About Slipp
has evolved into If you're not ready for Slipp you can still CREATE A GLOSSI. Dear Glossinauts,
The iPhone and iPad app for creating stories
Spin the wheel and land on an image. Now it's your turn to make up part of a story with that image. You'll have 30 seconds to record your voice as you add to the story. As you progress, the previous images are displayed on the side so you can keep track of the storyline. Your voice is played back with the images you spun. Each page of the story lists the speaker and shows the animated image that was spun.
If you're not careful in how you approach your employer, you risk humiliating yourself, pointing out your flaws and even throwing co-workers under the bus unintentionally. The good news is you got the job. But the bad news is you're worried you might be settling for a position that isn't the right fit for you.
Everything to write, design, publish, sell & distribute your ebook: Streetlib
Streetlib is a full 360° one-stop shop for small independent publishers who want to write, design, publish, distribute and sell their book/ebook. The service is made up of different modules each one dedicated to provide a solution for a specific need. Specifically: 1) Write - to write, edit, format your book - ebook without needing to install anything
China–France relations
China–France relations, also known as Sino-French relations or Franco-Chinese relations, refers to the interstate relations between China and France (Kingdom or later). Note that the meaning of both "China" and "France" as entities has changed throughout history; this article will discuss what was commonly considered 'France' and 'China' at the time of the relationships in question. There have been many political, cultural and economic relationships between the two countries. History[edit] 17th and 18th centuries[edit]
Free Digital Magazine Software
Lucidpress lets you design a magazine that will turn heads, whether it’s in digital or print format. Your magazine will look great on a computer screen or tablet, and everything you make in Lucidpress can be shared through social media with the click of a button. More Features
50 Free Animation Tools And Resources For Digital Learners
50 Animation Tools & Resources For Digital Learners by Lisa Chesser, opencolleges.edu.au A purple monster with wild curls spiraling out of control explains the economics of oil production in the Sudan to students in Los Angeles, Sydney, Berlin, Jerusalem, and Riyadh. That is education and animation working together to teach students everywhere, everything they ever wanted to know. Educators need only utilize the tools available, most of them for free.
How to write your academic CV (and how not to)
When writing your academic CV, as with any kind of writing, it’s not just the information you put in. How you present that information can make the difference between getting a job you love or finding yourself stuck in a job you hate. In other words, it can alter the course of your whole life. 1: Individual CVs for individual jobs The absolute number 1 golden rule is that you shouldn’t just write one CV, but should tailor it to each individual job you apply for. If you’re applying for academic jobs, the CV you send will be different to the one you send to work in a bank or bakery, but you should also tweak every CV you send to the specific job you apply for.
eBook DRM: Providing Protection or Preventing Profits?
Have you ever purchased an e-book, but could only use it on a single device or app? That’s because digital rights management (DRM) is preventing you from moving it to other devices. By definition, DRM is any technology that sellers build into an electronic product or service to limit the range of the file’s uses after purchase.
Immaterials: light painting WiFi
“The complex technologies the networked city relies upon to produce its effects remain distressingly opaque, even to those exposed to them on a daily basis.” – Adam Greenfield (2009) Immaterials: light painting WiFi film by Timo Arnall, Jørn Knutsen and Einar Sneve Martinussen. This project explores the invisible terrain of WiFi networks in urban spaces by light painting signal strength in long-exposure photographs.