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International Labour Organization

International Labour Organization

UN to declare famine in parts of drought-hit Somalia 20 July 2011 Last updated at 16:18 GMT An estimated 10 million people have been affected by the drought in east Africa The United Nations has declared a famine in two areas of southern Somalia as the region suffers the worst drought in more than half a century. The UN said the humanitarian situation in southern Bakool and Lower Shabelle had deteriorated rapidly. It is the first time that the country has seen famine in 19 years. Meanwhile, the UN and US have said aid agencies need further safety guarantees from armed groups in Somalia to allow staff to reach those in need.

INCR (Investor Network on Climate Risk (Ceres)) The Investor Network on Climate Risk (INCR) is a network of more than 119 institutional investors representing more than $14 trillion in assets committed to addressing climate change and other key sustainability risks, while building low-carbon investment opportunities. INCR includes the largest institutional investors in North America as well as leading religious and labor funds, asset managers and socially responsible investment funds. In 2013, INCR turned 10 years old, celebrating a decade of investor action on climate risk. Watch the video below to hear from founding members, Ceres staff and other financial leaders about the impact that investors had on corporate responses to climate change, policy advances addressing climate risk and the global movement to mobilize investors to reduce climate change risks from their portfolios. Learn about INCR's major achievements over the first 10 years.

UN Statistics The Millennium Development Goals Report 2013 was launched in Geneva by the Secretary-General on 1 July 2013. The report presents the yearly assessment of global and regional progress towards the MDGs. With the deadline for the MDGs on the horizon, this year's report examines where the targets have been met and where redoubled efforts are needed urgently to accelerate the progress. It also reveals that our attention needs to focus on disparities across geographical areas and population groups within countries. The report is based on comprehensive official statistics compiled by the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on MDG indicators led by the Statistics Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs. The report is available in all UN languages.

C. M. Rubin: The Global Search for Education: If Music Be the Food.... Leon Botstein will conduct the landmark production of Richard Strauss's opera Die Liebe der Danae opening Bard Music Festival July 29 (photo courtesy of Bard College) If music be the food of educational excellence, play on Maestro Botstein. Give me excess of Richard Strauss's Die Liebe der Danae at Bard Summerscape 2011. Stockholm Convention (POPs) Schedule and registration Objectives Increasing Parties’ knowledge on existing guidance to update NIPs, Parties’ understanding of HBCD and other POP-PBDEs listed, and Parties’ capacity to make inventories of POP-PBDEs, as part of the NIP update. Tim DeChristopher Tim DeChristopher is an American climate activist and co-founder of the environmental group Peaceful Uprising. On December 19, 2008 he protested a Bureau of Land Management oil and gas lease auction of 116 parcels of public land in Utah's redrock country by successfully bidding on 14 parcels of land (totaling 22,500 acres) for $1.8 million with no intention to pay for them.[2] DeChristopher was removed from the auction by federal agents, taken into custody, and questioned. DeChristopher served 21 months in prison, from July 2011[3] through April 2013.[4] Saying they had been rushed into auction with insufficient environmental and scientific review, the United States Department of the Interior canceled many of the leases shortly after the auction and a subsequent court injunction.[5] Early life[edit] Activism[edit]

Wanted: Radical Collaborations to Re-enchant Education How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world. This insight from Anne Frank is evidenced today all across the world in education and many other domains. People are doing amazing things. Start ups, reforms, revolutions. Shark “Massacres” Happen Every Day…We Just Don’t Hear About It Earlier this week, MSNBC reported a shark “massacre” in which hundreds of sharks were found dead aboard a fishing vessel captured while fishing illegally in the Galápagos Marine Reserve. Scott Henderson, director of CI’s Eastern Tropical Pacific Seascape program and shark expert, responds. Photo: © Fred Bavendam/ Minden Pictures In the 30 years since I first arrived on the Galápagos Islands as a wide-eyed biology student, I have seen plenty to keep my eyes popping.

Drought and displacement in Somalia: Fleeing from dust and starvation News Stories, 2 August 2011 © UNHCR/B.Bannon It's early in the morning and recently arrived refugees wait in the shade outside the Dagahaley reception centre. DAGAHALEY REFUGEE CAMP, Kenya, August 2 (UNHCR) – Abdulahi Haji Hassan gazes at the exhausted and confused faces of his family and contemplates the toll that drought and famine has taken on their lives. His two-year-old son, Madey, leans listlessly against his mother's breast. Fama, Abdulahi's four-year-old daughter, is covered in dust from the 27-day trek through the howling desert from their home near Baidoa in southern Somalia to the Kenyan border.

The International Labour Organization (ILO) was founded in 1919, its Constitution forming part of the Treaty of Versailles. The ILO became the first specialised agency of the UN in 1946. by jerry_jenkins Dec 13

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