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Treasures from The National Archives

Treasures from The National Archives

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ICT in the Curriculum 2012 - ICT in the Curriculum 2012 Can't say the NSA/PRISM security services surveillance controversy has got me very hot under the collar. Maybe its just that I struggle to get excited about Big Brother-esque snooping, when privacy is something of a redundant concept these days - CCTV is everywhere in the UK, even in Welsh forests! You are being watched! Though phone tapping is another issue, I have always taken it for granted that electronic communication is a public forum. Though I must admit I have broken my own rule a few times in the heat of the moment, I would never send an email or put a post on Twitter or Facebook that I wouldn't be happy for the whole world to see (including MI5 and Mr Gove).

European History Primary Sources Jump to Navigation Browse digital repositories Country Language Period Subject Foxhound Registration Foxhound Registration Rules & Definitions – otherwise referred to as the "Pink Sheet" A. RULES. The filing of breeding records on an annual basis with the Keeper of the Association's Stud Book is obligatory for all Registered and Recognized Hunts and is the responsibility of the Master. The records comprise: a) pedigrees for all hounds entered in the current year by each Hunt according to the instructions provided, and b) an annual Foxhound Kennel List. Photo by David Traxler

H-Soz-Kult. Kommunikation und Fachinformation für die Geschichtswissenschaften CFP: Main Session M-POL-2 at the European Association of Urban History (EAUH) conference, Antwerp, 2–5 September 2020 Struggles for the City: Toward a History of Urban Social Movements (1800–present) We are looking for papers to join us in working towards a history of urban (social) movements during a three-hour session. WikiPrimaryHistory? This page began life as a rather tongue in cheek response to the new English National Curriculum for History, published for consultation on 7th February 2013. The sustained focus in the key stage one and two programmes of study on factual knowledge to be acquired has caused something of stir amongst teachers, teacher educators and academics. The thinking behind the approach can be found in this recent speech.

VOAHA II: Virtual Oral/Aural History Archive People have been crossing the border that now exists between the United States and Mexico since before either of them became a nation. That crossing continues, sometimes in conformity with the laws of both countries, and sometimes not. When railroad tracks were laid on both sides of the border, and then across it, the flow of people increased. 93rd (Sutherland Highlanders) Regiment of Foot The 93rd Regiment was raised three times before it became the Sutherland Highlanders. The 1st Sutherland Fencibles were raised in Scotland from the area of Sutherland and Caithness in 1759 and disbanded in 1763 by Lord Reay. 1779: 2nd Sutherland Fencibles were raised by Elizabeth, Countess of Sutherland (done in practice by Lieutenant-Colonel William Wemyss of Wemyss). Upon the disbandment of the two regiments in 1799, the new 93rd Regiment was recruited from the recently disbanded Sutherland Fencibles by their old colonel William Wemyss, at this time a Major General in the British Army, on behalf of his 16 year old cousin Elizabeth, Countess of Sutherland. Wemyss had the remaining volunteers from all over Sutherland lined up by Parish and selected those he thought most suitable and issued each of these a pinch of snuff, a dram of whisky and their bounty money.

10 Apps for Teaching History Alterations to the National Curriculum are set to bring about significant changes in schools, with history one of the subjects which will be most affected. From 2014, pupils will be expected to complete a more rigorous history syllabus including a complete chronological history of Britain. In preparation, many schools will be reviewing the way they deliver history lessons. BBC Active has a range of history videos which can help them to comply with the strong emphasis on British history prescribed in the new curriculum.
