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Lesson 1: What is SQL?

Lesson 1: What is SQL?
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Fixed Fade Out Menu: A CSS and jQuery Tutorial Inspired by David Walsh’s top navigation bar that gets semi-transparent when you scroll down the page, I decided to create a tutorial out of that idea. The aim is to have a fixed navigation that follows the user when he scrolls, and only subtly showing itself by fading out and becoming almost […] View demoDownload source Inspired by David Walsh’s top navigation bar that gets semi-transparent when you scroll down the page, I decided to create a tutorial out of that idea. The aim is to have a fixed navigation that follows the user when he scrolls, and only subtly showing itself by fading out and becoming almost transparent. Inside of the navigation we will have some links, a search input and a top and bottom button that let the user navigate to the top or the bottom of the page. Ok, let’s start. 1. The markup is pretty simple: we have a div with a list inside. The links with the classes top and bottom are the arrows that will lead the user to the beginning or the end of the page. 2. 3.

Tutorial: HTML Templates with Mustache.js When developing modern HTML applications, you often write a lot of HTML fragments programmatically. You concatenate HTML tags and dynamic data, and insert the resulting UI markup into the DOM. Here is a random code example of this approach: The proliferation of this kind of code throughout your application comes with some downsides. Mustache is a “logic-less” template syntax. In this article, we take a quick tour of some of the capabilities of Mustache.js. To start using Mustache.js, simply add a script tag to your html file pointing to mustache.js which is available here. You can run all the examples below here. Sample 1: Basic Template This is a self-explanatory example. Instead of being defined in a variable, the data often comes from a service call (see sample 2)Instead of being defined in a variable, the template is often read from a file (see sample 3) Result: Blog: Sample 2: Basic Template using Ajax data Blog: Sample 3: Externalized Template

SQL Server - Create a Database One of the first things we should look at with SQL Server/Management Studio is how to create a database. After all, most of the tasks you perform with SQL Server will evolve around one or more databases. System Databases If you've only just installed SQL Server, you might notice that some databases have already been created. We will now create another database for our own use. Creating a New Database The following steps demonstrate how to create a database in SQL Server using SQL Server Management Studio. Right click on the "Databases" icon and select "New Database Your New Database You will now notice your new database appears under the "Databases" section of SQL Server Management Studio. Your new database is based on the "Model" database. Other Options We have just created a database using the default options. If we'd wanted to, we could have specified a different location for these files. To view or change the database properties, simply right click on the database and select "Properties":

css-transitions-101 from Despite people’s expectation of change and movement on the screen, CSS and HTML have few controls that allow you to design interactivity, and those that exist are binary. A link is either one color or another. A text field is either one size or another. A photo is either transparent or opaque. This has led to most web pages feeling abrupt, with elements shifting and changing ungracefully. Yes, we can use DHTML and leverage the jQuery library for transitions, but this requires a lot of code for something that should be very simple. What we need is a quick and easy way to add simple transitions to the page and in this article you’ll find useful information about CSS transitions and how to use them. A few months back, I stuck my foot in my mouth by suggesting that designers should start using the new CSS 3 techniques that allow them to do some of the basic styling that they’ve been pleading for. Where CSS Transitions Come From Fortunately, the argument for dynamic styles held the day.

Apps, Tablets and Usability The current trend towards flat design presents a real threat to the usability on tablets, a recent study from researchers at the Neilson Norman Group (NNG) has found. The latest study was one of six to be carried out on usability and, while it was found that tablet usability is improving, there are still issues such as poor gestures, rescaled design and workflow. While for the most part the study found that sites in general tend to work reasonably well, the biggest issue with usability was found to lie in apps. However, with sites it’s not a huge issue and for the most part those the study looked at only needed “limited adjustment” to suit most tablets. This means that with regard to responsive sites, “tablet usability is reasonably solid” and has really improved recently, but apps are a different story. Testing, testing … The study tested apps on a variety of tablets, from first generation iPads to the latest Android and even some Windows devices. Do you need an app? Common app user issues

