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Sketch App Sources - Free design resources and plugins - Icons, UI Kits, Wireframes, iOS, Android Templates for Sketch

Sketch App Sources - Free design resources and plugins - Icons, UI Kits, Wireframes, iOS, Android Templates for Sketch
Related:  ArduinoUser Interface

Arduino Color Sorter Project In this article I will show you how you can make an Arduino Color Sorter. You can watch the following video or read the written article below. Design All we need for this Arduino project is one color sensor (TCS3200) and two hobbyist servo motors, which makes this project quite simple but yet very fun to build it. Initially, the colored skittles which are held in the charger drop into the platform attached on the top servo motor.Then the servo motor rotates and brings the skittle to the color sensor which detects its color.After that the bottom servo motor rotates to the particular position and then the top servo motor rotates again till the skittle drop into the guide rail. Here you can download the 3D model, as well as, the drawings with all dimensions needed for building this Arduino project. The following drawings can be used for laser cutting all the parts for the case: Building the Arduino Color Sorter The material that I used for this project is a 3 mm tick fiberboard.

Intelligent Wearable Devices: 24 Free Apple Watch Templates for Your Perfect Mockup Oct 02 2014 While some manufacturers opt in favor of huger devices and bigger screens, others vice versa prefer going for a more minimalist approach, slimmer gadgets and smaller screens. High technologies do not stand still. They always evolve, progress and improve, endowing masses with top-notch pioneering devices as well as surprising them with really unexpected solutions. The perfect examples for the latter are intelligent accessories that are on everyone’s radars these days. Glasses by Google, wristwatches by Samsung or Motorola: ordinary objects become more smart and functional, having reincarnated into stylish wearable devices with “brains” that are powered by an OS and comprise a set of essential applications. The most recent development is the Apple Watch (fka iWatch)presented in early September. Our collection holds device mockups in various formats and styles, including psd, ai and sketch, realistic renderings, flat and vector options. Apple Watch GUI PSD Apple Watch .PSD (dpe)

Material Design Resources For Designers & Developers Material design is a design system where you can create a coherent app for different devices with the same design. Material design is introduced by google on august 2014 and is getting popular. Many android applications already started using materials design principles. People are already started using material design we have seen many UI design kits based on material design. Resources Provided by Google See also : Material Design Principles In this post, you can see a lot of free design things based on material design system like UI kits, icons, transitions etc…. Material Design GUI Kits Free Material Design Ui Kit Download Android Material Design UI Kit Free Material UI Kit Material Design UI Kit Free UI Kit Ramotion PSD Material UI Kit: Cooking Android L GUI Kit Facebook Material Design GUI Kit PSD Free Material UI Kit PSD FREE Quadruple Ferial UI PSD Android L Tablet UI Template (.sketch) Mobile & UI: Android L 5.0 UI Kit PSD Android Lollipop UI Design Kit for Free DiscoMusica – Free Sketch UI Kit

Fabio Zanchetta | Didattica & Portfolio | 8b – Web design, UX/UI design La UX (user experience) possiamo identificarla come l’esperienza personale che si ottiene interagendo con un prodotto (sito web, eCommerce, app, oggetto). Il mercato delle esperienze è l’ambiente all’interno del quale si vendono i prodotti. L’esperienza negativa o positiva definisce la qualità di un prodotto. La User Experience.. “L’user experience si riferisce semplicemente al modo in cui esiste e viene usato un certo prodotto nel mondo reale. C’è una UX positiva quando gli obiettivi sia degli utenti, sia delle organizzazioni si incontrano” J. La User Interface (UI) è la cura e lo studio dell’interfaccia di un’applicazione, di un sito, di una web app, del software presente in un display o in un’apparecchiatura digitale ma anche della disposizione dei pulsanti su un prodotto, in un abitacolo, in una macchina fotografica, che dovrà essere utilizzata da qualcuno. Cosa fa lo UI Designer? Lo UI Designer si occupa di tutta la parte visual e interattiva di un prodotto web, app e tv digitale.

Create a voice-controlled device with Alexa and Arduino IoT Cloud in 7 minutes We’re excited to announce the launch of the official Arduino Amazon Alexa Skill. You can now securely connect Alexa to your Arduino IoT Cloud projects with no additional coding required. You could use Alexa to turn on the lights in the living room, check the temperature in the bedroom, start the coffee machine, check on your plants, find out if your dog is sleeping in the doghouse… the only limit is your imagination! Below are some of the features that will be available: Changing the color and the luminosity of lightsRetrieving temperature and detect motion activity from sensorsUsing voice commands to trigger switches and smart plugs Being compatible with one of the most recognized cloud-based services on the market, bridges the communication gap between different applications and processes, and removes many tricky aspects that usually follows wireless connectivity and communication. Using Alexa is as simple as asking a question — just ask, and Alexa will respond instantly. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Best & Latest iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C Mockup Templates | 365 Web Resources Noticing that there’re a large number of iPhone 5s/5C mockup templates out there due to the iPhone 5S /iPhone 5C are getting more and more popular in the global market. So I decide to separate the iPhone 5S/5C mockup template collection from the 38+ iPhone Mockup Templates For App & Web Designer. Here’s a frequently updated list of fresh new iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C mockup templates for web & mobile designers. 26/08/2014 Update: Free Iphone 5 photorealistic mockups 24/08/2014 Update: iPhone & iPad Photo MockUps These photo based iPhone and iPad mock-ups are a great way to display your mobile app with style. 22/08/2014 Update: 10 Free iPhone 5 PSD Mockups 21/08/2014 Update: iPhone 5s / 5c Flat Template Layered scalable PSD for you to enjoy on your projects. 20/08/2014 Update: iPhone 5 Wireframe Showcase your mockups using the iPhone wireframe or, when you want to import the mockup in a prototyping app such as Invision, easily export just the screen area. 13/08/2014 update: Iphone 5s Flat White

