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A tutorial

A tutorial
I'm so happy about how this turned out. This is one of those projects that's been on my to do list forever and now that I finally got it done, I wish I had done it a long time ago. This is such a simple project. One of the easiest I've ever made. Don't have much sewing experience? Give this a go, I promise it's a piece of cake and any mistakes made are hardly noticeable because of the gather. Materials: 5/6 + yard knit & 1/3 yard silk, cotton, etc. My knit is 60" wide and my dusty pink silk (faux) is 45" wide. Your fabric doesn't have to be exactly as wide as mine, just keep in mind that if you buy a fabric that is less wide you may need to purchase more to compensate. Cut two large squares to the dimensions of 30" x 30" If you bought 5/6 yd of 60" fabric all you have to do is cut along the fold line. **Edit- 30" length gives you a long top. Make a casing at the top of each square. Sew down with a zig zag stitch (so it can stretch). Start working on your sash. Cut off extra fabric Voila.

How to make a dreamcatcher For the native americans, the dream catcher is a handmade object based on a willow hoop, on which is woven a loose net or web. The dreamcatcher is then decorated with personal and sacred items such as feathers and beads. Hung above the bed, is used as a charm to protect sleeping people from nightmares. (by Wikipedia)Have you ever wanted to make your personal dreamcatcher, but the netting work scared you?

DIY BALENCIAGA INSPIRED CROP TOP 30th July 2013 You may have guessed that the Balenciaga SS13 collection was by far the most inspiring for me this season when it comes to potential DIY projects (remember this?). It’s so funny, as soon as I saw this crop top on the runway more than 6 months ago I knew it was going to be a project I would try, but it took me so long to work out how I would do it and to make the time. Sometimes life gets in the way of DIY (inexcusable I know!)

15 Pretty Patchwork Project Ideas When I hear the word patchwork the first thing I usually think of is the stack of quilts that my grandmother used to pile on the bed for me in the winter to keep warm. But, here are some beautiful and interesting patchwork project ideas you can use every day or incorporate them into your home décor without using a quilt. Selvedge and patchwork dresser. See the full project here. Cozy reading chair. A great place to sit with coffee and sort out your next sewing projects. Sharpie Tie Dye Shirt This is a great project for kids, or adults. I first saw the idea on the blog found here. All you need are some Sharpies, rubbing alcohol and something to drip it from (I had a syringe), and a t-shirt, or other clothing. A Very Simple Skirt Tutorial This has been such an exciting last few days for me. My Shoe Makeover Tutorial was actually featured on one of my favorite blogs Ucreate and I feel so honored to be amongst the talented ladies that Kari has displayed on her lovely blog. Thank you so much for all your sweet comments, I absolutely love reading them and I'm so happy that many of you are inspired to take on the project!

Fringe Top This is the top I made in this post from a few weeks ago. Turned out pretty cool. Detail of the fringe on the shoulder. Glass jars turned vintage Lately I've been intrigued by those lovely vintage blue glass jars you see on the tables of chic outdoor weddings. I did a little bit of research on these, to see how economical they were in bulk, and found that they can range anywhere from $5-$15 per jar, depending on how rare they are. I was a bit surprised by this, and thought there had to be a better way to achieve the same look, so I went in search of a way to "dye" a regular quart sized jar, to mimic the look of the old Ball Perfect Mason Jars.

Tank Tops from old Tee Flower Headbands Lets Start Here: You can use any type of fabric. I chose something thicker with a busy pattern. Use a (very) small bowl or medium/small lid to trace your large circles. The bigger the circle the bigger
