Atomic Learning: Google Apps for Education Training Skip to content Skip to navigation Skip to login Beginning of dialog content User Settings End of dialog content Log In opens form dialog Help FAQ Google Apps for Education Training Description Google™ Apps for Education (GAFE) is a powerful tool that can help you take learning to the "cloud." Try out the unlocked free sample tutorials below, or learn more about subscription options. A. B. C. D. Tutorial series by Liz Johnson, Heather Slee Click here to learn more about these eLearning Developers and others from the team of qualified educators and technology experts who bring you the training and resources that make Atomic Learning education’s trusted training solution. Tools Create Easy Links Tell Me More Request Information Request a Quote for Site Licensing Intellectual Property Rights Terms of Use Accessibility Privacy Policy Contact Us Share Your Idea Careers Site Map opens form dialog Atomic Learning Think Tank
Create G Suite Templates with This Mind-Blowing Hack Save Pinterest Yes! This G Suite trick will let you change some words in the URL of your file and magically create a template link! This is a game-changer, y’all! Templates make life easier, especially as a teacher. I make copies of interesting G Suite files and templates all the time. Templates make it easier to share learning activities, lesson plans, Hyperdocs, and more. Keep reading to learn how this little hack can save you time and frustration! Create G Suite Templates with This Mind-Blowing Hack The Problem with File>Make a Copy I find myself saying File>Make a Copy about 20 million times a day! The Problem with Forcing a Copy It is easy to make a copy, but sometimes we need to force a copy. The problem is that this is a completely blind action. The Answer: The Template Link! Enter the template! I learned this URL trick from my friend, Tony Vincent. To change a Doc, Sheet, Slide, or Drawing to a template link, replace the word, “edit,” with the words, “template/preview.” (Level 1) Author
Google Search Operators: The Complete List (42 Advanced Operators) Google advanced search operators are special commands and characters that filter search results. They do this by making your searches more precise and focused. For example, the site: operator restricts results to those from a particular site: In this post, you’ll learn all of Google’s search operators and how to master them for SEO. Below is a brief description of what every Google search operator does. I’ve grouped them into three categories: Working – Works as intended.Unreliable – Not officially deprecated by Google, but results are hit-and-miss. Here’s the full list: Working Sidenote. You can also use the _ operator, which acts as a wildcard in Google Autocomplete. Unreliable Not working (officially dropped by Google) Let’s tackle a few ways to put these operators into action. My aim here is to show that you can achieve almost anything with Google advanced operators if you know how to use and combine them. Prefer video? Check out nine actionable Google search operator tips in Sam Oh’s video. 1.
Resources: Overview – Google Apps for Education Webinars Tune in to live webinars, or have a listen through our archive to hear from Google and the community about Google Apps for Education and related products. Learn more Regional user groups Connect with other Apps users around the world through our online regional user group communities. Online training program Visit our online training center to learn about Google Apps for Education, and take exams to become certified. Find a trainer Google Apps for Education Certified Trainers provide professional development services designed to make the most of your Google Apps implementation. Lesson plans Easily incorporate Google Apps into your curriculum with these classroom-ready lesson plans.
Insert a GIF into a Google Doc or Slide I was asked by a teacher at my site to help her students "jazz" up their Google Slides presentations on biomes. While reading up on the cool ways to use Google Slides I found out that you can insert a GIF into a slide! I didn't know you could do that so I tried on a Google Doc and it worked there too! You may already know how to do this but if not here's how.1. If you are getting your GIF from a site like you will need to click "advanced" and copy the GIF download URL. 3. Click "insert" then scroll down to "image"Insert image "By URL"Paste GIF URL Easy peasy! Ideas for using this handy little trick: Add even MORE pizazz to your hyperdoc with an animated GIF. Do you use GIFs in your Google Docs or Slides?
Caja de herramientas de GIJN: una memoria adicional, nombres y sitios web, videos falsos, búsquedas poderosas Para que nunca lo olvides Navegas y navegas a través de páginas y páginas de información todos los días. De repente ves algo que reconoces —una foto, un nombre o un comentario. Sabes que lo has visto en algún lugar antes, pero buscas en el historial de tu navegador y no aparece. Cualquiera que haya realizado una investigación en línea conoce este tipo de frustraciones. Para automatizar y simplificar este tipo de búsquedas está Hunchly, una extensión de Chrome y aplicación que funciona en la mayoría de los sistemas operativos. Cuando necesites revisar, abres la aplicación Hunchly y tienes un historial completo de tu investigación, así como copias de las páginas que puedes exportar como PDF o HTML. La extensión Hunchly también tiene la capacidad de agregar notas a tus páginas actuales. Una de las mejores características de Hunchly son sus “selectores”. ¿Qué hay en un nombre (de usuario)? Un servicio similar es Knowem, que también busca nombres de usuario en cientos de servicios en línea.
Google Apps for Education - Common Questions - Google Apps Help Below are common questions about Google Workspace for Education. General information Open all | Close all What is Google Workspace for Education? Google Workspace for Education is a set of Google tools and services that are tailored for schools and homeschools. For details about each edition, go to Google Workspace for Education overview. How much is Google Workspace for Education? Google Workspace for Education Fundamentals is free to qualified educational institutions. Note: If you commit to 2 or more years of Google Workspace for Education Plus, you can get a discount. How many accounts can I get? Education Fundamentals provides 10,000 user licenses. For Education Standard, Teaching and Learning Upgrade, and Education Plus, you get the number of licenses you pay for. How much storage do users get with Google Workspace for Education? Who qualifies for Google Workspace for Education? Open all | Close all (U.S. only) Can homeschools use Google Workspace for Education? Getting started Security Yes.
