudi Family and will refute all the false statements made by those hypocrites who sold their conscience to this family by falsifying and interpolating the real history of the Saudi Family; I mean the Journalists and historians who, for a financial temporal reward, have inserted and attached the genealogy of this family to our Great Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) alleging that the Saudis are viceroys of our Almighty Allah on the Earth. The Saudi Family members know perfectly well the Muslims all over the world have already known their real Jewish Origin. “O Mankind! Who is the Real Ancestor of the Clan of Saud? So that (concealed) Jew reached Najd with the caravan. — End —
La corsa dell'oro non è destinata a fermarsi Questa notte in Asia l'oro ha superato i 1.400 dollari l'oncia, un livello che non si vedeva dal 2013. Poi ha ritracciato e ora è di nuovo in ripresa e si attesta a 1.395 dollari. Dopo le dichiarazioni della Fed di mercoledì scorso il prezzo del metallo giallo si è apprezzato del 4%. Un contesto di tassi in discesa e dollaro debole ha fatto da volano all'oro, che può contare nuovamente su un ruolo da asset rifugio in un momento in cui salgono le tensioni geopolitiche. Sottolinea Ned Naylor-Leyland, gestore del fondo Merian Gold & Silver, Merian Global Investors: "Gli ultimi sette anni di promesse da falco su tassi più alti e sulla riduzione del bilancio della banca centrale sono stati, come avevano avvertito gli investitori in oro, una deviazione all'interno di un trend di una politica monetaria che è accomodante e che lo sarà ancora di più". Loading Ad Next Video Autunno Perugia 60
How Corporations Killed Medicine Along the path toward the creation of a global capitalist system, some of the most significant steps were taken by the English enclosure movement. Between the 15th to 19th centuries, the rich and the powerful fenced off commonly held land and transformed it into private property. Land switched from a source of subsistence to a source of profit, and small farmers were relegated to wage laborers. In Das Kapital, Marx described the process by coining the term land-grabbing. To British historian E.P. More recently, a similar enclosure movement has taken place. Many people curse the for-profit medicine industry. It’s time now to reclaim this commons, and reestablish medicines as a public good. Medicines as a Public Good Most of us define public goods broadly. Non-rivalrous means that any one person can benefit from a good without reducing others’ opportunity to benefit as well. Non-excludable means what it sounds like: A person cannot be prevented from consuming the good in question.
20,000 billion dollars for banks, 1 billion for millions of Africans suffering from capitalist famine - Diary of a Walking Butterfly : Diary of a Walking Butterfly Posted by Liam O'Ceallaigh on Tuesday, November 29, 2011 · Leave a Comment For a bank “crisis”, the capitalists can raise 5, 10, 20 trillion dollars. For war they can always raise the same. Famine, like the so-called “housing crisis”, isn’t about a lack of food. From Al Jazeera: “Tens of thousands of Somalis have died and the UN warns that 750,000 others are at risk of dying before the end of the year”. “Famine is declared when acute malnutrition rates amongst children exceed 30 per cent and more than two people in 10,000 die per day”. “Children have borne the brunt of the disaster across the affected region, with an estimated 2.34 million suffering from malnutrition”. “Out of that, more than 566,000 children are severely malnourished and at risk of death”. Further Reading on capitalism’s absurd and perverse logic: “Financial Times: ‘Demolitions would boost housing market’“, by Liam O’Ceallaigh
L'ULTIMO CRIMINE DI SCHACHT (Olio di palma in Indonesia) — Blondet & Friends Negli anni ’30, il miracolo economico hitleriano non fu dovuto soltanto agli effetti MeFo. Schacht istituì un severo regime di controllo dei cambi per tenere sotto controllo il deficit commerciale. Gli importatori tedeschi avevano bisogno dell’autorizzazione della Banca Centrale per poter ricevere la valuta (dollari, sterline) necessari; tutto fu facilitato da accordi diretti con gli esportatori che di quelle valute disponevano. Con ciò, fu tagliato fuori il “mercato” monetario internazionale, ossia il lucro che banchieri globali estraevano vendendo i dollari secondo il valore che i “mercati” davano al marco. Il gran gelo dell’import-export creato dalla Grande Depressione, paradossalmente, aiutò: i creditori della Germania venivano pagati in marchi moneta di Stato, spendibili solo all’interno della Germania. La Germania non aveva più bisogno di procurarsi dollari e sterline, non era più soggetta alla speculazione monetaria del potere anglosassone. “Hitler [Schacht] decise di
How an Army of Pharma Lobbyists in Washington Have Locked in One of the Biggest Corporate Ripoff Schemes in America Photo Credit: Shutterstock.com After an 18-month investigation into the high cost of Gilead's hepatitis C drug Sovaldi—initially listed at $84,000 for a course of treatment or $1,000 per pill—the Senate Finance Committee said the prices did not reflect the cost of research and development and that Gilead cared about "revenue" not "affordability and accessibility." That sounds like an understatement. Sovaldi and the related pill Harvoni cost Medicare and Medicaid more than $5 billion in 2014, charged senators. But Gilead is far from the only drug company camping out on our tax dollars. Taxpayer dollars are also churned by drug companies in military health programs. Drug companies have devised elaborate schemes for drug sales to states. In Texas, a Medicaid "decision tree" called the Texas Medical Algorithm Project was instituted that mandates doctors prescribe the newest and most expensive psychiatric drugs first.
