Three Ways to Engage Students In and Outside the Classroom When students become directly engaged in the learning process, they take ownership of their education. The following learning activities have helped me to engage students in and outside the classroom. The strategies also help keep my teaching relevant, fresh, and creative. Get real Silence filled the classroom when the grimacing woman wearing layers of torn sweatshirts and mismatched work boots kicked an empty desk by the door. She fished out a wrinkled paper from her jean’s front pocket and waved it high in the air. For the past several years, I have invited professional social workers to role-play clients that my students may one day encounter in their careers as social workers. These realistic role-plays are primarily designed to be problem-solving exercises. See a show That’s right; I take my social work students to art shows and museum exhibits on campus. A recent art show featured works by an artist who painted young adults experiencing such issues as isolation or abandonment.
Comment enseigner le découragement en 5 minutes Je suis tombé sur une vidéo très intéressante qui tourne pas mal sur les réseaux sociaux ces derniers jours. On y voit Charisse Nixon, prof de psychologie à la Penn State Behrend (Pennsylvanie), proposer un exercice très simple à ses étudiants. Chacun d’eux reçoit une feuille sur laquelle figurent trois mots et doit trouver une anagramme pour chaque mot. Dès qu’ils ont trouvé la première anagramme, les élèves doivent lever la main. Très rapidement, la moitié de la classe trouve, lève la main, laissant l’autre moitié perplexe. La suite, je vous laisse la découvrir ici (la vidéo n'est pas très longue). Tout l’intérêt de cette petite expérience réside dans le fait que le troisième mot est le même pour tout le monde. « Repensez à ce qui c’est passé en vous, quand vous avez vu ceux à droite lever la main car ils avaient résolu l’exercice. - Je me suis senti stupide. - J’avais envie de partir. - Je me sentais encore plus confuse. - Frustrée… - J’ai perdu confiance en moi.
21 Ways to Use Photos in the Classroom From a wall of photos to celebrate your students to using photos as an organizational tool (for example, a photo of art supplies on the canisters where they’re stored), photos can be incredible classroom tools. Here are 21 ideas for using photos in the classroom, from the first day of school to the last. Picture-Perfect Introductions At the beginning of the year, take photos of your new students holding a sign that tells you something about them. For example, have them complete the sentence: When I grow up I want to be… or, All you need to know about me is that I am…. Post these photos around your classroom, or use them as writing prompts for personal essays. The Selfie Project A great project for middle- or high-school students. High Flyers Have students write important goals on a balloon cutout. Photo Scavenger Hunt and Collage Here’s a fun photo project for young kids or older students. Nameplate Here’s one for the little guys! Create a Face Book (Seriously!) Document It!
5 Best Duplicate Contact Remover Apps to Delete Duplicate Contacts in iPhone Thanks to technology we do not need to remember anyone’s phone number anymore. But things can still get cumbersome when you have multiple copies of the same contact saved on your phone. More often than not, you have wrong, incomplete and duplicate contacts that apparently create a lot of fuss. Herein, we have listed the 5 best duplicate contact remover apps for iPhone. An ideal duplicate contacts remover is the one that has a clean interface, should be light as feather on system resources and allows you to create a backup of your default contacts book, so that in case anything happens you can restore your contacts easily. 1. This amazing tool gives forth truly by what you would presume from its name. What’s better? See Also:- 2. Cleaner Pro is another high rated duplicate contact remover app. Download this smart duplicate contact remover to quickly scan your address book for a duplicate-free phone book. 3. Smart Merge Pro is another contacts filter app by YT Development Ltd. 4. 5.
Comment apprendre efficacement ? – ImProfPsy : Improvisation, Pédagogie, Psychologie Le cerveau droit et le cerveau gauche, les styles d’apprentissage, la mémoire photographique…que de mythes sur l’apprentissage que nous entendons régulièrement chez les étudiants, et malheureusement chez certains enseignants. Le récent succès médiatique de Céline Alvarez, qui cherche dans les neurosciences et la psychologie des guides pour mieux apprendre montre un certain intérêt pour le sujet. Mais cet intérêt n’est pas franco-français, et certaines chercheuses et enseignants américaines ont développé un site qui explique aux principaux acteurs (enseignants, parents, apprenants de tous âges) comment apprendre efficacement. L’équipe de Learning Scientists a un formidable blog en anglais, et a récemment sorti 6 posters, à diffuser largement dans toutes les écoles, tous les collèges, lycées et dans les universités de France et de Navarre. Seule contrainte, ne pas utiliser le matériel dans un but commercial. Pour télécharger tous les posters en un seul clic, c’est par ici.
