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Jellyfish Photos

Jellyfish Photos
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Related:  Jellyfish

Meet the world’s only immortal animal Email If you’re thinking McLeod, you couldn’t be further from the truth. What you have to do is think small; not microscopic, just big enough to see with your naked eye. Turritopsis nutricula is a hydrozoan, and it’s considered by scientists to be the only animal that cheated death. Solitary organisms are (according to current belief) doomed to die, after they completed their life cycle. But Hydrozoa don’t live by normal rules. Aquatic Star Gazing [9 Pictures] April 6, 2012 at 6:00pm | by Hernando Ochre Sea Star An ochre sea star (background) shares a kelp-strewn beach with a bright-red cousin at low tide on Washington’s Tongue Point.

Crystal River - The most beautiful river on earth [Pics] Cano Cristales - Crystal River. River of five colors, as the locals call it, originates in the south of the mountain chain Macarena, Colombia, and flows eastward to its confluence with the Guayabero river. In the Cano Cristales found five colors: yellow, blue, green, black and red. Final Cut Pro Help Provides comprehensive instructions for setting up a Final Cut Pro editing system and using Final Cut Pro to ingest media, edit video, and output completed projects. Last updated: 2010-03 Provides a fast‑paced introduction to the main features and tasks in Final Cut Pro, encouraging hands‑on exploration for new users. This document is a PDF version of the printed Exploring Final Cut Pro manual. Download the sample video files

Irukandji Jellyfish, Iracongi Jellyfish Irukandji Jellyfish, sometimes referred to as Iracongi Jellyfish are extremely toxic and very tiny and found usually around Australia. There are two species which are currently known, these species are the Carukia barnesi and the Malo kingi which has been discovered only recently. These jellyfish are responsible for Irukandji Syndrome which is caused by a group of symptoms intertwined. this syndrome was first researched and recorded by Hugo Flecker in the year of 1952 and the Jellyfish was named after the Irukandji people whose land is along the coastal strip north of Cairns in Queensland, Australia. in 1964 Dr. Jack Barnes made the very first identification of the Carukia barnesi and stung himself as well as his own son and a lifeguard to prove that this tiny jellyfish was the cause of irukanji Syndrome, he was successful.

Portuguese Man o' War "Gosh" you might say, "that's one weird looking jellyfish". Well, you'd be partly right. Certainly it looks rather odd but it isn't a jellyfish, it isn't even one animal. The Portuguese Man o' War is in fact a whole colony of four different kinds of organism, each adapted to perform a specific function for the benefit of the whole. not's URGENT to save these animals!! According to the WWF, here are the new threatened species found this year. 1. The Sumatran Orangutan Found only in Indonesia, its population has declined alarmingly mainly due to timber exploitation that destroys their habitat. 2.

Rune Guneriussen & Escape Into Life These dream-like installations are assembled, and then photographed by Norwegian artist Rune Guneriussen. Just imagine being out for a walk in Norway’s countryside, turning a corner and discovering a magical forest of lamps, a tangle of chairs, or a river of books. Sadly, once the photograph is taken, Rune removes the installation, the only proof of it’s existence being these images… sort of like waking up from an amazing dream that you could have sworn was real. As an artist, I believe strongly that art itself should be questioning and bewildering as opposed to patronising and restricting.

Lion's Mane Jellyfish Lion's mane jellyfish, or Cyanea capillata, has made a sensational appearance in literature, most notably in Sherlock Holmes's 'The Adventure of the Lion's Mane.' However, lion's mane jellyfish is nowhere close to as dangerous as it is made out to be in popular culture. A sting from the lion's mane jellyfish is not only incapable of causing human deaths; all it does is cause an itchy rash and mild burning sensation. Although the rash can be painful for sensitive individuals and the toxins in the venom may cause an allergic reaction, the stings from a lion's mane jellyfish can be treated by application of vinegar. Jellyfish are taking over the seas Last week, Sweden’s Oskarshamn nuclear power plant, which supplies 10% of the country’s energy, had to shut down one of its three reactors after a jellyfish invasion clogged the piping of its cooling system. The invader, a creature called a moon jellyfish, is 95% water and has no brain. Not what you might call menacing if you only had to deal with one or two. En masse, jellyfish are a bigger problem.

The Cutest Kitten in the World Animals This adorable kitten is called Daisy and she lives in Japan. She is photographed by her owner Ben Terode.

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