CNE | Consejo Nacional de Educación El Proyecto Educativo Nacional 2036: El reto de la ciudadanía plena llama a que el esfuerzo nacional en el terreno educativo se enlace con las labores necesarias en distintos ámbitos de la vida nacional para lograr una ciudadanía plena; es decir, para que todas las personas, sin distinción de ningún tipo, podamos ejercer plenamente todos nuestros derechos (entre ellos, el derecho a la educación) sin menoscabo alguno, sea por deficiencias en los servicios que coadyuvan a su ejercicio (como una educación académicamente deficiente o que descuide el desarrollo integral del potencial humano) o porque estos reproducen injusticias sociales preexistentes. Mappe storiche, dove trovarle online – Alessandro Valenzano – Medium Old Maps Online Un archivio digitale ad accesso libero, che raccoglie, ordina e geolocalizza la maggior parte delle mappe storiche online. Ha quindi due valori aggiunti: farti risparmiare un sacco di tempo e aiutarti a trovare mappe che probabilmente non scoveresti mai da solo. Lo reputo un database di grande valore. Naturalmente i creatori curano contenuti di altri, quindi tutte le norme per il copyright e il riuso sono da verificare nei rispettivi siti web dove le mappe sono state caricate. New York Public Library La biblioteca pubblica di New York consente a chiunque nel mondo di consultare e scaricare le mappe che conserva nei suoi archivi. Mappa Mundi | Marten Kuilman La raccolta Flickr di mappe di Marten Kuilman. Istanbul Maps Ho scoperto da poco questo interessante database. The Medieval Millennium Una raccolta molto grezza di mappe storiche e storiografiche sul Medioevo. David Rumsey Map Collection Una collezione meravigliosa di mappe storiche.
La importancia de formular buenas preguntas Una buena pregunta es una semilla que debe sembrarse para que produzca más semillas, con la esperanza de reverdecer el paisaje de las ideas.John Ciardi Lograr que los estudiantes desarrollen las capacidades necesarias para desempeñarse como aprendices permanentes, trabajadores y ciudadanos activos en la economía del conocimiento, es una de las mayores preocupaciones de quienes formulan políticas educativas en cualquier nación. El mundo cambió y resulta inaplazable reducir la brecha entre lo que aprenden los estudiantes cada día en la escuela y lo que los ámbitos académico y laboral requieren de ellos. Así las cosas, la pregunta natural es: ¿cuáles son esas capacidades que cualquier ciudadano requiere para desempeñarse con éxito en el mundo de hoy? En resumidas cuentas, hay consenso entre los empresarios acerca de que “la capacidad para hacer buenas preguntas es componente esencial tanto del pensamiento crítico como de la capacidad para solucionar problemas”. Características: Complejidad:
Penn & Teller's Teller on How to Be an Effective Teacher Education, at its most engaging, is performance art. From the moment a teacher steps into the classroom, students look to him or her to set the tone and course of study for everyone, from the most enthusiastic to the most apathetic students. Even teachers who have moved away from the traditional lecture format, toward more learner autonomy-supportive approaches such as project-based and peer-to-peer learning, still need to engage students in the process, and serve as a vital conduit between learner and subject matter. Teachers are seldom trained in the performance aspect of teaching, however, and given that every American classroom contains at least one bored, reluctant, or frustrated student, engagement through performance may just be the most important skill in a teacher’s bag of tricks. I asked Teller, a former Latin teacher and the silent half of the magical partnership known as Penn & Teller, about his years as an educator, and the role performance played in his teaching.
Higher Education’s 2019 Trend Watch & Top 10 Strategic Technologies This research examines technological investments institutions will spend the most time implementing, planning, and tracking in 2019, as well as the related trends that could influence institutional IT strategy. Read full report: PDF | HTML | Other materials Key Findings The trends and technologies reviewed in this report were identified through an EDUCAUSE survey conducted in the summer of 2018 and completed by 297 US institutions. Top 10 Strategic Technologies Uses of APIsActive learning classroomsBlended data center (on premises and cloud based)Incorporation of mobile devices in teaching and learningOpen educational resourcesInstitutional support for accessibility technologiesTechnologies for improving analysis of student dataApplication performance monitoringPredictive analytics for student success (institutional level)Integrated student success planning and advising systems (tie) IT asset management tools (e.g., CMDB) (tie) Most Influential Trends Top IT Issues Alignment Adoption Trends
10 preguntas clave para crear ecosistemas de aprendizaje digital Lea Sulmont, experta en temas de educación y docente de UPC, presentó en el Congreso Internacional de Innovación Educativa 2019 que se desarrolla en el Tec de Monterrey los aspectos fundamentales del Manual para crear ecosistemas de aprendizaje con el aula virtual que desarrolló con apoyo de la Fundación Telefónica. En el manual se discuten estas y otras preguntas que ayudarán a docentes, estudiantes e instituciones educativas a implementar ecosistemas de aprendizaje digital. ¿Qué desafíos supone aprender en el siglo XXI?¿Cómo intervienen las TIC en el ecosistema de aprendizaje?