5 Smart Ways To Use Digital Images In The Classroom 5 Smart Ways To Use Digital Images In The Classroom by Mike Acedo It is well known, that the 21st-century student is constantly bombarded with digital imagery. Whether it is from television, social media, advertisers, or smartphones, the relentless visual stimulation that students face has some declaring it as detrimental to student development. It is argued that with so much visual stimulation, it had become harder for students to keep their focus, hampering concentration, and hindering their ability to process information. Though this can be debated, it imperative that teachers take the necessary steps to combat these potential negative effects. It is important for students to be able to use images as a tool to advance their own knowledge and achievement. 5 Smart Ways To Use Digital Images In The Classroom Visual Biographies In many aspects of education, a student’s true potential shines through when the subject is personal to them. Photo Essays Visual Storytelling Photojournalism Conclusion
How to Recover Permanently Deleted Files in Windows 10 Quickly Wondering how to recover permanently deleted files in Windows 10? With three methods mentioned in this blog, you can undelete files. One of the simplest ways to restore deleted files including photos, audios, videos, Office documents, etc in Windows 10, is using Advanced Disk Recovery, a recovery tool for Windows, which can help you find deleted files in a few clicks. Best Methods to Recover Deleted Files Method 1- How to recover deleted files using software Method 2- How to undelete files Using Restore Previous Versions Method 3 – How to get lost files back using backup Method 4 – How to Retrieve lost files Using Command Prompt Method 5- How to restore data from Recycle Bin Windows 10 How Files Are Permanently Deleted From Your Windows 10? When you delete a file from your Windows OS, it lands in the Recycle Bin. Is It Possible To Recover Deleted Files In Your PC? Yes, it is possible to recover permanently deleted files on Windows 10. So, Don’t worry! To recover, follow these steps: Wherein,
Cerveau et pédagogie : des principes réellement soutenus par la science En seconde partie de sa présentation lors du symposium « La persévérance scolaire – Ce que la neuroscience peut nous enseigner », organisé par l’Association canadienne d’éducation (ACE) », le Dr Steve Masson a énoncé des principes neurologiques aux réelles retombées positives en éducation. Après avoir secoué les conceptions et défait les neuromythes en éducation (voir notre article précédent), Steve Masson a énuméré des principes pédagogiques en lien avec le fonctionnement du cerveau qui, pour leur part, sont effectivement soutenus par la science. Activer ses neurones de façon régulière Le premier se nomme « l’activation neuronale répétée ». « Lorsqu’on apprend, le cerveau change », résume le chercheur, en faisant référence à la plasticité du cerveau. En pédagogie, ceci se traduit par l’importance de ramener régulièrement des connaissances antérieures afin de faciliter leur récupération en mémoire. Étudier plus souvent, moins longtemps D’autres principes validés Et maintenant, on fait quoi?
Ohio Archaeology Month Virtual | Ohio History Connection Ohio is home to some of the most important archaeological sites in North America. From the human-made heights of giant ancient American Indian earthworks to the depths of Lake Erie where shipwrecks lie, Ohio archaeology has something for everyone. Celebrate Ohio’s archaeological wonders during Ohio Archaeology Month with the activities below! Live Content The Lost Crops of Eastern North America: Persistent Questions and New Evidence Dr. Ask the Archaeologist: Grade Levels 1-4 Wednesday, October 14, 2020 1:00-1:30 pm Why We Still Don't Know (For Sure) Who Built Serpent Mound Brad Lepper, Curator of Archaeology at Ohio History Connection Wednesday, October 21, 2020 7:00 pm Facebook Live Tour of Following in Ancient Footsteps with Brad Lepper Monday, October 19, 2020 1:30-2:15 p.m. Ask the Archaeologist: Grade Levels 4-9 Monday, October 26 3:00-3:30 pm Videos Blogs Read about current archaeological activities, updates and discussions from the staff of the Ohio History Connection. Timeline Activities
12 Best Data/File Recovery Software for Windows 10, 8, 7 (2019) Losing your valuable files can be your worst nightmare coming true. There can be various situations wherein you lose your data, it could be due to system failure, corrupted hardware, and files you deleted accidentally. If you have created a backup for your files, then you needn’t worry, but what if you have no backup? Tried all other measures but in vain? It will help you retrieve your files. Note: If you have lost your file, it is advised not to perform the copy, move and cut operations on the drive, as the deleted data could be overwritten and therefore becomes hard to recover. There are a lot of recovery software for PC available in the market. 1. Want to get back your permanently deleted files from your hard drive or removable drive, then your search is over. With a simple interface, it makes easy for the distressful user to get its files back.Be it small txt file or a video, photo or any other document, the tool can recover it all. 2. 3. 4. Lost files or deleted them accidentally?
