Is CO2 Heavier Than Air? — Explanation - Techiescientist Carbon dioxide is an acidic, non-flammable, and colorless gas under normal temperature and pressure. It is the third most abundant gas in the earth’s atmosphere. It is formed when two oxygen atoms combine with one carbon atom through a double covalent bond. It works as a greenhouse gas and helps in maintaining the temperature of the earth. A lot of you might be wondering one thing, is CO2 heavier than air? So, Is CO2 heavier than air? Let’s have a close look at the detailed concept of the CO2 molecule why it is heavier and what affects its density and weight. Why is CO2 Heavier than Air? Air is composed of various gases. Check out the article Is Air a homogeneous mixture? Carbon dioxide constitutes around 0.04% of the air. Hence, the molecular mass of CO2 is: 12 + 2 X 16 = 44 On the other hand, the air is a mixture of different gases mostly Nitrogen (almost 80%) and Oxygen (almost 20%). Calculating the average molecular mass of air based on the percentage of nitrogen and oxygen: Conclusion
Climate change: Oceans 'soaking up more heat than estimated' Image copyright Getty Images The world has seriously underestimated the amount of heat soaked up by our oceans over the past 25 years, researchers say. Their study suggests that the seas have absorbed 60% more than previously thought. They say it means the Earth is more sensitive to fossil fuel emissions than estimated. This could make it much more difficult to keep global warming within safe levels this century. Media playback is unsupported on your device What have the researchers found? According to the last major assessment by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the world's oceans have taken up over 90% of the excess heat trapped by greenhouse gases. But this new study says that every year, for the past 25 years, we have put about 150 times the amount of energy used to generate electricity globally into the seas - 60% more than previous estimates. That's a big problem. This new calculation shows that far more heat than we thought has been going into oceans.
Evidence for climate change This page has information on what climate change is, how we know it is happening, and what this might mean for the future. What is climate change? Earth’s atmosphere is made up of oxygen, a large amount of nitrogen and a small percentage of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane. Greenhouse gases act like a blanket around the Earth. They trap warmth from the sun and make life on Earth possible. This process is often called global warming, but it is better to think of it as climate change. Multiple lines of evidence show climate change is happening There is lots of evidence that tells us the average temperatures of the world's atmosphere and oceans have increased over the past 150 years. The evidence includes: A number of biological changes have also been observed. These include: shifts in the ranges of some plant and animal species earlier timing of spring events such as leaf-unfolding, bird migration and egg-laying for some species. Future climate change
k-12 science curriculum: Topics by Science in Hawaii/Haawina Hoopapau: A Culturally Responsive Curriculum Project NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) Galloway, L. M.; Roberts, K.; Leake, D. W.; Stodden, R. Kuluttajavalintojen liika korostaminen ilmastotalkoissa on vaarallista ajanhukkaa - Mielipide Kuluttajavalintojen liika korostaminen ilmastotalkoissa on vaarallista ajanhukkaa Kansainvälisen ilmastopaneelin IPCC:n uusin ilmastoraportti on jälleen sähköistänyt ilmastokeskustelun. Myös suomalaiset puolueet ovat heränneet ja ennakoivat seuraavista eduskuntavaaleista ilmastovaaleja. Tavallisten kansalaisten rooli ilmastotalkoissa on myös palannut keskusteluun. Mainos (Teksti jatkuu alla) Mainos päättyy Kuluttajavetoisten ilmastotoimenpiteiden heikkoudet ovat laajalti tiedossa. Kuluttajan vastuun korostamisen suurin riski on kuitenkin kansan jakautuminen identiteettiheimoihin ilmastokysymyksissä. Yhdysvalloissa oli vuosina 2006–2008 ja varsinkin varapresidentti Al Goren tähdittämän Epämiellyttävä totuus -dokumenttielokuvan ilmestymisen jälkeen laaja konsensus ilmastopolitiikan tarpeellisuudesta. Sittemmin ilmastokeskustelu Yhdysvalloissa polarisoitui, suurelta osin identiteettipoliittisista syistä. Henri Weijo apulaisprofessori ja kulutustutkija Aalto-yliopisto
Celebrating the anniversary of three key events in climate change science (Journal Article) | DOE PAGES Santer, Benjamin D., Bonfils, Céline W., Fu, Qiang, Fyfe, John C., Hegerl, Gabriele C., Mears, Carl, Painter, Jeffrey F., Po-Chedley, Stephen, Wentz, Frank J., Zelinka, Mark D., and Zou, Cheng-Zhi. Celebrating the anniversary of three key events in climate change science. United States: N. p., 2019. Web. doi:10.1038/s41558-019-0424-x. Santer, Benjamin D., Bonfils, Céline W., Fu, Qiang, Fyfe, John C., Hegerl, Gabriele C., Mears, Carl, Painter, Jeffrey F., Po-Chedley, Stephen, Wentz, Frank J., Zelinka, Mark D., & Zou, Cheng-Zhi. Santer, Benjamin D., Bonfils, Céline W., Fu, Qiang, Fyfe, John C., Hegerl, Gabriele C., Mears, Carl, Painter, Jeffrey F., Po-Chedley, Stephen, Wentz, Frank J., Zelinka, Mark D., and Zou, Cheng-Zhi.
