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Leaf Cut Art by Lorenzo Durán - StumbleUpon

Leaf Cut Art by Lorenzo Durán - StumbleUpon

One Truth For All: More Cardboard Boats This is probably my last entry ever, as I prepare to meet my watery end tomorrow afternoon. So I figured it was a good time to show some boat pictures from our boat show this afternoon, and talk about matters of boat design. (edited to add some more comments on boat design knowledge.) First, a peek at the overall show. Lots of boats (three class of about 18 each are participating, after all). Most of them are pretty decent designs, and will get their paddlers across the pool twice, which is the requirement for the project. Art by Typewriter British artist Keira Rathbone uses typewriters, instead of brushes and pencils, to create amazing portraits and drawings. Found on: Submitted by Joshua Riehl

Most Amazing Miniature Food Artworks by Shay Aaron Shay Aaron is a brilliant artist from Israel who makes the most astonishing miniature food jewelry. These foodstuffs look so beautiful that we would desire to eat them. Actually, there’s a whole market out there for miniature food. Not actual stuff you can eat, but beautifully hand made designs of steaks, burgers, pies, vegetables, eggs and pretty much food artworks you can think of. Comments comments Beautiful Watercolor Landscapes (12 pieces) Z.L. Feng grew up in Shanghai and began painting at the young age of seven. After experimenting with all kinds of different mediums, he finally settled on a favorite - watercolor. The artist always revered the medium because of its level of difficulty. “With watercolor you cannot cover your mistakes, so you must know what you are doing,” he says.

100% Paper Home: Inflammable Interior & Furniture Design Imagine stepping into a real life Alice in Wonderland world, or walking inside the movie Waking Life. Sometimes art lets us explore design options that would never world in the real world, but are inspiring nonetheless – like this series of sketched spaces and papercraft furnishings, which constitute what may be the most fire-vulnerable paper structure on the planet. From kitchen appliances to bathroom fixtures, built-in cupboards to free-standing cabinets, every interior object was constructed by artist Luise Valdez as a combination of quick-sketch black marker and rough-cut white cardboard (including some pieces of recycled pizza boxes). As for electricity, plumbing and other such amenities … well, you will just have to suspend your disbelief for a bit inside this space. Cooking implements and eating utensils are simply flat cut-outs while sinks, shelves and other three-dimensional kitchen elements are built to hold up the smaller pieces.

American Icons Revisited Alicia Keys as Michelle Obama I found this on the Yahoo front page, which is surprising because they usually post up absurdity as news. As part of their 70th Anniversary issue, has new school does old school images of actresses, artists, and models portraying their favorite female American icons. Some of them were so-so. Others were spot on. And a select few were better than the originals. Gravity-Defying Land Art by Cornelia Konrads German artist Cornelia Konrads creates mind-bending site-specific installations in public spaces, sculpture parks and private gardens around the world. Her work is frequently punctuated by the illusion of weightlessness, where stacked objects like logs, fences, and doorways appear to be suspended in mid-air, reinforcing their temporary nature as if the installation is beginning to dissolve before your very eyes. One of her more recent sculptures, Schleudersitz is an enormous slingshot made from a common park bench, and you can get a great idea of what it might be like to sit inside it with this interactive 360 degree view. What you see here only begins to sratch the surface of Konrad’s work.

3D Paintings on Panes of Glass Using multiple layers of clear glass, Canada based David Spriggs and Chinese born Xia Xiaowan, transform flat artwork into 3D sculptures. Viewers are treated to different shifting perspectives of the works based on where they stand in the art space. Spriggs work revolves around powerful explosive imagery, often resembling storms, cosmic blasts or firework like explosions. Xiawan’s “spatial paintings,” which often feature distorted figures, are drawn individually using colored pencil on tinted glass.

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