Awesome UI Esercitazione su Bootstrap (aa 2016-2017) Esempio Puoi vedere l'esempio du cui vedi qui codice html e css qui: Ho inserito nel codice molti commenti che spigano perchè ho fatto alcune scelte. <html lang="it"><head><meta charset="utf-8"><meta content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" name="viewport"><title>Sito in costruzione</title><meta name="description" content="Accademia di Belle Arti di Urbino - Sezione Esercizi Online di Sistemi Interattivi I." Fogli di stile CSS personalizzati Ho modificato gli stili CSS che avevamo costruito in aula in due modi: Ho importato due font da Google Fonts e ho personalizzato le dimensioni dei caratteri del font di base e dei titoli. Ho aggiunto commenti nel codice che spiegano aggiunte e modifiche. Attenzione. custom-fonts.css custom.css Risorse Logo accademia Bootstrap snippets per Dreamweaver Per inserire in Dreamweaver i frammenti di codice inseribili con nelle pagine html procedi così: Esempio Fogli di stile CSS personalizzati Attenzione. custom-fonts.css

Single Diode Temperature Sensor with Arduino ICU (& reverse-bias leakage) | Underwater Arduino Data Loggers Our LED sensor experiments lead to an interesting observation: When these ‘light-sensing’ loggers are left running overnight they still produce readings because reverse-bias ‘leakage-current’ eventually triggers the Interrupt Capture Unit (ICU) – in the absence of any light. The speed of this self-discharge depends on the ambient temperature. If you deliberately cover an rgb LED with heat shrink, the different color channels have different rates of thermal decay: Temp (Celsius) vs ‘Covered’ LED reverse-bias discharge time (Seconds) , Red, Blue & Green channels, generic rgb LED. Both voltage and temperature affect reverse current, so these measurements must start from from a stable, regulated voltage. Even if I sleep the processor to save power, multi-minute readings would interfere with the other things we are recording on the Cave Pearl loggers. 1N4004 – a high power diode: = 1.3 nA1N4148 – a low power diode: = 3.4 nABAT34 – a Schottky diode: = 50 nA Testing a 1n5819 Schottky Diode:

» Mapping Conceptboard Browser-based visual collaboration. GroupMap Browser-based ideas/mapping. Process On Web-based diagram tool. Spacedeck Visual collaboration for teams. Murally Browser-based, collaborative whiteboards. Trello Flexible, browser-based collaborative organising and project management. Touchpoint Dashboard Web-based journey mapping tool. Omnigraffle Diagramming and wireframing app for Mac and iPad. Web app for mapping stakeholders, service systems and service processes. Free UI Kits For Designers: Web, Mobile, Flat Design & More As a freelance web designer, the amount of work you have to put into a job can be overwhelming at times, and can be frustrating if you aren’t sure where to begin or if you’re lacking inspiration. The sheer amount of work you have to do – and the fact that the nature of your work varies from project to project – can serve to enhance your frustration as well. That’s why finding new, high-quality design resources that can save you time, money, and energy is like finding a big chunk of gold in your backyard. Utilizing pre-made design resources is almost like having an assistant to help you, but with the advantage of not having to pay anyone! In this post we list some of the best free, high-quality PSD UI kits available, all of which have been hand-picked by our team of designers. Article Updated on September 2015 Web Form PSD Responsive Website Navigation Horizontal Navigation Menus Restaurant Menu PSD Template Admin Login Flat Dropdown Menu Retro Badge PSD Template UI Kit Creative Mind UI kit Ui Kit

How to Choose Good Website Color Schemes (Oct 2019) By now, you should be thinking “Wow, color is like magic! Why aren’t more people using it to their advantage?” Well, because most people don’t know how. So, in the next section, we will show you 3 easy steps you can follow to start using color to your advantage on your website. 3 steps to using color on your website – the right way There are 3 main colors you need to consider when you are designing your website: Choosing a dominant color as your brand colorChoosing 1 to 2 accent colors to create a color scheme for your websiteChoosing a background color to complete your design That’s pretty much it! #1 Choose your Dominant Color The dominant color is your brand color – like the fire engine red for Coca-Cola. This color will help bring out certain emotions or feelings when people arrive on your website – just like passion, excitement, boldness and love for Coke. This is the color that you want your audience to remember when they think of you. Source: Kissmetrics Let’s take it one step further.

Gnome Pronosticador The inspiration Some of you might know the color changing little statues that are sold as souvenirs in many European cities. These white statues are painted with a specific chemical substance that reacts to air humidity and change the color from light blue to pink, going through other hues in a continuous change. They are supposed to forecast the local weather in the short term. They actually show the current situation but the forecasting powers are very limited and inaccurate. Starting from that we decided to make a Weather Forecasting Gnome, based on the new Arduino Nano Every and the BME280 sensor. To get to a more accurate forecast, also relative humidity and winds are taken in account and the classic barometer is replaced by a more complex forecast device, the “Zambretti Forecaster”. This forecaster has been documented by the authors Zambra end Negretti back in 1920 and it has become the solution for a local weather forecast in many microcontroller based projects. The components

Objective vs Subjective Self-tracking
