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The Four Things Students Need to Create Good Book Trailers

The Four Things Students Need to Create Good Book Trailers
Creating book trailer videos is a great alternative to a traditional written book report assignment. In a book trailer video students highlight their favorite elements of a story and try to entice viewers to read the book themselves. Much like a movie trailer that tries to get viewers to watch the full movie, a book trailer should give viewers just enough to be interested in the full story without giving away the conclusion to the story. A script/ outline: Before I let students start to assemble a video, I make them write a script or outline for the video. Images: Your students will want to use pictures in their videos to represent key elements and characters in the books they have read. It's not always possible for students to use images they own. Audio recordings: At a minimum your students will need to have a music track in their book trailer videos. Many of the aforementioned video editing tools offer sound effects too. Related:  kolla uppDigital tools and literacyesterfeldman

PRE-INTERMEDIATE Test 12 | English Tests Online Search English Tests Online Sign in Welcome! Forgot your password? Password recovery Recover your password A password will be e-mailed to you. Home English Grammar Tests PRE-INTERMEDIATE Test 12 English Grammar Tests Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter PRE-INTERMEDIATE Test 12 <div id="mtq_javawarning-1" class="mtq_javawarning"> Please wait while the activity loads. - Second conditional - Might, will, going to - Phrasal verbs Start Return Shaded items are complete. PRE-INTERMEDIATE Test 11 PRE-INTERMEDIATE Test 10 PRE-INTERMEDIATE Test 9 Follow Us 2,525FansLike 10FollowersFollow 5FollowersFollow © English Tests Online

Now with Video Clips! Meet the New Adobe Spark Video | Adobe Spark Now with Video Clips! Meet the New Adobe Spark Video Aubrey Cattell | Let’s face it—video was everywhere in 2016. Experts predict video will account for 80% of global internet traffic by 2019.* Including a video on a landing page can increase conversion by 80%.** In a single month over 3 million small businesses have posted a video on Facebook, according to Sheryl Sandberg Video communication is here to stay and it’s only going to become even more important to how we all communicate every day. Our passion at Spark is to make standing out on social easy and fun. See our new feature in action with this short recipe video an indie print publication uses on social media to drive traffic to its subscription page. Get an inside look at how we created this video with GFF Magazine! You’ve long been able to add photos, text, icons, and narration in Spark Video’s easy, intuitive editor to create animated videos. Adjust volume: Add a music track to lend an overall mood to your video.

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: 5 Great YouTube Channels for Learning English Youtube is undoubtedly a great source of educational content to use in class with your students. It also hosts tons of channels that provide instructional tutorials specifically tailored for different learning needs and styles. We have already reviewed some of these channels in previous posts and today we are sharing with you some of our favourite YouTube channels for learning English. You can use them with your ELL/ESL/EFL students to enhance their grasp of English in different areas: speaking, writing, listening , vocabulary, and grammar. 1- BBC Learning English ‘Do you want to learn how to speak English? 2- Learn American English Online This is another great YouTube channel that provides free English language instruction. 3- Speak English with Misterduncan Misterduncan is an English teacher who has been creating video tutorials and instructional clips to help learners from all around the world learn English. 4- Learn English with Let's Talk 5- Jennifer ESL

AnswerGarden » ...- Plant a Question, Grow Answers! Generate a live word clou... 13 Essential Literary Terms by Slideshow 13 Essential Literary Terms [met-uh-fawr, -fer] Aristotle wrote that mastery over the art of metaphor is a sign of genius, but what does this ubiquitous literary term mean in its most basic form? A metaphor is a figure of speech in which a term is applied to something to which it is not literally applicable in order to suggest a resemblance, as in “She is a rose.” Excluding the possibility that the subject of this sentence is literally a flower, this example suggests that the subject possesses figurative extensions of qualities or attributes of a rose, such as exquisite beauty or perhaps a prickly disposition. [sim-uh-lee] Metaphor is often confused with simile, a figure of speech in which two unlike things are explicitly compared. [uh-nal-uh-jee] Simile and metaphor are both forms of analogy, the illustration of one idea by a more familiar or accessible idea that is in some way parallel. [hahy-pur-buh-lee] [uh-loo-zhuhn] [yoo-fuh-miz-uhm] [par-uh-doks] [ok-si-mawr-on, -mohr-]