Climate change: Arctic reindeer numbers crash by half Image copyright KAJ R. SVENSSON/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY The population of wild reindeer, or caribou, in the Arctic has crashed by more than half in the last two decades. A new report on the impact of climate change in the Arctic revealed that numbers fell from almost 5 million to around 2.1 million animals. The report was released at the American Geophysical Research Union meeting. It revealed how weather patterns and vegetation changes are making the Arctic tundra a much less hospitable place for reindeer. Reindeer and caribou are the same species, but the vast, wild herds in northern Canada and Alaska are referred to as caribou. It is these herds that are faring the worst, according to scientists monitoring their numbers. Other stories from the AGU meeting you might like: Why is a warmer Arctic worse for reindeer? There are multiple reasons. "We see increased drought in some areas due to climate warming, and the warming itself leads to a change of vegetation." Image copyright NOAA
Effects | Facts – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet We already see effects scientists predicted, such as the loss of sea ice, melting glaciers and ice sheets, sea level rise, and more intense heat waves. Scientists predict global temperature increases from human-made greenhouse gases will continue. Severe weather damage will also increase and intensify. Our Trajectory Earth Will Continue to Warm and the Effects Will Be Profound Global climate change is not a future problem. Effects that scientists had long predicted would result from global climate change are now occurring, such as sea ice loss, accelerated sea level rise, and longer, more intense heat waves. "The magnitude and rate of climate change and associated risks depend strongly on near-term mitigation and adaptation actions, and projected adverse impacts and related losses and damages escalate with every increment of global warming." Some changes (such as droughts, wildfires, and extreme rainfall) are happening faster than scientists previously assessed. Future Effects in the U.S.
Suomalaistutkijan animaatio ilmastonmuutoksesta kohahduttaa jälleen maailmalla – "Ei näytä, että ilmaston lämpeneminen olisi vähenemässä" Ilmatieteen laitoksen erikoistutkijan video tiivistää hätkähdyttävästi poikkeavuudet eri maiden lämpötiloissa yli sadan vuoden aikana. Videota on katsottu jo miljoona kertaa. Ilmaston lämpeneminen on maailmanlaajuinen ilmiö, eikä se ole hidastumassa – pikemminkin päinvastoin. Tässä on yhteen virkkeeseen kiteytettynä se, mitä kuopiolainen Ilmatieteen laitoksen erikoistutkija Antti Lipponen haluaa tuoreimmalla videollaan kertoa. Lipponen julkaisi 25. elokuuta Twitterissä animaation lämpötilojen poikkeavuuksista eri maissa vuosina 1880–2017. Tätä juttua kirjoitettaessa videota on katsottu pelkästään Lipposen omalta Twitter-tililtä (siirryt toiseen palveluun) lähes miljoona kertaa. #Temperature anomalies 1880-2017 by country 🌡. Animaatiossa lämpötilan poikkeavuudet keskiarvosta on merkitty värikoodeilla. – Ei näytä, että ilmaston lämpeneminen olisi vähenemässä. Video pohjautuu NASAn avoimeen dataan, josta Lipponen on laskenut maakohtaiset lämpötilat itse ja lopuksi visualisoinut datan.
publication: peer reviewed, most reliable
status of author: recognized expert by many, most reliable
supporting data: two or more high quality studies with matching results, most reliable
scientific explanations: it is explained that humans are responsible. it shows examples and explanations on how the earth is warming up by greenhouse gases and that it is increasing by human activity. most reliable by mbrothers Dec 14
more explanation, causes, and effects on the website. by mbrothers Dec 14