Josh Fox, réalisateur anti-gaz de schiste classé “terroriste” En réalisant Gasland, documentaire sur l’exploitation destructrice des gaz de schistes aux Etats-Unis, Josh Fox est devenu l’empêcheur de forer en rond d’une industrie gazière sans scrupules. Metteur en scène de théâtre et réalisateur de fiction, Josh Fox n’avait rien d’autre que sa caméra qui le prédestinait au documentaire. D’une simple lettre d’une compagnie gazière reçue dans sa maison familiale de Pennsylvanie, havre de paix au bord de la rivière Delaware, il s’est immergé tout entier dans le cauchemar des gaz de schistes pendant un an et demi afin de comprendre ce qui arrivait à son pays. Avec un ami monteur, il a produit Gasland, documentaire politique, écologique et expressionniste sur une Amérique prête à sacrifier air pur, eau douce et santé humaine pour quelques mètres cubes de gaz de plus… Devenu hérault de la lutte contre une industrie énergétique sans scrupules, il présentera pour la première fois son film en Europe du 16 au 21 janvier à Londres.
Word games are misleading the American public about fracking Hydraulic fracturing, better known as fracking, and other drilling practices have unlocked previously inaccessible reserves of oil and gas across the United States and the world. However, some of the debate over fracking is distorting public understanding of these practices and interfering with good decision-making about this recent boom in unconventional oil and gas production. We often hear statements like this from industry and pro-drilling politicians: America has drilled and fracked more than 1 million wells over the past 60 years, and in all that time there has never been a proven case of groundwater contamination caused by fracking. This statement, in some form or another, is repeated from the kitchen tables of ordinary citizens to the halls of Congress, as landmen use it to try to secure mineral rights from private landowners and legislators advocate for more drilling on millions of acres of public land. Let’s take a closer look at some of these claims: … caused by fracking.
Sources to check later Des centaines de personnes se réunissent sur la colline du Parlement pour dire « Non aux sables bitumineux » « L’action d’aujourd’hui constitue un moment décisif dans la lutte contre les sables bitumineux alors que des gens de partout en Amérique du Nord ont fait front commun en faveur d’un avenir énergétique fondé sur les énergies propres et durables », a résumé Keith Stewart, chef de campagne Climat Énergie chez Greenpreace Canada et qui compte parmi les militants arrêtés. « Le mouvement contre l’industrie toxique des sables bitumineux va continuer de prendre de l’ampleur si le premier ministre Harper continue de se faire le porte-voix d’une industrie destructrice et qu’il continue d’ignorer ses responsabilités en matière de protection de l’environnement et de respect des communautés. » Des centaines de personnes venues d’un peu partout en Amérique du Nord se sont rassemblées ce matin sur la colline du Parlement afin de participer à un ralliement suivi d’une action massive de désobéissance civile. L’action d’aujourd’hui est demeurée pacifique tout au long de son déroulement.
Dangers of Fracking The Expert's Report that Damns the Northern Gateway Pipeline Veteran energy analyst David Hughes calculates three reasons the project is bad for Canada. Enbridge pipeline construction in the Athabasca region. Source: Enbridge. A slide presentation by geologist David Hughes includes charts showing the wide discrepancy between commonly accepted growth scenarios for the Alberta oil sands, and significantly higher projections put forth by Enbridge and other proponents of fast build-out of oil sands infrastructure. The Northern Gateway Pipeline will explosively increase the scale of oil sands production at a level not in the national interest, says David Hughes, one of Canada's foremost energy analysts. By tripling oil sands production rates above 2010 levels, the project will "compromise the long term energy security interests of Canadians, as well as their environmental interests," charges Hughes. He also singles out a glaring public policy omission: Canada does not have a credible energy plan. Author's 32 years with Natural Resources Canada
Le blog de nongazdeschisteinfos Environmental activists reeling as Keystone pipeline gains momentum - The Hill's E2-Wire Green groups are reeling after the release of a draft State Department report that seemed to put the Keystone XL oil pipeline on track for approval. Opponents of Keystone are furious at State’s environmental assessment of the project, which brushed aside of one of their central arguments against it: namely, that it would exacerbate clime change by expanding the use of oil sands. “The State Department’s conclusions are so off-base that they’re borderline absurd,” Daniel Kessler, a spokesman with climate group, told The Hill.Environmental groups vowed they would continue to pressure President Obama to kill the pipeline, but acknowledged the blow that Friday’s report delivered to their cause. The State Department’s report found that the Canada-to-Texas pipeline would have little effect on accelerating oil sands production and climate change. The assessment is not final, but could indicate the arguments in favor of the pipeline are winning the day within the administration.