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The Digital Competence Framework 2.0

The Digital Competence Framework 2.0
DigComp 2.0 identifies the key components of digital competence in 5 areas which can be summarised as below: 1) Information and data literacy: To articulate information needs, to locate and retrieve digital data, information and content. To judge the relevance of the source and its content. To store, manage, and organise digital data, information and content.2) Communication and collaboration: To interact, communicate and collaborate through digital technologies while being aware of cultural and generational diversity. To participate in society through public and private digital services and participatory citizenship. To manage one’s digital identity and reputation.3) Digital content creation: To create and edit digital content To improve and integrate information and content into an existing body of knowledge while understanding how copyright and licences are to be applied. The DigComp Conceptual reference model The glossary of the new terms:

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