Is The ‘Saudi’ Royal Family Jewish? The Saudi Dynasty: Where Do They Come From and Who Is their Real Ancestor? by Muhammad Salaam Part IExtracted From, Research and Presentation of:Mohammad Sakher, who was ordered, killed by the Saudi Regime for the following findings: 1. 2. 3. The following facts will blot out all the allegations of the Saudi Family and will refute all the false statements made by those hypocrites who sold their conscience to this family by falsifying and interpolating the real history of the Saudi Family; I mean the Journalists and historians who, for a financial temporal reward, have inserted and attached the genealogy of this family to our Great Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) alleging that the Saudis are viceroys of our Almighty Allah on the Earth. The Saudi Family members know perfectly well the Muslims all over the world have already known their real Jewish Origin. “O Mankind! Who is the Real Ancestor of the Clan of Saud? So that (concealed) Jew reached Najd with the caravan. — End —
La corsa dell'oro non è destinata a fermarsi Questa notte in Asia l'oro ha superato i 1.400 dollari l'oncia, un livello che non si vedeva dal 2013. Poi ha ritracciato e ora è di nuovo in ripresa e si attesta a 1.395 dollari. Dopo le dichiarazioni della Fed di mercoledì scorso il prezzo del metallo giallo si è apprezzato del 4%. Un contesto di tassi in discesa e dollaro debole ha fatto da volano all'oro, che può contare nuovamente su un ruolo da asset rifugio in un momento in cui salgono le tensioni geopolitiche. Sottolinea Ned Naylor-Leyland, gestore del fondo Merian Gold & Silver, Merian Global Investors: "Gli ultimi sette anni di promesse da falco su tassi più alti e sulla riduzione del bilancio della banca centrale sono stati, come avevano avvertito gli investitori in oro, una deviazione all'interno di un trend di una politica monetaria che è accomodante e che lo sarà ancora di più". Loading Ad Next Video Autunno Perugia 60
The Gods of Money : Waking Times Richard K. Moore, New DawnWaking Times “Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.” – Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812), founder of the House of Rothschild Perhaps the single most important thing to know about power in the world today is that most nations do not have control over their own currencies. Instead privately owned, for-profit central banks – such as the Federal Reserve System in the US – create money out of nothing and then loan it at interest to their respective governments. Not only do the central banks have the power to create money for free, they also have the power to set interest rates, to decide how much credit is issued, and to decide how much money is put into circulation. The most profitable of all central bank activities has been the financing of major wars, particularly the two World Wars. Centralised Wealth Leads to Centralised Power “Some of the biggest men in the United States are afraid of something. The World War I Project
Scientist with Plant PhD Shares The Truth About GMOs and Genetic Engineering Video Source: Mercola By Dr. Mercola Scientific misconduct and fraud: most of us have no concept of how they influence our food. Together with his wife, Allison Wilson, who is also a scientist, he founded the Bioscience Resource Project, an organization with a mission “to provide the highest quality scientific information and analysis to enable a healthy food system and a healthy world.” Related Article: 44 Reasons to Ban or Label GMOs – by Gary Null, PhD. He’s also the editor of Independent Science News. Part of his career was spent doing medical research in the genetics department at the University of Wisconsin. As explained by Latham in the video, when you make a transgene, you take different parts of genes from different organisms, and you put them together to (hopefully) get them to do what you want them to do. Once a transgene performs according to expectation, it is used to develop commercial transgenic plants carrying that particular feature. U.S. Viral Transgenes Worst Case Scenario
Dow Fails to Appear in Court for the Third Time over Toxic Disaster By Christina Sarich | Natural Society Leaders of 5 organizations representing survivors of the Dow Chemical (Union Carbide) disaster in Bhopal, India condemned the US government for protecting Dow from ongoing criminal proceedings in the Bhopal District court. Dow Chemical failed to appear in court for the third time recently to account for exposing half a million people to the deadly gas,methyl isocyanate. [1] Related Article: Enormity of Billowing Methane Plume in California ‘Cannot Be Overstated’ The December 2nd, 1984 incident involved a Union Carbide plant in Bhopal, India, a subsidiary of Dow, which began leaking 27 tons of the deadly gas. Representatives of the survivors of the Bhopal incident said the US Department of Justice decided not to serve the notices against Dow Chemical, stating that they could not be held liable for the Union Carbide disaster. Related Article: Near-Total Meltdown of Fukushima Reactor 2 Confirmed On behalf of the Bhopal Group for Information & Action, Mr.
