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Four neuromyths that are still prevalent in schools – debunked

Four neuromyths that are still prevalent in schools – debunked
It is no surprise that many teachers have an interest in neuroscience and psychology since areas such as memory, motivation, curiosity, intelligence and determination are highly important in education. But neuroscience and psychology are complex, nuanced subjects that come with many caveats. Although progress is being made towards understanding what helps and hinders students, there is still a disconnect between the research in labs and what happens in many schools. Many “neuromyths” are rampant in our classrooms, and research suggests that people are often seduced by neuroscientific explanations, even if these are not accurate or even relevant. Research also shows that explanations accompanied by images of the brain also persuade people to believe in their validity, however random the illustration. Such myths are a drain on time and money, and it is important to explore and expose them. Learning styles Where next for learning styles? You only use 10% of your brain Right brain v left brain

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Consommation de lait et production de mucus chez les enfants asthmatiques Correspondance: Dr Ran D. Goldman, BC Children’s Hospital, Department of Pediatrics, Room K4-226, Ambulatory Care Bldg, 4480 Oak St, Vancouver, BC V6H 3V4; téléphone 604 875-2345, poste 7333; télécopieur 604 875-2414; courriel Si on remonte au 12e siècle, le médecin juif Moses Maimonides avait écrit à propos de l’asthme et avait associé la consommation de lait avec de potentielles exacerbations de l’asthme1. La médecine chinoise traditionnelle suggère aussi que le lait est un aliment qui favorise la production de mucus et recommande qu’on évite d’en consommer2.

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