Art and the Evolution of Consciousness — Eros & Kosmos Allan Combs California Institute of Integral Studies No, they¿re not photographs: Astonishing acrylic paintings which are so detailed they look like they were taken on a camera By Damien Gayle Published: 11:28 GMT, 9 June 2012 | Updated: 14:56 GMT, 9 June 2012 With their spectacular use of focus and reflected light, these incredible artworks look like carefully composed still-life photographs. But in fact they are all painstakingly rendered on canvas with acrylic paints by Canadian artist Jason de Graaf. The hyperrealistic paintings, which almost appear as if they are computer generated, are like freeze frames of a world more magical than our own - inspiring the term Magic Realism as a description. The X-Statix: Acrylic on canvas 30in x 24in
Build a Food Storage Shelf Preparation Instructions: Fill all holes with wood filler and let dry. Apply additional coats of wood filler as needed. When wood filler is completely dry, sand the project in the direction of the wood grain with 120 grit sandpaper. Vacuum sanded project to remove sanding residue. DIY Decorating Projects The Budget Decorator DIY home decorating ideas on a budget Get the Latest Tips & Ideas Delivered Weekly! DIY Projects Creative DIY Bathroom Vanity Projects Do It Yourself • Modern Christmas Cone Trees Myths About Giftedness ~ by Mary Rocamora, M.A. ~ There are many myths about the gifted that are held in the mainstream culture. They permeate conventional parenting and our educational system, including private education. Art and the Internet of Things Wireless is increasingly pulling in all kinds of applications, platforms, services and things (rfid) into networks. Many people communicate through mobiles, blackberries, digital organizers, palmtops. Cars become information spaces with navigational systems and consoles like Nintendo DS have wireless capacities and get linux kernels installed.We are witnessing a move towards pervasive computing and disappearing technologies in intelligent clothing (wearables), smart environments (knowing where and who we are), pervasive games, and we will see doors opening for some and closing to others. Mimickry and camouflage will become part of application design. Ipods and Iphones will show colors and produce sounds corresponding with your surroundings.
untitled Editors Note: Guest Post by Betsy & Warren Talbot Let’s face it: We all have too much stuff. Whether it is the things you no longer need, the items you never got around to using, or the “treasures” thrust on you by well-meaning people, you are probably shrinking your living space with all that clutter. It’s more than simply buying nothing new. It’s being critical of everything you already own. Does it fit your life or not? crafts Archives - There's more! Follow me on Pinterest for more ideas. 200+ Boards! SewLicious Home Decor
Creativity across the life-span: A systems view Csikszentmihalyi, M. Talent Development III, pp. 9-18 Gifted Psychology Press 1995 This article by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi looks at three major issues related to creativity over a lifespan. Plato on Intelligent Design: Truth, Beauty, and the Good by W. T. S. Thackara Plato on Intelligent Design: Truth, Beauty, and the Good By W. T. S. Thackara 34 DIY headboard ideas The headboard is now looked at as a mainly decorative element in our bedrooms. As it usually happens, it all started from a practical reason/purpose.The headboard, a piece of furniture that is attached to the head of the bed, was initially an element that isolated sleepers from drafts and cold. Back then the buildings were less insulated and thus such a feature was needed. The headboards were made of wood because it’s a material that’s less conductive than stone or brick for example. With time, this function has been lost and replaced by a purely aesthetical function. Headboards are mostly decorative now, although they do have a certain amount of functionality.
DIY Projects Archives - Homesthetics - Inspiring ideas for your home. Washi tape is one of the most versatile items we have ever seen. There are thousands of ideas involving and revolving around washi tape and all of the end results look so fun and colorful you’ll want to start DIY Washi Tape Projects right away. […] Household items can cause lots of problems and their proper solving and right organization can save you a lot of time and nerves. Household hacks are here to save the day and make things a hole lot easier for your daily routine.We have found and […] We are all passing through these uncertain times with a drop of care and insanity.
Halo Effect The idea that global evaluations about a person bleed over into judgements about their specific traits. The ‘halo effect’ is a classic finding in social psychology. It is the idea that global evaluations about a person (e.g. she is likeable) bleed over into judgements about their specific traits (e.g. she is intelligent). Hollywood stars demonstrate the halo effect perfectly.