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Google Apps Scripts Collection - The Best Google Scripts

Google Apps Scripts Collection - The Best Google Scripts
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How to Import Web Data into Google Docs with ImportHTML This video tutorial explains how you can import web data – like HTML tables and lists – from external web pages into your Google Docs sheets with a simple formula. You have been using Google Docs to create basic documents and spreadsheets but did you know that Google’s cloud-based Office suite can do even more. For instance, you can directly import data from web pages and edit it inside Google Docs. You can translate the text of a cell from one language to another. You can read RSS feeds inside Google Docs. You don’t have to be a geek nor do you have to write any scripts to do such amazing stuff inside Google Docs. Today we’ll discuss ImportHTML, a useful Google formula that will help you fetch tables and lists from an external web pages into a Google Sheet. Let’s start with an example. =ImportHTML(" "table", 2) =ImportHTML(" "list", 2)

The Ultimate Guide for an SEO-Friendly URL Structure First impressions count. And when it comes to your website, your URLs are often the first thing Google and customers will see. URLs are also the building blocks of an effective site hierarchy, passing equity through your domain and directing users to their desired destinations. They can be tricky to correct if you don’t plan ahead, as you can end up with endless redirect loops. So they are worth getting right. Although there is no one-size-fits-all approach, there are some rules we can all follow to get the most out of our URLs and set our sites up for future SEO success. 1. Every time you launch a page on your domain, it should have a purpose. You’ll want this page to be discovered by the right people (and crawlers), so you will incorporate some keyword research and include the relevant terms. We’ll deal with multiple pages that broadly tackle the same topic later, but for now, let’s assume the simple example of a page that clearly handles one topic. Generic example: Whiskey-based example:

Legal Help Skip to main content Report Content On Google Google’s content and product policies apply wherever you are in the world, but we also have processes in place to remove or restrict access to content based on local laws. This page will help you get to the right place to report content that you would like removed from Google's services under Google’s policies or applicable laws. You can also visit for non-legal issues that concern Google’s Terms of Service or content and product policies. Legal standards vary greatly by country/region. You may report the same content through both legal and content/product policy reporting paths, but you must file each report separately. Select the Google product where the content you are reporting appears Note: You must submit a separate report for each Google product where the content appears Which product does your request relate to? Does this request relate to content generated by AI within a Google product? Shopping Generated Content

SEO Basics - A Guide of SEO Best Practices for Beginners Whether you're writing copy for your website or preparing a new blog post, you should always design your content using SEO best practices. The guidelines recommended here may have little impact individually (remember, Google uses over 200 factors to rank your website), but they do add up quickly. The difference between several positions in search results could be a matter of whether you followed these guidelines. So, let's get started! Create Great Dedicated Pages Every page you are trying to optimize should have target keywords, and every keyword you select should have a dedicated page optimized for it. Don't focus too much on SEO. Use Header Tags Header tags (<h1>, <h2>, <h3>, etc.) should be used to mark up and separate the content of your page. Create Effective TITLE Tags The title tag of your page (<title>) is equally important for search engines and website visitors. 1. 2. 3. 4. Set the Meta Description Use Image ALT Attributes Create Human-Friendly URLs Keep URLs short. Create Links 1.

Alias Gmail : le système d'adresses multiples de votre webmail L’alias est un outil formidable que certains utilisateurs de Gmail ne connaissent pas encore. Nous vous proposons ici de vous familiariser avec ce concept très pratique pour l’usage quotidien de votre webmail. C’est quoi un alias Gmail ? C’est une adresse e-mail alternative qui vous est offerte sans forcément que vous le sachiez. Lors de la création d’un compte Gmail, vous disposez d’une adresse e-mail unique que vous définissez lors de votre inscription, et selon sa disponibilité. Mais une fois créée, celle-ci vous donne droit à de nombreuses variantes de votre e-mail. Voilà pour la présentation. Dans quels cas l’utiliser ? On voit 2 intérêts principaux à l’utilisation des alias Gmail : Quelles idées pour créer son alias ? Vous allez le voir, les déclinaisons ne manquent pas et vous allez pouvoir donner libre cours à votre imagination pour en créer. Considérons que votre adresse principale est : (restons sur la thématique tant qu’on y est). Vous avez compris le concept.

How Search Engines Work - The Beginners Guide to SEO To determine relevance, search engines use algorithms, a process or formula by which stored information is retrieved and ordered in meaningful ways. These algorithms have gone through many changes over the years in order to improve the quality of search results. Google, for example, makes algorithm adjustments every day — some of these updates are minor quality tweaks, whereas others are core/broad algorithm updates deployed to tackle a specific issue, like Penguin to tackle link spam. Why does the algorithm change so often? What do search engines want? Search engines have always wanted the same thing: to provide useful answers to searcher’s questions in the most helpful formats. Think about it in terms of someone learning a new language. At first, their understanding of the language is very rudimentary — “See Spot Run.” Welcome to funny jokes! This tactic made for terrible user experiences, and instead of laughing at funny jokes, people were bombarded by annoying, hard-to-read text.

You can now download your entire Google Search history | Dazed "Oh brilliant, now I can download my entire Google search history as one easy-to-read document," said no-one in the world, ever. Google has enabled a feature allowing users to collate every single desperate thing that they've ever searched for on a lonely Friday night, whether it's "is [insert ex-partner's name] married", "jellyfish porn" or "how big does a genital wart have to become before you call 999?". If, for some inexplicable reason, you would like to archive every last miserable shot in the dark you've fired out into the WWW, head over to the Google Account History page, where there is now the option to download a copy of your data and create an archive. Before users can download their search history, Google cautions them to read its warnings carefully because "it's not the usual yada yada". If you're still undeterred, the process is pretty simple: you get a .zip file of everything you've ever searched for, including charts showing what you searched for and when.

20+ PHP Best Practices That You Must Follow This article attempts to teach you with some of the best practices of one of the most widely used programming languages in the world, PHP. There are many beginners or even experienced PHP developers who don’t bother to follow the best practices of the language, either unintentionally or intentionally. Quite often, many people loose many high-paying jobs just because they have never put their attention to the best practices of the language. And it’s really very difficult for anybody to get hold of the best practices overnight. So, if you want to be a professional developer then you must know, understand and follow the best practices of the language and should start practicing them from the very next piece of code you write. (Image Source: 1) Maintaining a Proper Documentation of your Code Maintaining a proper documentation of your code is more important than you had ever thought of. 2) Maintaining a Proper Coding Standard 3) Never Use Short Tags (Image Source:

Flicage-brouillon - Partie 4 chapitre 30 - Paramétrer Google - Standblog Résumé des épisodes précédents : voici un nouveau chapitre de mon livre (nom de code Flicage-Brouillon) portant sur la centralisation d’Internet, la vie privée et la surveillance de masse. J’ai déjà publié trois parties : Voici donc venu le temps de la quatrième et dernière partie, comment agir pour protéger nos données, notre vie privée, et limiter l’impact de la surveillance de masse. Dans cette quatrième partie, ont déjà été publiés : Comment paramétrer Google ? Rappelons-le : Google fournit un service gratuit à des utilisateurs en échange de leurs données personnelles, qui sont monétisées auprès d’annonceurs publicitaires. Collecter des données sur les utilisateursRendre Google plus utile et donc indispensable à l’utilisateur, via l’utilisation des données collectées. On a du mal à réaliser à quel point Google collecte des données sur chacun de nous. Pour limiter la collecte de données par Google tout en continuant à utiliser certains de ses services, il convient de faire deux choses :