20,000 billion dollars for banks, 1 billion for millions of Africans suffering from capitalist famine - Diary of a Walking Butterfly : Diary of a Walking Butterfly Posted by Liam O'Ceallaigh on Tuesday, November 29, 2011 · Leave a Comment For a bank “crisis”, the capitalists can raise 5, 10, 20 trillion dollars. For war they can always raise the same. Famine, like the so-called “housing crisis”, isn’t about a lack of food. From Al Jazeera: “Tens of thousands of Somalis have died and the UN warns that 750,000 others are at risk of dying before the end of the year”. “Famine is declared when acute malnutrition rates amongst children exceed 30 per cent and more than two people in 10,000 die per day”. “Children have borne the brunt of the disaster across the affected region, with an estimated 2.34 million suffering from malnutrition”. “Out of that, more than 566,000 children are severely malnourished and at risk of death”. Further Reading on capitalism’s absurd and perverse logic: “Financial Times: ‘Demolitions would boost housing market’“, by Liam O’Ceallaigh
L'ULTIMO CRIMINE DI SCHACHT (Olio di palma in Indonesia) — Blondet & Friends Negli anni ’30, il miracolo economico hitleriano non fu dovuto soltanto agli effetti MeFo. Schacht istituì un severo regime di controllo dei cambi per tenere sotto controllo il deficit commerciale. Gli importatori tedeschi avevano bisogno dell’autorizzazione della Banca Centrale per poter ricevere la valuta (dollari, sterline) necessari; tutto fu facilitato da accordi diretti con gli esportatori che di quelle valute disponevano. Con ciò, fu tagliato fuori il “mercato” monetario internazionale, ossia il lucro che banchieri globali estraevano vendendo i dollari secondo il valore che i “mercati” davano al marco. Il gran gelo dell’import-export creato dalla Grande Depressione, paradossalmente, aiutò: i creditori della Germania venivano pagati in marchi moneta di Stato, spendibili solo all’interno della Germania. La Germania non aveva più bisogno di procurarsi dollari e sterline, non era più soggetta alla speculazione monetaria del potere anglosassone. “Hitler [Schacht] decise di
Wake Up New Zealand | What Does The Globalist Agenda / New World Order Plan Mean For New Zealanders? [and the rest of the world] | False Flag Attacks, Fake Terrorism & Engineered Wars A very eloquent and relatively concise video discourse on how and why the title of this piece is so tragically true, followed by a very detailed article for those who wish to read more. This really is a must see / must read piece to be aware of the real history of banking and warmongering over the last 100 years - along with the how and why such nefarious plans were implemented; and to what ends. This exposes the same plan that is being rolled out globally, not just in the United States. Too few of our leaders have tried to stand up to this system of enslavement, usually with lethal results. I know many people have a great deal of difficulty comprehending just how many wars are started for no other purpose than to force private central banks onto nations, so let me share a few examples, so that you understand why the US Government is mired in so many wars against so many foreign nations. - Triumphant plutocracy; the story of American public life from 1870 to 1920, by Lynn Wheeler John J.
Lawsuit Unleashes Documents Alleging FDA Covered up Risks of GMOs Since 1991 Derrick BrozeDecember 23, 2015 (ANTIMEDIA) A previously unreleased set of Food and Drug Administration documents related to genetically engineered (GE or GMO) foods alleges the agency was aware of possible risks to humans as far back as 1991. The documents were released through a lawsuit filed by Steven Druker, a public interest attorney and executive director of the Alliance for Bio-Integrity (ABI). Druker obtained a reported 44,000 pages of messages, memos, and reports from the FDA. Twenty-four of the most damaging documents are highlighted on ABI’s website and in Druker’s recent book, Altered Genes, Twisted Truth. Within the documents are several key pieces of information. One FDA compliance officer wrote that the agency “was trying to fit a square peg into a round hole … [by] trying to force an ultimate conclusion that there is no difference between foods modified by genetic engineering and foods modified by traditional breeding practices.”
