Educational Songs & Children's Music from Songs for Teaching®
Create Dictations
Now Dictation also available for your favorite device with HTML5 This activity is a dictation, therefore it consists in writing exactly the text that we are given. It is important, while you are dictating, to give details of the punctuation marks (like comas, full stops, question marks, etc.) so that the correction can be exact and also to avoid any kind of misunderstandings.
ESL Classroom Fun Teaching Tools - Game Count Down timers
Free ESL/EFL Online & Classroom Games ESL Games World is the ultimate English learning fun lab with lots of interactive exercises for teachers and students of English. This site is brought to you free of charge by the same team that brought you the, and We are committed to making teachers' & students' lives a lot easier by providing useful free esl resources for teaching and learning English as a Foreign or Second Language.
Free Educational Songs for Circle Time
I always loved circle time with preschoolers … although when I had a Montessori school, we called it “line time” since our lines (created from colored electrical tape on the floor) were in the shape of an ellipse in one room and a circle in another. I even led “circle time” twice a week when I was a Montessori school director … too much fun to give up! And songs were always one of my favorite parts of “circle time.”
Rethinking Grammar: How We Talk
Rethinking Grammar - How We Talk We judge people by the way they speak and the grammar they use. Listen to several Americans from different regions speak. Don’t worry too much about what they are saying, just listen to their different speaking styles. Can you guess where they are from?
Movies and famous people lesson plans
Page Design Peter Snashall Copyright 1999 ESL Lessons for Teaching Movies/Theatre <span><a target="_blank" href="/search.html">Search</a> | <a target="_blank" href="/PreIntermediateLessonPlans.html">Past, Present,Future</a> | <a target="_blank" href="/describingplaces.html">Lifestyles/cities/houses</a> | <a target="_blank" href="/futuretenselessonplans.html">Plans/Predictions</a> | <a target="_blank" href="/complaintsandrequestslessonplans.html">Complaints/Requests</a> | <a target="_blank" href="/interculturalcommunication.html">Intercultural Comm. Movie worksheets and exercises Famous people/celebrity lessons for ESL students
Musixmatch Premium Offer
Enjoy lyrics everywhere The world’s largest collection of song lyrics to enjoy with your music, on the go. Text me the app. Text me the app Get the app
The Music Room
The Brain and Music Our brains are PATTERN SEEKERS! Our brains are attracted by rhyme and rhythm, movement and emotion. The beat increases thought and memory retention! Our brains LOVE to learn through music! So, go ahead!
Business English learning and teaching with podcasts in English for students learning business English
page. 56 The Panama papers. While many benefit from offshore finances, there are also those who are victims. (level 3) (27 Apr 16) ► Download (7.2MB, 4min 18sec) ► Transcript (pdf 53KB)► Worksheet & Answers (pdf 94KB)► Vocabulary tasks (pdf 86KB) The podcast goes with this video from the ICIJ:
How Leadership Can Make or Break Classroom Innovation
The leaders of a school or school district play a big role in setting the culture and work environment for teachers. And when it comes to trying new things, the attitude of principals and superintendents can sometimes make or break a teacher’s willingness and ability to weave new ideas and methods into the teaching practice. In most schools, strong, effective leaders can make all the difference. In addition to setting the tone for nimble and progressive teaching that’s geared towards what students need most, school leaders can also find ways to integrate technology in smart ways that work on the same goals. And they can help to remove roadblocks when necessary. “A key leadership role is to try to build a shared vision for blended learning,” said Eric Williams, Superintendent York County School Division in Virginia.
Music in Education