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Order in the Library | University of Texas at Austin School of Information Order in the Library was developed by four teams of software engineering students in 2002-2004. The product was based on specifications the teams received from Ms. Susan Sanders, an elementary school librarian at Zavala Elementary in Austin, TX. S2S Utopia is the umbrella name for a project that grew out of a Software Engineering class taught at The University of Texas at Austin from Fall 1997 through Fall 2006. Over the years, earlier projects continued to be available for continued use under a copyleft agreement (which allows projects to be used and enhanced over time in an approach similar to the GNU project). S2S Utopia was hosted by the Department of Computer Sciences at the University of Texas at Austin from 1997 through 2007. The S2S Utopia project coordinator is Dr. To get more information about the S2S Project and stay abreast of changes, please join the Yahoo!

Reading Games – Free, Interesting, Online Reading Games for Kids Reading Games Reading Games is a collection of fun online games and activities from Knowledge Adventure, the maker of award-winning educational games. Reading Fun for Kids with Online Reading Games Reading regularly is very beneficial for kids of all ages. Reading helps develop spelling, vocabulary, comprehension and grammar. It also increases concentration, focus and creativity. Fun Reading Games from Knowledge Adventure The online reading games from Knowledge Adventure encourage children to form words and sentences correctly and to read and comprehend phrases and sentences.

K12 Timed Reading Practice Free Printables and Online Games Worth more than I paid! "I am so glad I found the Elementary Librarian lesson plans! The fact that these plans were easy to use and were aligned to both the AASL and Common Core ELA standards made them worth far more that what I paid for them!" - Mikki All the work is done for me! " This will be my 7th year and until your plans I have been spinning my wheels trying to come up with solid plans each week. My students are engaged! "I was thrilled to discover your treasure trove of resources. My principal was impressed! "Your lesson plans with the Common Core and AASL 21st Century Standards were a life saver!

‎Social Adventures on the App Store The Social Adventures App provides clinicians, teachers and parents with a treasure trove of activity descriptions for teaching social skills and friendship. Children ages 3-13 with social needs such as those associated with Autism Spectrum Disorders, ADHD, NLD, Sensory Processing Disorders and social anxiety will gain confidence and success in navigating the rough waters of relationships. Designed as a self-contained resource for running social cognition groups, each activity within the Social Adventures App can be used to augment other approaches. Developed and used over the course of 15 years by a team of SLP’s, OT’s and MSW’s, the Social Adventures App combines the discrete teaching of Social Catch Phrases with fundamental social skills using an engaging multi-disciplinary, multi-sensory approach to mastery. Use the Social Adventures App to teach: - Initiating interactions - Maintaining interactions - Advocating and negotiating - Getting regulated - Interpreting nonverbals IMAGINE!

Typing Tutor, Typing Test and Typing games at Online Games for Kids | Turtle Diary offers a large selection of graded online games in all curriculum subjects. Kids learn many important lessons and concepts through them. Early understanding prevents kids from experiencing future struggles grasping new concepts. Our interactive educational games cater to kids of Pre-K to Second Grade. Our games are engrossing, absorbing and empowering.

book reviews | Alphabet Soup One Thousand Trees, by Kyle Hughes-Odgers,Fremantle Press, ISBN 9781925164725 Matilda received a review copy of this book from the publisher. This is about living the city with polluted air, and how Frankie wishes there were trees. And then Frankie starts to imagine … I’ve seen some of Kyle Hughes-Odgers artwork before, in Ten Tiny Things (written by Meg McKinlay), and also on walls and murals around Perth. One Thousand Trees is reflective and shows you what happens in Frankie’s head as Frankie imagines a forest of trees. This picture book would suit children who live in the city, and kids who would like more trees in their environment. Matilda is one of our regular book reviewers. Read Full Post » Firefly July by Paul Janeczko (editor), ill. Matilda reviews her own copy of this book. This is a book of VERY short poems all about different subjects. I like the way the book progresses from spring, then through all the seasons, and ends at winter. Save Read Full Post » What is it? Read Full Post »

Fun Ideas for Library Orientation Ahh, the first day of school! Call me crazy, but I've always loved it! I will see my first classes in the library this Wednesday. We have a book fair coming Thursday, so we will be frantically setting up. Lots of great ideas from the SLJ blog! Some ideas for library orientation, many of which can be used for any grade level: "Bookloose" video by Dowell Middle School students (McKinney, TX) The students and faculty in this video do such a great job acting, singing, and getting into the music! Book shelving/sorting game This game works for students at all grade levels! Quiet in the Library Some really funny kids and adults demonstrate why it's so important to keep your voice down in the library! Elementary Versus Middle School Okay, this isn't the most fun part of orientation, but it is very necessary for our new sixth graders. "All About Those Books" (parody of "All About That Base") Good little singers in this one! "I Like Big Books and I Cannot Lie" "Unread Book" (parody of "Uptown Funk") Mr.

39 Communication Games and Activities for Kids, Teens, and Students Our world is in a communication crisis. Kids spend astounding amounts of time on their electronic devices and with this shift, they are losing their skills in how to communicate their needs—with their own voices. Picture the kids you know having no access to wi-fi. There might be a revolt when you start to ask them to communicate with you without a phone or device. With the availability of alternative sources of social support (Leung, 2007), reaching kids in a one-to-one setting is difficult. The skill of self-expression in real life and face-to-face interaction has far-reaching implications. Improving communication skills in children of all ages today could benefit generations to come, salvaging the power of verbal communication in a world buzzing with technological alternatives. Before you continue, we thought you might like to download our three Positive Communication Exercises (PDF) for free. What are Communication Activities, Exercises, and Games? Communication Skills in Children. 1.

FREE Virtual Math Manipulatives for Chromebook and Computer Users FREE Virtual Math Manipulatives for Chromebook and Computer Users Base ten blocks, spinners, geoboards, fraction circles...These are all types of math manipulatives that teachers have readily available to help teach mathematical problem solving and reasoning. These physical objects help engage our learners through a hands-on approach. I love any and all hands-on activities. However, these physical objects come with a price tag. They also require clean up time and a little detective work. Once again, I love any and all hand-on activities. Dreambox published THIS article that discusses how virtual manipulatives have "unique characteristics that go beyond the capabilities of physical manipulatives." There are lots of iPad apps for math manipulatives (ex. Glencoe Math One of my FAVORITE virtual manipulatives websites is Glencoe Math by McGraw Hill. There are TONS of different manipulatives and story boards for PreK-8th grade. Toy Theater McGraw Hill The Math Learning Center Sign Up Today! Welcome!

Free Classic AudioBooks. Digital narration for the 21st Century Quiz: find the right books for your personality | Children's books 1 If you could have a super power what would it be? To... A Travel back in time B Travel in magical lands C Fly D Make people fall in love, like cupidE Put on a cloak of invisibilityF Become super clever G Be the world's funniest girl/guy 2 What is your favourite school subject? A History B Art C PED English E DramaF Maths G None of the above, I just like larking about with friends at break 3 Which of these words best describes you? A Imaginative B Adventurous C ActiveD Daydreamer E IndependentF Thrill-seeker G Funny 4 If you could be a fictional character who would you be? A Robin Hood B Harry Potter C Lyra in Northern Lights D Cinderella or Prince Charming E Just WilliamF Tintin G Georgia Nicholson/ Adrian Mole 5 If you could change the world what would you do? 6 If you could look through a window on to one scene where would it be? 7 What kind of friend are you? A KindB ThoughtfulC Playful D Considerate E Fearless in sticking up for themF Usually the most dare-devil oneG Always make them laugh