G Suite Updates Blog: See the status of a Gmail message after it’s been delivered Using Gmail’s Email Log Search feature in the Admin console, G Suite admins can track the delivery of messages sent and received by users within their domain. Until now, admins had to reach out to end users directly or search their mailboxes to see the status of a message after it had been delivered. With this launch, that’s no longer necessary, as a message’s post-delivery status will be listed in Email Log Search results. Going forward, to see the current location of an email, whether it’s been read or deleted, as well as any assigned labels, admins can simply expand the “Post-delivery message details” under “Recipient details” in an Email Log Search result. With this info, admins will be well-equipped to help users find missing messages.A note about messages more than 30 days old The date range search options for message delivery logs in Email Log Search are limited to 30 days.
Adicción tecnológica: más de la mitad de los argentinos afirma que son interrumpidos por el uso compulsivo del celular Franco Rivero 27 de marzo de 2019 • 00:30 El dato que titula esta nota parece una escena repetida en todas las reuniones. La mayoría de nosotros, hemos pasado por la situación en que algún integrante de la misma deja de prestar atención a la charla para chequear notificaciones en su smartphone . "El phubbing representa un nuevo problema comunicacional que no existía antes. "Estos procesos interpersonales a veces son conscientes, otras veces son automáticos, involuntarios. Sobre el uso del celular en el ámbito familiar, el licenciado Guido Entenberg, docente en la materia Clínica de Niños y Adolescentes en la carrera de Psicología de la Universidad CAECE, reflexionó en una nota de opinión que compartió con LA NACION. Un problema federal El uso compulsivo de la tecnología atraviesa todos los rangos etarios; no distingue género y tampoco profesión u oficio. Carlos Spontón, director del Observatorio de Tendencias Sociales y Empresariales de la Universidad Siglo 21
Google Apps user guide to accessibility - Google Apps Help This page is for Google Workspace users. If you're an administrator, see also the Administrator guide to accessibility. You can use Google Workspace for online collaboration, organization, and productivity. To learn about more accessibility features, visit the Google Accessibility website. Note: Some Google products might give additional guidance in their documentation. Recommended browsers and screen readers These combinations of screen readers and browsers work best with Google Workspace: Gmail Use Gmail to send and receive email in Google Workspace. Resources include: Google Calendar Use Google Calendar to create events, share your schedule, and send reminders. Google Drive on the web Create, store, and edit files using Google Drive on the web. Google Drive sync applications Use the Google Drive for desktop or Backup and Sync applications to synchronize local files with Google Drive on the web. Drive for desktop—Files in My Drive and shared drives stream to your computer. Google Cloud Search
Your Google account might be giving outside developers access to your data — here's how to disconnect apps you don't trust before they read your mail Esquecimento permite remoção em busca, mas não apagar notícia História mantida Direito ao esquecimento permite remoção em busca, mas não apagar reportagem O direito ao esquecimento permite que os resultados em sites de busca sejam removidos, mas não possibilita que reportagens sejam apagadas de arquivos de jornais. Com esse entendimento, a 42ª Vara Cível Central de São Paulo determinou que um site de busca remova dos resultados de pesquisa os links elencados pela autora na petição inicial, sob pena de multa diária de R$ 10 mil. A autora relatou que em 2012 discutiu com policiais e foi filmada. Alegou que o fato gerou repercussão na mídia e até hoje sofre agressões morais em razão do ocorrido. Para o juiz André Augusto Salvador Bezerra, “tem-se, em torno da pretensão da autora, o trauma dos julgamentos sumários extrajudiciais da rede mundial de computadores, ampliados, em muito, pelo crescimento das redes sociais”. A autora também pedia que uma empresa jornalística que noticiou o fato retirasse a matéria sobre o caso do ar, mas o pedido foi negado.
How to Attach an Email in Gmail - BetterCloud Monitor If you work in IT, learn how BetterCloud’s Unified SaaS Management platform can help you manage G Suite and other applications. Also, learn how you can 10x your G Suite productivity. Because your Gmail messages are not stored as individual files, there isn’t really a way to do this natively in Google Apps. Fortunately, we found a really easy (and still useful) way to do this. To learn how you can add an email as an attachment to another email in Gmail / Google Apps, follow these few steps: Click here to watch this video on YouTube. UP NEXT: How to Delete a Sent Message in Slack
Podcast também é apresentação! Confira algumas dicas para você se comunicar com eficiência nesse “novo” formato de passar uma mensagem. - SOAP Consumidos no trânsito, na academia, na hora de limpar a casa ou simplesmente nos momentos de ócio, os podcasts estão ganhando cada vez mais popularidade. Criados há mais de uma década, na esteira do sucesso do iPod (lembra dele?), estes programas de áudio tiveram seu “boom” nos Estados Unidos há quatro anos e vêm acumulando sempre mais adeptos no Brasil. Mas por que será que os podcasts vêm fazendo tanto sucesso em uma era onde quase tudo o que consumimos tem imagens? A resposta para esta pergunta está na popularização dos smartphones e no estilo de vida que as pessoas vêm adotando. Se você (ou sua empresa) pensa em também entrar nessa onda, mas tem dúvidas de como fazer, este blogpost vai te ajudar! Sim, ele também é uma forma de apresentação Por esse motivo, é essencial que você dê uma atenção especial ao roteiro – uma narrativa bem estruturada tem a capacidade de garantir que os ouvintes sejam fisgados pelo conteúdo. [imagem] Use sua voz como instrumento de engajamento Pense só em áudio