15 Ways Being Jewish Is Meaningful | David Harris Surveys reveal a disturbingly large number of American Jews who feel disconnected from their Jewish identity. How painfully sad! In response, and with the High Holy Days just around the corner, let me share what being Jewish means to me. It means championing what is arguably the single most revolutionary concept in the annals of human civilization--monotheism--introduced to the world by the Jews, and its corollary, the inherent belief that we are all created in the image of God (in Hebrew, B'tzelem Elohim). Strikingly, Jews have never been satisfied with things as they are. And finally, as Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel once said, it means not necessarily seeking to make the world more Jewish, but rather more human. There's a story of an elderly woman in New York who asks her travel agent to book her on a trip to a remote part of Asia.
Il saccheggio del Made in Italy (...prosegue qui un dibattito serio su una cosa seria, mentre i gazzettieri si occupano in modo ridicolo di cose serie, o in modo serio di cose ridicole, seguendo il naturale corso degli eventi, che naturalmente li avvia all'estinzione: quell'estinzione che qui abbiamo con forza affermato essere condizione necessaria ma non sufficiente per l'affermarsi nel nostro paese di un processo politico realmente democratico...) Caro Alberto, l’intervento di Brazzale ed il tuo successivo post (che non era mio, ma di uno de passaggio; comunque, ormai ci ho rinunciato: fra un po' penserete che io sono il CEO di Google perché il mio blog è su blogspot...NdC) sono un invito a nozze per me. Cercherò di non cadere nell’errore tipico di noi aziendalisti, così efficacemente riassunto dalle parole del professor Cesare Pozzi durante il suo intervento al goofy6: Un'altra premessa di metodo. Dopo la premessa di metodo, vengo al merito: Potrei fare l’esempio della pasta.
Don’t Believe Drug Studies: Most Are Funded By Big Pharma (and the Numbers Are Growing!) By Christina Sarich | Natural Society New research shows a 43% increase in clinical trials funded by drug companies during 2006-2014. Can you say “conflict of interest?” Concerns have been expressed over the past few years about the independence of clinical trials, due to the funding of some trials by corporations with vested interests. New data from Johns Hopkins University suggests that this is now the norm rather than the exception. The clinical trials that allow a drug to go to market are most often funded by the pharmaceutical industry. The U.S. Related Article: How Pharma Lobbyists Have Locked in One of the Biggest Corporate Ripoffs Ever The problem is that – with millions and sometimes billions of dollars at stake – there’s no requirement for these tests to be done by a third party. Clinical trials funded directly by the U.S. The number of NIH-funded trials fell by 24% from 2006 to 2014, from 1,376 trials to 1,048 trials. Source: DigitalJournal About Christina Sarich:
Alle radici dell’infamante Seconda Repubblica: il biennio 1992-1993 (parte I) Twitter: @FedericoDezzani Si avvicina la fine la Seconda Repubblica, che legò indissolubilmente le sue fortune a quelle dell’Unione Europea: ogni passo verso il baratro dell’una è un passo equivalente dell’altra. Sull’altare dell’integrazione europea furono sacrificati l’economica mista ed i partiti che affondavano le radici agli albori del ‘900: privatizzazioni, deindustrializzazione, neoliberismo e sistemi maggioritari sempre più spinti, sono stati i tratti salienti della Seconda Repubblica. Si avvicina, giorno dopo giorno, il collasso dell’Unione Europea, divorata da crisi economica, sfilacciamento politico, delegittimazione dell’élite e ribellione dell’elettorato: non si preannuncia una morte indolore, perché l’arroccamento dell’oligarchia, decisa a difendersi sino all’ultimo, implicherà necessariamente una dissoluzione caotica, sotto i colpi dei “populismi” sempre più forti e determinati. Le “menti raffinatissime” osservano soddisfatte l’evoluzione della situazione italiana.
L'immigrazione è la prosecuzione della deflazione con altri mezzi? (...informazioni di servizio: gli eventi accelerano, le cose da fare sono tante. Io voglio fare campagna elettorale, e la farò. Considerando che due settimane fa nemmeno pensavo di candidarmi, vi immaginate la mole di lavoro. In particolare, sto mettendo su un comitato elettorale - quindi altri passaggi dal notaio, altra giusta e santa burocrazia, ecc. - in modo che chi desidera sostenere la mia attività politica possa farlo, nel rispetto della normativa vigente, e ovviamente senza interferire con il sostegno che desideriate eventualmente dare - o smettere di dare! Buon giorno Alberto, Ho aspettato un po’ a scriverti, ma non posso esimermi dal dirti che sono felicissimo della tua candidatura. Volevo solo farti presente che la famosa cooperativa Deflattori&Co., già oggetto di una mia mail due anni fa, si è rifatta avanti riproponendomi di accogliere in azienda stranieri extracomunitari tirocinanti con il solo obbligo per me di fornire loro il vitto. Grazie Alberto
New Research Sheds More Light On The Manipulation Of Science By Pharmaceutical Companies As we move through 2015 and into 2016, the medical industry continues to draw more attention for something that should be making national headlines everywhere. It’s the manipulation of science, and for decades it’s infiltrated medical literature that physicians rely on to treat patients. A new study recently published in the Journal of Clinical Epidemiology evaluated 185 meta-analyses on anti-depressant medication, and found that one third of them were written by pharmaceutical industry employees. This is significant because most professionals who rely on scientific research prefer reading a meta-analysis instead of a series of papers on one topic. Last month, an independent review found that the commonly prescribed antidepressant drug Paxil (paroxetine) is not safe for teenagers, despite the fact that a large amount of literature already previously suggested this. This is very troubling, because: Free Happiness Training! What if you could train happiness?