Intro to OLAP This is the first of a series of posts about business intelligence tools, particularly OLAP (or online analytical processing) tools using MySQL and other free open source software. OLAP tools are a part of the larger topic of business intelligence, a topic that has not had a lot of coverage on MPB. Because of this, I am going to start out talking about these topics in general, rather than getting right to gritty details of their performance. I plan on covering the following topics: Introduction to OLAP and business intelligence. What is BI? As far as BI is concerned, this series of posts focuses on OLAP analysis and in a lesser sense, on data warehousing. OLAP? Multidimensional Analysis Multidimensional analysis is a form of statistical analysis. There are two main ways to store multidimensional data for OLAP analysis OLAP servers typically come in two basic flavors. A relational OLAP (or ROLAP) server uses data stored in an RDBMS. What makes a ROLAP so great? Data before pivoting:

CSS Message Boxes for different message types - StumbleUpon Can you believe this: Few days ago I went to my bank to check my credit score with the Credit Bureau. The bank official typed in my personal data and sent a request. Web application responded by displaying a yellow message box with an exclamation icon saying that data processing is still in progress. He checked several more times, but he didn't notice that at one moment the message changed to "Account available". But the message box hasn't changed. He continued to check a few more times and eventually he realized that the request was successful. I don't know what was in the minds of developers and designers who created this application, but it certainly wasn't the user. To prevent this, different message types should be displayed differently. I will show you a remake of CSS message boxes I used on my latest project. Let's first take a quick look at message types. 1. The purpose of information messages is to inform the user about something relevant. 2. 3. 4. Design process Conclusion

Using CSS gradients - Web developer guide CSS gradients are new types of <image> added in the CSS3 Image Module. Using CSS gradients lets you display smooth transitions between two or more specified colors. This lets you avoid using images for these effects, thereby reducing download time and bandwidth usage. In addition, because the gradient is generated by the browser, objects with gradients look better when zoomed, and you can adjust your layout much more flexibly. Browsers support two types of gradients: linear, defined with the linear-gradient() function, and radial, defined with radial-gradient(). Linear gradients To create a linear gradient, you set a starting point and a direction (specified as an angle) along which the gradient effect is applied. Simple linear gradients Here's a linear gradient that starts at the center (horizontally) and top (vertically), and starts blue, transitioning to white. background: -prefix-linear-gradient(top, blue, white); background: linear-gradient(to bottom, blue, white); Using angles Size

使用Python连接MySQL和EXCEL,实现EXCEL和MySQL数据互传_zzcwing_新浪博客 这几天又重新回顾了一下Python,当初学习它是因为VB6被微软抛弃后不想再用庞大的.NET工具,毕竟不是专业程序员,对于我来说只需要一个小巧、 同时安装方便不需要管理员权限(因为公司电脑强制锁权限)、简单快捷实用的编程工具,Python无论哪方面看都成了我的最佳选择。工作中的数据处理工具 一直围绕着EXCEL,但VBA能力所限,而且有些功能实现起来比较复杂,有了Python的辅助明显方便许多,这种动态语言只要有环境连编译都不需要, 这让我怀念起当年的MATLAB。 在数据库方面,过去我一直选择实用MSSQL或者ACCESS(姑且称其为数据库吧),但在工作中个人使用SQL比较麻烦,使用ACCESS简单方便(但 讨厌的是ACCESS的SQL语言并非标准的SQL)。当时曾想过MySQL似乎是一个不错的选择,可惜用惯了OLEDB和ODBC的我,实在找不到 MySQL和EXCEL直接进行数据互传的API或者接口,同时也考虑到数据互传的话没有数据库服务器支持的情况下毕竟ACCESS是比较方便的,于是无 奈只好放弃MySQL。 由于最近心血来潮突然想再研究一下Python,找到了Python和MySQL互传的方法,就想到以Python为中介来实现MySQL和EXCEL的 数据互传。以下是实现的方法,程序比较简单:利用Python从EXCEL中读取两列数据存储在LIST中然后连接数据库利用insert语句和LIST 内容结合,导入数据库;然后再从数据库读取表的字段和内容,存放到EXCEL新表中,由于是示例以核心内容为主错误处理就不写了 (注意,Python以空格和缩进作为语句结束的标志,由于网络日志文本的原因,所有可能空格都被去掉了,以下代码无法直接复制执行,仅供参考): # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Fri Oct 05 23:52:33 2012 @author: zzcwing """ #导入模块,需要pywin32和MySQLdb模块,下载地址: #pywin32: #MySQLdb:

14 CSS3 Smashing Generators | Marked Lines Many exciting new functions and features are being thought up for CSS3. You can try and take the code to use them with a CSS3 Generator. Below there are 14 wonderful generators that they will help you with these new functions and features! The post is a refresh of 6 CSS3 Smashing Generators