The Complete History of Monsanto, “The World’s Most Evil Corporation” – by E Hanzai Of all the mega-corps running amok, Monsanto has consistently outperformed its rivals, earning the crown as “most evil corporation on Earth!” Not content to simply rest upon its throne of destruction, it remains focused on newer, more scientifically innovative ways to harm the planet and its people. 1901: The company is founded by John Francis Queeny, a member of the Knights of Malta, a thirty year pharmaceutical veteran married to Olga Mendez Monsanto, for which Monsanto Chemical Works is named. Even then, the government knew saccharin was poisonous and sued to stop its manufacture but lost in court, thus opening the Monsanto Pandora’s Box to begin poisoning the world through the soft drink. 1920s: Monsanto expands into industrial chemicals and drugs, becoming the world’s largest maker of aspirin, acetylsalicyclic acid, (toxic of course). Monsanto’s Disneyfied vision of the future: A later internal memo released in a 2002 trial admitted Monsanto partners with I.G. Why? Notes
15 Ways Being Jewish Is Meaningful | David Harris Surveys reveal a disturbingly large number of American Jews who feel disconnected from their Jewish identity. How painfully sad! In response, and with the High Holy Days just around the corner, let me share what being Jewish means to me. It means championing what is arguably the single most revolutionary concept in the annals of human civilization--monotheism--introduced to the world by the Jews, and its corollary, the inherent belief that we are all created in the image of God (in Hebrew, B'tzelem Elohim). Strikingly, Jews have never been satisfied with things as they are. And finally, as Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel once said, it means not necessarily seeking to make the world more Jewish, but rather more human. There's a story of an elderly woman in New York who asks her travel agent to book her on a trip to a remote part of Asia.
Il saccheggio del Made in Italy (...prosegue qui un dibattito serio su una cosa seria, mentre i gazzettieri si occupano in modo ridicolo di cose serie, o in modo serio di cose ridicole, seguendo il naturale corso degli eventi, che naturalmente li avvia all'estinzione: quell'estinzione che qui abbiamo con forza affermato essere condizione necessaria ma non sufficiente per l'affermarsi nel nostro paese di un processo politico realmente democratico...) Caro Alberto, l’intervento di Brazzale ed il tuo successivo post (che non era mio, ma di uno de passaggio; comunque, ormai ci ho rinunciato: fra un po' penserete che io sono il CEO di Google perché il mio blog è su blogspot...NdC) sono un invito a nozze per me. Cercherò di non cadere nell’errore tipico di noi aziendalisti, così efficacemente riassunto dalle parole del professor Cesare Pozzi durante il suo intervento al goofy6: Un'altra premessa di metodo. Dopo la premessa di metodo, vengo al merito: Potrei fare l’esempio della pasta.
Case Closed: JFK Killed After Shutting Down Rothschild’s Federal Reserve On June 4, 1963, a virtually unknown Presidential decree, Executive Order 11110 , was signed with th... On June 4, 1963, a virtually unknown Presidential decree, Executive Order 11110, was signed with the authority to basically strip the Rothschild Bank of its power to loan money to the United States Federal Government at interest. With the stroke of a pen, President Kennedy declared that the privately owned Rothschild Federal Reserve Bank would soon be out of business. The Christian Law Fellowship has exhaustively researched this matter through the Federal Register and Library of Congress. We can now safely conclude that this Executive Order has never been repealed, amended, or superceded by any subsequent Executive Order. The Federal Reserve A myth that all Americans live with is the charade known as the "Federal Reserve." The name "Federal Reserve Bank" was designed to deceive, and it still does. It pays its own postage like any other corporation. Executive Order 11,110 Andrew Jackson