Flippa klassrummet med seriefigurer Det flippade klassrummet är inte längre en cool nymodighet. För många lärare har det blivit en självklarhet att ibland vända på den traditionella undervisningen. Genom att låta eleverna titta på förklarande filmer som hemläxa får man i stället tid för diskussioner och praktiska uppgifter i klassrummet. Det finns gott om program och appar för att skapa egna filmer och en vanlig smart telefon är egentligen det enda som krävs. Problemet är att många känner sig obekväma med att stå framför kameran och lägga ut filmerna på nätet. Ett intressant alternativ är att använda Powtoon. Med Powtoon kan vem som helst skapa animerade filmer. Att använda verktyget är enkelt. Massor av bilder finns inbyggda i systemet och om de inte duger kan du förstås ladda upp dina egna, som är kopplade till det du vill förklara. Det enda du inte kan byta ut är de animerade figurerna, och de klarar bara av några få rörelser. Så kommer du igång med Powtoon 1 Skaffa Powtoon Surfa till 2 Förbered filmen

Tillägg till Chrome som underlättar ditt lärarjobb Jag hoppas att du har övergett webbläsaren (det du klickar på när du öppnar internet) Internet Explorer och nu använder en modernare webbläsare. Tyvärr envisas de flesta IT-avdelningar med att Internet Explorer är det som ska vara förinstallerat. Personligen använder jag nästan alltid Chrome. Innnan du börjar så kolla om du är inloggad i Chrome med det googlekonto du vill använda. Utan inbördes rangordning börjar jag med att visa er tillägget Awesome Screenshots. Tillägget hamnar sedan som små ikoner i menyraden bredvid adressfältet. (Det som ni ser under adressfältet är mina bokmärken och favoriter. Awesome Screenshot hjälper dig att ta skärmdumpar, bilder, så som jag har gjort i bloggen här. AdBlock Plus – oumbärligt för att bli av med alla annonser som dyker upp överallt på nätet. Pearltrees – klicka på tillägget och sortera direkt in en webbsida du vill spara i ditt virtuella bibliotek. Readlang Web Reader – detta måste ni lära era elever! Formida – underlättar formativ bedömning.

7 Great Activities for the First Day of School New Year Resolutions Involve students in the creation of a set of classroom new year resolutions to guide you through the coming months. Work together to brainstorm resolutions, and write them on a sheet of chart paper. If necessary, reword them in a positive manner (such as "walk" rather than "don't run"). These may be resolutions for behavioral expectations (take turns) or class goals (learn our times tables). Each student can write one of the resolutions from the list on a paper bubble cutout. Guess Who Students become detectives in this get-acquainted game, in which they uncover the real identity of a fellow classmate. Switch! Here's a great indoor or outdoor game to get students actively learning about each other! Welcome Bags Use these party favors to send positive messages to students on the first day of school. The Penny Jar Here's a getting-to-know-you activity that really makes "cents"! Hats Off to a New Year! Create a Time Capsule

Le migliori alternative a Movie Maker Windows Movie Maker resta senza dubbio uno dei video editor più utilizzati a scuola per le sue caratteristiche di semplicità, creatività e funzionalità. La sua facilità d'uso non va a scapito della qualità dei risultati, anche se qualche "crash" di troppo consiglia di salvare frequentemente durante l'elaborazione. Ovviamente esistono diverse alternative a Windows Movie Maker per la creazione di video e di seguito provo ad elencarne alcune tra le migliori. 1) Ezvid Ezvid ha molte caratteristiche interessanti come la possibilità di regitrare lo chermo, sintesi vocale, webcam, face-cam e molte altre funzioni. 2) Jahshaka Jahshaka soddisfa ogni vostra esigenza in fatto di video editing e si migliora con ogni aggiornamento. Inoltre è dotato di un lettore multimediale integrato che riproduce quasi tutti i formati ed è anche compatibile con i cellulari Nokia. 3) VirtualDub 4) Lightworks 5) VideoLAN Movie Creator Articoli correlati