Cartes mentales - physiquebeyaert La carte mentale est un outil formidable pour prendre des notes et mémoriser de façon ludique et efficace. Vous pouvez donc utiliser cette méthode pour prendre en notes le contenu des capsules. À l’origine, une carte heuristique est un dessin sur papier permettant d’organiser sa pensée afin d’en avoir à la fois une vue détaillée et une vue d’ensemble. Comme vous le voyez sur la carte ci-contre, au centre de la carte heuristique se trouve le thème de celle-ci. Ce concept a été formalisé par le psychologue anglais Tony Buzan en 1974. Pourquoi est-ce efficace ? Notre cerveau est divisé en deux parties : l’hémisphère gauche et l’hémisphère droit. L’étude du fonctionnement de notre cerveau à permis de comprendre qu’à chaque zone du cerveau correspond une fonction (voir ci-contre) Nous avons pris l’habitude d’utiliser de manière prédominante l’hémisphère gauche. Reportage sur l'utilisation des cartes mentales en classe : Dans les gratuits, voici mes préférés, avec quelques informations : Question What is multiperspectivity in history? Answer Exploring multiple perspectives (which is known as "multiperspectivity" in parts of Europe) requires incorporating source materials that reflect different views of a historical event. . . . many groups—women, the poor, ethnic minorities, etc. Another reason is disciplinary. Here's an instance of using multiple perspectives: When studying the voyages of discovery, students would not only learn about explorers like Columbus, but about the peoples who had been "discovered." In the case of Reconstruction. . . . . . instead of giving students a list of facts and dates to memorize, I would ask them to conceive of what's happening as a three-sided conflict over the meaning of freedom. Consequently, for Wiener, "students end up learning not just about what happened during Reconstruction, but about how history itself gets reconstructed." If not yet universal, this approach is widely accepted. So what can a classroom teacher do?
How to Recover Permanently Deleted Files in Windows 7, 8, 10 PC At some point of time, you must have permanently deleted a file (photo, audio, video, document etc) from your computer considering it irrelevant to you. Yet, you came across a situation when you needed that file (and no other substitute of it). And yet, you can’t recover it from your Recycle Bin. Having said that, it doesn’t really mean that you can’t recover the file at all. There are various ways to find or recover deleted files on your Windows system. We have covered several ways that are absolute rescuer to recover permanently deleted files on Windows. Do files on your system ever get permanently deleted? You happen to delete a file for various reasons such as, when you want to recover memory space on your hard drive or the file seems irrelevant to you or alike. Find and Recover Permanently Deleted Files in Windows 7, 8, 10 Using a Software Get Advanced Disk Recovery to quickly recover deleted files on your computer Watch this video to learn how Advanced Disk Recovery works-
SmallWorld: 100 Not-Boring Writing Prompts for Middle- and High Schoolers 1. Attach an image (photo, magazine, etc.) to a notebook page and write about it. 2. What things will people in the future say about how we live now? (Examples: They ate that? They believed that?) 3. List 1 List 2 Vampire porcupine Ninja armadillo Zombie pig Pirate goat Mummy lobster Clown possum Banshee shark Wraith moray eel 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. S: sensitive, stubborn, smiling. A: artistic, argumentative, agoraphobic M: melodramatic, moody, magical 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. **HURRAH! For more creative writing ideas, check out my free WordSmithery creative writing lessons and my popular Ultimate Guide to Creative Writing Resources!