Azione #25 - Formazione in servizio per l'innovazione didattica e organizzativa ~ Schoolkit - accompagnamento innovativo del PNSD Risorse – 10 milioni di euro all’anno (a valere su risorse Formazione della legge 107/2015 + risorse PON-FSE + “Per la Scuola” 2014-2020 + stanziamenti ordinari del ministero) Strumenti – avvisi pubblici alle scuole per la costituzione dei poli formativi; tavolo tecnico per i contenuti della formazione; linee guida e piattaforma web per il monitoraggio e la valutazione di impatto delle strategie territoriali e della formazione erogata Tempi di prima attuazione – Dicembre 2015 per la costituzione degli snodi, Febbraio 2016 per il decreto di riparto per le risorse della Formazione Obiettivi misurabili numero di docenti formati; indicatori di efficacia delle strategie territoriali, tra cui effettivo utilizzo delle tecniche apprese in classe e a livello di scuola. La Buona Scuola (legge 107/2015) ha introdotto per la prima volta la formazione obbligatoria in servizio per il personale docente. Docenti Dirigenti scolastici Direttori dei servizi generali e amministrativi (DSGA) I modelli formativi.
Education transforms lives Education transforms lives and is at the heart of UNESCO’s mission to build peace, eradicate poverty and drive sustainable development. UNESCO believes that education is a human right for all throughout life and that access must be matched by quality. The Organization is the only United Nations agency with a mandate to cover all aspects of education. UNESCO provides global and regional leadership in education, strengthens education systems worldwide and responds to contemporary global challenges through education with gender equality an underlying principle. Its work encompasses educational development from pre-school to higher education and beyond.
New Interactive Lab Opens to Study Music and the Brain Music affects people deeply. At every stage of life, a large body of research shows, it has a profound impact on behavior and cognition. A new concert hall-cum-laboratory will be the first dedicated facility to examine music’s effect on the brain. The Large Interactive Virtual Environment (LIVE) Lab at McMaster University in Ontario, which opened this fall, will be an experimental space for neuroscientists, physiologists and psychologists to test hypotheses about performance, audience dynamics and musical improvisation.* There are already several projects on the roster for this 96-seat venue. GROUP VIBE Every culture in the world has music — one of the reasons that anthropologists consider it to be a defining characteristic of humanity. THE ACOUSTICS OF LEARNING Is working in a cubicle better for the brain? BETTER HEARING AIDS Hearing aids are usually tested only under quiet conditions.
5 Big Ways Education Will Change By 2020 Here’s what we found out: Students Will Interact With Others Remotely Why do classrooms today look nearly identical to those 30 years ago–minus a few upgrades to the modern chalkboard, and sneaking texts in class instead of notes? “With some exciting exceptions, public schools are one of the few institutions in modern life that have not seen radical changes spurred by technology,” says Joe Williams, executive director of Democrats for Education Reform. “I’m not talking about having computers in classrooms, but rather a lack of any seismic shift in the way things are done because technology is making the work easier or more efficient.” Williams predicts that education tech will continue the push towards individualized instruction for students. The Success Of Tech Will Still Rely On Skilled Teachers We might be sending kids to school in self-driving cars by 2020, but that doesn’t mean they’ll be taught by teacher-avatars and given tests via drone. We’ll Think Differently About The Diploma
A comparative analysis of international frameworks for 21st century competences: Implications for national curriculum policies National curricula need to change drastically to comply with the competences needed for the 21st century. In this paper eight frameworks describing 21st century competences were analysed. A comprehensive search for information about 21st century competences was conducted across the official websites of the selected frameworks, resulting in 32 documents that were analysed in detail. Travers and Westbury’s framework of curriculum representations was used to determine horizontal and vertical consistency between the frameworks. EclipseCrossword - the fast, easy, and FREE way to create crossword puzzles in minutes 5 Common Misconceptions About Bloom's Taxonomy 5 Common Misconceptions About Bloom’s Taxonomy by Grant Wiggins & The TeachThought Staff Admit it–you only read the list of the six levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy, not the whole book that explains each level and the rationale behind the Taxonomy. Not to worry, you are not alone: this is true for most educators. But that efficiency comes with a price. 1. This is false. The essential behavior in interpretation is that when given a communication the student can identify and comprehend the major ideas which are included in it as well as understand their interrelationships. Not only is this higher-order thinking – summary, main idea, conditional and cautious reasoning, etc. 2. This is not true, a misreading of the word “apply”, as the text makes clear. The whole cognitive domain of the taxonomy is arranged in a hierarchy, that is, each classification within it demands the skills and abilities which are lower in the classification order. Why UbD is what it is. 3. 4. 5. No they weren’t.