El Blog de Enrique Dans
10 cosas que no debes decir a un Social Media Manager
Now that Thanksgiving is behind us, we are elbow deep in the holiday season. It’s the time of year were you reconnect with friends and family you might not see all that often. Reconnecting with these people can occasionally end up in some awkward moments. One of those moments comes when you try to explain your job as a social media or community manager to those people who just don’t quite “get” it.
¿Cuáles son las 3 razones por las que la gente no seguir / marcas? Q de la semana
We polled our communities on Facebook, Twitter and Google+ asking them why they unfollow brands on each social network. Hundreds of you were quick to respond, sharing your biggest social media pet peeves. Although there were some common issues across all three networks, there are clear differences too. We’ve made a comparison between the top 3 answers, take a look.
Los mejores momentos para publicar en Facebook
I can’t begin to count the number of studies I’ve read that claim they know the best time or day to post on Facebook. While most of these studies conflict with one another, they also consistently conflict with my own analysis. This may not be what you want to hear, but the best time to post depends on your business and your audience. With a little extra effort and a little creative thinking, you can determine the best time for you. How can you determine the best time for your business?
¿Cómo funciona Google PageRank de trabajo?
Understanding Google PageRank… n. PageRank (pag) (rangk)- A 0-10 score assigned by Google that rates the popularity of an indexed web page based on the number & type of external links pointing to that page. (abbr. PR) Your posse = Sites like you The high school principal = .edu websites The jocks and cheerleaders = PR 5 or higher The followers = PR 4 sites The drama crowd = PR 2-3 sites The marching band = PR 0-1 sites The outcasts = Spam sites PageRank Requires The Right Votes Consider who links to you because links are like votes.
7 Ejemplos de Facebook del concurso (Grande y Terrible) criticó (con Best Practices) - 2 Negocios Comunidad
Have you or your business been thinking about running a Facebook contest? Do you want to make sure it’s the right investment call? In this case study I’ll take a look at 7 Facebook contest examples, laying out exactly what works, what doesn’t, and how you can do it for yourself.
5 errores más comunes en los Social Media
When my agency started doing social media audits three years ago, we weren’t exactly sure what to expect. What we soon discovered is that, big or small, B2B or B2C, many companies seem to be making the same mistakes, regardless of the department leading the charge. Here is a quick overview of the five most common mistakes we’re seeing, along with notes on how to correct these self-defeating faux pas. 1.