The active learning model is currently utilized in many undergraduate programs throughout the United States and continues to expand at the university level. Research shows that implementation of the active learning model results in a significant increase in students’ knowledge retention and improvements in student performance. Particularly impressive gains have been documented among groups of students that traditionally have been under-represented in science. The 2011 Windward School Active Learning Colloquium aims to develop the skills and knowledge necessary for school leaders to guide reform of the learning, assessment, and teaching of science at the secondary school level. Colloquium participants will be introduced to the research that supports the active learning instructional model and will work with team members to gain practical classroom experience in instructional methods that promote active learning. The colloquium is designed for science educators at the secondary level.
29 Games Kids Can Play to Try Engineering
Try Engineering is a site that hosts lesson plans and games designed to get students interested in engineering. The lesson plans, 114 in all, are arranged according age and engineering topic. The lesson plans can be downloaded as PDFs.
English Language Teaching
Cambridge English combines the experience and expertise of two world-leading departments of the University of Cambridge - Cambridge University Press and Cambridge English Language Assessment. Together, we deliver real-life English language learning, teaching and assessment through world-class research and a profound commitment to delivering educational value for the benefit of society as a whole. I'm a teacher
2010 Horizon Report
Download the 2010 Horizon ReportPDF • ePub (also available in other languages) The 2010 Horizon Report is a collaboration betweenThe New Media Consortium and theEDUCAUSE Learning Initiative An EDUCAUSE Program © 2010, The New Media Consortium. Permission is granted under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs license to replicate and distribute this report freely for noncommercial purposes provided that it is distributed only in its entirety.
Keys for Kids Online Daily Devotional & Radio Program
"Mom!" screamed Brock, running toward her car. A truck had hit it as she began the turn into their driveway.
Literary Devices - English
Literary devices are common structures used in writing. These devices can be either literary elements or literary techniques. Literary elements are found in almost every story and can be used to analyze and interpret (e.g. protagonist, setting, plot, theme). Literary techniques , on the other hand, constructions in the text, usually to express artistic meaning through the use of language (e.g. metaphor, hyperbole).
How to implement studio teaching?
Philosophy Studio teaching is not just another kind of classroom activity. It is not a lab session, nor is it just a series of class projects.
Bible CurriculumAdventures in Mommydom
Thanks for stopping in! Come join our wild ride and subcribe to my RSS feed or my pinterest board. We're playing through our learning adventures and would love for you to join us. If we truly believe that God’s Word is the foundation for our lives we need to be teaching this to our kids. I looked for a long time to find a Bible curriculum that would meet our needs, and wasn’t finding one. Finally I started to write a Family Bible curriculum, one that works for parents with preschoolers, elementary kids, and teenagers, or for their own study.
We Give Books - Books
Read The Biggest and Brightest Light For Ages: 4-7 Read now More info
Skyline CPI
A Complete How-To for Creating Curriculum Sites and Student Portfolios using Google's Tools! Note: at this time Google is currently switching from Google Docs to Google Drive. We will update this site as soon as the switch is complete. The WhatA methodology for creating and organizing online student portfolios and curriculum sharing sites throughout an entire school. No need to spend money as Google provides everything schools need to undertake such a project and move your school into a truly 21st Century teaching model. Use the resources on this site and learn how to do this yourself!
Geocaching Maps
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50 Apps Students Will Be Using In Your Classroom
5 Useful iPhone Apps For Student Bloggers 9.43K Views 0 Likes Student blogging is a wonderful way to get into the world of online writing and learning. These iPhone apps for student bloggers will enhance their skills.
Position Statement - Quality Science Education and 21st-Century Skills
Introduction Rapid changes in the world—including technological advancement, scientific innovation, increased globalization, shifting workforce demands, and pressures of economic competitiveness—are redefining the broad skill sets that students need to be adequately prepared to participate in and contribute to today's society (Levy and Murnane 2005; Stewart 2010; Wilmarth 2010). NSTA acknowledges the need for and importance of 21st-century skills within the context of science education and advocates for the science education community to support 21st-century skills consistent with best practices across a preK–16 science education system. National organizations, including the Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21) and the National Research Council (NRC), have sought to identify and define 21st-century skills, explore their integration within the education system, and address the intersection of 21st-century skills and the teaching of core disciplines (P21 December 2009; NRC 2010).