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Schools of the Future: Defining New Models of Education for the Fourth Industrial Revolution As globalization and rapid advancements in technology continue to transform civic space and the world of work, education systems have grown increasingly disconnected from the realities and needs of global economies and societies. Education models must adapt to equip children with the skills to create a more inclusive, cohesive and productive world. “Schools of the Future: Defining New Models of Education for the Fourth Industrial Revolution” outlines a new framework for defining quality education in the new economic and social context and shares key features of 16 schools, systems and programmes pioneering the future of education.
15 Characteristics of a 21st-Century Teacher Recent technological advances have affected many areas of our lives, including the way we communicate, collaborate, learn, and, of course, teach. Those advances necessitate an expansion of our vocabulary, producing definitions such as digital natives, digital immigrants, and the topic of this post—21st-century teacher. As I write this, I’m trying to recall if I ever had heard phrases such as 20th-century teacher or 19th-century teacher. Quick Google searches reassure me that there are no such word combinations. Changing 20th to 21st brings different results: a 21st-century school, 21st-century education, 21st-century teacher, 21st-century skills.
25 Alternatives to Saying"Good Job" If you are trying to break the habit of hollow, unthinking praise, and the habit of manipulative praise, and turn it into something more worthwhile, these 25 alternatives to saying “good job” might help get you on a better parenting path. Recently I shared some thoughts on praise and manipulation. In that post I shared some brutal truths about how I parent, and some ideas about how I would like to parent. I shared my goal to break the habit of hollow, unthinking praise, and the habit of manipulative praise, and turn it into something more worthwhile. But breaking a habit is not easy, so I’m falling back on my tried and true idea and arming myself with some ‘positive first responses‘. 20 Predictions for Education in 2020 There is a lot happening right now in education! Since my last set of predictions for 2019, schools have made significant strides in launching initiatives that are strategically focused on student and teacher learning. Schools are seeing themselves more as communities of learning for everyone rather than just a place students go to learn. Figuring out our relationship with colleges and universities, using grades more effectively, leveling up our faculty, and creating immersive learning environments are some of the big ideas we’re hearing about consistently from school leaders and educators. 1. Dual Credit Programs
weareteachers Since the publication of Have You Filled a Bucket Today? in 2006, the concept of bucket filling has become more popular each year. It’s a simple idea: being kind to others fills their buckets (and your own). Teaching Growth Mindset in the Secondary Classroom - The SuperHERO Teacher Skip to content Menu Teaching Growth Mindset in the Secondary Classroom We’re all familiar with the importance of growth mindset, but often times we see growth mindset being taught at the lower levels as opposed to middle and high school classrooms.
How To Support Mental Health in the Classroom Year after year, the students arriving in my classroom are exhibiting more signs of mental health problems. From anxiety to depression to anger, I've seen it all and over the years have developed some great ways to support mental health in the classroom. Throughout my career, I've taught students from Grade 2 to 6. Despite the considerable age gap between the oldest and youngest, mental health concerns have been part of every classroom. While the strategies I've used in my classrooms have varied by age group, the foundation remains the same - I believe my students need to know that I care about them and how they are doing. My Classroom Must-Haves
9 Characteristics Of 21st Century Learning The label of “21st Century learning” is vague, and is an idea that we here at TeachThought like to take a swing at as often as possible, including: –weighing the magic of technology with its incredible cost and complexity –underscoring the potential for well thought-out instructional design –considering the considerable potential of social media platforms against its apparent divergence from academic learning Developing Growth Mindsets This week at school our focus has been on growth mindsets. In Primary 1 and in Primary 6 we have been comparing fixed and growth mindsets. This is something we believe is a fundamental part of developing a positive classroom ethos which is crucial at this stage in the term and throughout the year. In Primary 1, we have been studying the book “Ish” which is about a boy who’s belief in his ability to draw is dampened and enhanced by his brother and his sister respectively. After reading the story of “Ish”, we talked about how it feels to have a fixed mindset and how it feels to have a growth mindset. We decided to exercise our growth mindsets by creating a “Crumpled Gallery” (as seen in the book) and using our imagination to give our paintings a subject.
Elementary Mathematics In last month's Construct a Building post, I presented any array model in which students construct the rooms and floors of a building as a way of representing multiplication. Now I'd like to follow up with a similar array model that allows students to take a problem they don’t know, like 8 × 7, and … Continue Reading ›› When Scott Steketee and I developed activities for the Dynamic Number project, we thought about ways that dynamic array models could help children to conceptualize multiplication.